An example Android application that uses to expose a device sync android database allowing the device to become a target destination for replication.
Setup instructions
- Make sure the p2p library is available
$ cd ..
$ ./gradlew build install
$ cd sync-android-p2p-example
- Build and install this example application
$ ./gradlew build assembleRelease
$ adb uninstall com.example.snowch.myapplication
$ adb install app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
$ adb shell am start -n com.example.snowch.myapplication/com.example.snowch.myapplication.MainActivity
- Ensure the restlet server is listening
$ adb shell netstat -nalt | grep 8182
tcp6 0 0 :::8182 :::* LISTEN
- Run netcfg to get the wlan0 IP address on the device:
$ adb shell netcfg | grep wlan0
wlan0 UP 0x00001043 60:a4:4c:90:20:93
- Ensure the device http listener is accepting connections:
$ curl