description | page_type |
Ibexa DXP is composed of bundles containing different parts of the application. |
reference |
A bundle in Symfony (and [[= product_name =]]) is a separate part of your application that implements a feature. You can create bundles yourself or make use of available open-source bundles. You can also reuse the bundles you create in other projects or share them with the community.
Many [[= product_name =]] functionalities are provided through separate bundles included in the installation.
You can see the bundles that are automatically installed with [[= product_name =]] in the respective composer.json
For example, for [[= product_name_headless =]], see the JSON file on GitHub.
!!! caution "Deprecated legacy Commerce bundles"
As of [[= product_name =]] v4.4 all `ibexa/commerce` packages are deprecated.
They're gradually replaced by their revamped counterparts and removed completely from the product in version v5.0.
All bundles containing built-in [[= product_name =]] functionalities are installed automatically. Additionally, you can install community-developed bundles from [[= product_name =]] Packages.
To learn how to create your own bundles, see [Symfony documentation on bundles]([[= symfony_doc =]]/bundles.html).
When you use an external bundle, you can override its parts, such as templates or controllers. To do so, make use of [Symfony's bundle override mechanism]([[= symfony_doc =]]/bundles/override.html). When overriding files, the path inside your application has to correspond to the path inside the bundle.
To remove a bundle (either one you created yourself, or an out-of-the-box one that you don't need), see the [How to Remove a Bundle]([[= symfony_doc =]]/bundles/remove.html) instruction in Symfony doc.
!!! tip
Ibexa Open Source is composed of the core packages.
Bundle | Description |
ibexa/admin-ui | Back office interface |
ibexa/admin-ui-assets | Assets for the back office |
ibexa/content-forms | Form-based integration for the Symfony Forms into content and user objects in kernel |
ibexa/core | Core of the [[= product_name =]] application |
ibexa/core-persistence | Core system persistence |
ibexa/cron | Cron package for use with the ibexa:cron:run command |
ibexa/design-engine | Design fallback system |
ibexa/doctrine-schema | Basic abstraction layer for cross-DBMS schema import |
ibexa/fieldtype-matrix | Matrix field type |
ibexa/fieldtype-query | Query field type |
ibexa/fieldtype-richtext | field type for supporting rich-formatted text stored in a structured XML format |
ibexa/graphql | GraphQL server for [[= product_name =]] |
ibexa/http-cache | HTTP cache handling, using multi tagging |
ibexa/i18n | Centralized translations to ease synchronization with Crowdin |
ibexa/post-install | Post installation tool |
ibexa/rest | REST API |
ibexa/search | Common search functionalities |
ibexa/solr | Solr-powered search handler |
ibexa/standard-design | Standard design and theme to be handled by design-engine |
ibexa/system-info | Information about the system [[= product_name =]] is running on |
ibexa/user | User management |
Bundle | Description |
ibexa/oss | Core packages |
ibexa/content-tree | content tree functionality |
ibexa/connect | [[= product_name_connect =]] |
ibexa/calendar | Calendar tab with a calendar widget |
ibexa/connector-dam | Connector for DAM (Digital Asset Management) systems |
ibexa/elasticsearch | Integration with Elasticsearch search engine |
ibexa/fastly | Fastly support for http-cache , for use on or standalone |
ibexa/icons | Icon set for the back office |
ibexa/image-editor | Image Editor |
ibexa/installer | Provides the ibexa:install command |
ibexa/measurement | Measurement field type and measurement product catalog attribute |
ibexa/migrations | Migration of repository data |
ibexa/oauth2-client | Authenticate user through a third-party OAuth 2 server, integration with knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle |
ibexa/oauth2-server | Allow resource access to OAuth 2 client |
ibexa/personalization | Functionality for personalized recommendations |
ibexa/product-catalog | Product catalog functionality |
ibexa/scheduler | Date-based publishing functionality |
ibexa/seo | Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool |
ibexa/taxonomy | Taxonomy functionality |
ibexa/tree-builder | Tree builder functionality |
ibexa/version-comparison | Enables comparing between two versions of the same field |
ibexa/workflow | Collaboration feature that enables you to send content draft to any user for a review or rewriting |
ibexa/recommendation-client | Client for connecting with the personalization engine deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-base-design | Standard design and theme for the shop deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-checkout | Shop checkout functionality deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-fieldtypes | Shop-specific field types deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-price-engine | Engine for handling prices deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-shop-ui | UI for the shop front page deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-shop | Main shop functionalities deprecated |
Bundle | Description |
ibexa/headless | Metapackage for Symfony Flex-based [[= product_name =]] Headless installation |
ibexa/corporate-account | Customer portal and corporate accounts |
ibexa/fieldtype-address | Address handling field type |
ibexa/form-builder | Enables creating Form content items with multiple form fields |
ibexa/page-builder | Page editor |
ibexa/fieldtype-page | Page handling field type |
ibexa/permissions | Additional permission functionalities |
ibexa/segmentation | Segment functionality for profiling the content displayed to specific users |
ibexa/site-factory | Enables configuration of sites from UI |
ibexa/connector-seenthis | Enables displaying video with exceeded standard video restrictions |
ibexa/connector-qualifio | Enables integration with Qualifio Engage platform |
Bundle | Description |
ibexa/experience | Metapackage for Symfony Flex-based [[= product_name =]] Experience installation |
ibexa/cart | Main store functionalities |
ibexa/checkout | Store checkout functionality |
ibexa/storefront | A storefront starting kit |
ibexa/order-management | Order management |
ibexa/payment | Payment handling |
ibexa/shipping | Shipping handling |
ibexa/commerce-admin-ui | Shop-related back office functionalities deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-erp-admin | ERP connection for the shop deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-order-history | Order history functionality deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-page-builder | Shop-related Page blocks deprecated |
ibexa/commerce-transaction | Transactional shop functionalities deprecated |