- build an array, first item will be the first paramter of the function
- use
Function.call(null, [paramtersArray])
function existy(x) { return x != null}
function cat() {
var head = _.first(arguments);
if (existy(head)) {
return [].concat.apply(head, _.rest(arguments));
} else {
return [];
function construct(head, tail) {
return cat([head], _.toArray(tail));
function project(table, keys) {
return _.map(table, function(obj) {
// construct(obj, keys): build paramter array
// equal to: _.pick(obj, keys);
return _.pick.apply(null, construct(obj, keys));
var lib = [{title:'SICP', isbn:'1', ed:1},
{title:'SICP', isbn:'2', ed:2}];
var result = project(lib, ['title', 'isbn']);
console.log('result:', result)
console.log(_.pick({title:'SICP', isbn:'1', ed:1}, 'title'))