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{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:faq: data-hd-content-type='faq'} {:support: data-reuse='support'}
{: #operations-faqs}
{: #time-4-cluster-2-start} {: faq}
When using the Spark software pack, a cluster takes about 7 to 9 minutes to be started and be ready to run applications. When using the Hadoop and Spark software pack, a cluster takes about 15 to 20 minutes to be started and be ready to run applications.
{: #how-access-cluster} {: faq}
There are several interfaces which you can use to access the cluster.
- Ambari console
- Cloud Foundry CLI
{: #get-data-on-cluster} {: faq}
The recommended way to read data to a cluster for processing is from {{}}. Upload your data to {{}} (COS) and use COS, Hadoop or Spark APIs to read the data. If your use-case requires data to be processed directly on the cluster, you can use one of the following ways to ingest the data:
- Spark
- Spark-streaming
- Sqoop
{: #how-2-configure-cluster} {: faq} {: support}
You can configure a cluster by using customization scripts or by directly modifying configuration parameters in the Ambari console. Customization scripts are a convenient way to define different sets of configurations through a script, to spin up different types of clusters, or to use the same configuration repeatedly for repetitive jobs. See Customizing a cluster.
Can I stop or shutdown my {{}} clusters to be charged on a per-use basis?
{: #charge-per-use} {: faq} {: support}
You are charged as long as the cluster is active and not on a per-use basis. For this reason, you should delete the instance after your job has completed and create a new instance before you start another job. To enable creating and deleting clusters as you need them however, means you must separate compute from storage. See Best practices.
{: #scale-down-nodes} {: faq} {: support}
No, you can't reduce the number of nodes in existing clusters; you can only add more nodes to those clusters. If you want to scale down, you must delete those clusters and create new ones with the correct number of nodes.
{: #root-access} {: faq}
No, users do not have sudo or root access to install privileges because {{}} is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering.
{: #istall-hadoop-stack} {: faq}
No, you cannot add components that are not supported by {{}} because {{}} is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. For example, you are not permitted to install a new Ambari Hadoop stack component through Ambari or otherwise. However, you can install non-server Hadoop ecosystem components, in other words, anything that can be installed and run in your user space is allowed.
{: #third-party-packages} {: faq}
You can only install packages that are available in the CentOS repositories by using the packageadmin
tool that comes with {{}}. You do not require sudo or root privileges to install or run any packages from the CentOS repositories.
You should perform all cluster customization by using customization scripts at the time the cluster is started to ensure repeatability and consistency when creating further new clusters.
{: #monitor-cluster} {: faq}
Can I configure alerts? Ambari components can be monitored by using the built-in Ambari metrics alerts.
{: #scale-cluster} {: faq}
You can scale a cluster by adding nodes to it. Nodes can be added through the {{}} UI or by using the CLI tool.
{: #scale-while-jobs-run} {: faq}
Yes, you can add new nodes to your cluster while jobs are still running. As soon as the new nodes are ready, they will be used to execute further steps of the running job.
{: #adjust-resource-allocation-interactive-app} {: faq}
If you need to run large Spark interactive jobs, you can adjust the kernel settings to tune resource allocation, for example, if your Spark container is too small for your input work load. To get the maximum performance from your cluster for a Spark job, see Kernel settings.
Does the {{}} operations team monitor and manage all service instances?
{: #dev-ops} {: faq} {: support}
Yes, the {{}} operations team ensures that all services are running so that you can spin up clusters, submit jobs and manage cluster lifecycles through the interfaces provided. You can monitor and manage your clusters by using the tools available in Ambari or additional services provided by {{}}.
{: #job-log-files} {: faq} {: support}
For most components, the log files can be retrieved by using the Ambari GUI. Navigate to the respective component, click Quick Links and select the respective component GUI. An alternative method is to SSH to the node where the component is running and access the /var/log/<component>
{: #debug-hive-query} {: faq}
To debug a Hive query on {{}}:
- Open the Ambari console, and then on the dashboard, click Hive > Configs > Advanced.
- Select Advanced > hive-log4j and change
. - Run the Hive query.
- SSH to the {{}} cluster. The Hive logs are located in
{: #more-faqs-operations}