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{: #ellipsoidal-metrics}
You can use ellipsoidal metrics to calculate the distance between points.
Examples of metrics you can compute:
- Compute the radians between two points using
:>>> p1 = stc.point(47.1, -73.5) >>> p2 = stc.point(47.6, -72.9) >>> stc.eg_metric.azimuth(p1, p2) 0,6802979449118038
- Compute the distance between two points in the units of the underlying data (typically in meters):
>>> eg_metric.distance(p1, p2) 71730,66213673435
- Compute the landing point given a starting point, a heading (in radians), and the distance in the units of the underlying data (typically in meters):
>>> point = p1 >>> heading = eg_metric.azimuth(p1, p2) >>> distance = eg_metric.distance(p1, p2) >>> eg_metric.destination_point(p1, heading, distance) Point(47.60000000001233, -72.89999999998498)