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65 lines (57 loc) · 3.99 KB


One Rep Max and Charts Demo App

Given a set of historical workout data, this app shows a list of workouts and presents a plot of their historical data on a separate screen. The plot processes the data into 1RM (One Rep Max) per each date in the set.

GitHub project: OneRepMax

Build tools & versions used

To build this demo, only Xcode is required. This demo includes three of my own Swift Package Manager (SPM) dependencies:

Steps to run the app

  1. For peace of mind, Clean All Issues, Clean Build Folder..., and Update to Latest Package Versions.
  2. Build and run the app.
  3. The main screen includes three ways to update the displayed data:
    • Clear: Clears all the data in the database.
    • GDrive: Provides an option to download a csv file from Google Drive by providing the file ID.
      • GDrive also includes a default Google File ID in case you don't have one.
    • Open: Offers an option to open a local file, either in the cloud or the device's download folder.
    • If an error occurs during the database update, an Alert View will present the error.
  4. At the bottom of the main screen, there is a toolbar with options to filter, sort, and search workouts by exercise name and/or favorites.
  5. In the center of the main screen, you can see the exercise cells. Each cell shows the exercise name, its 1 Rep Max, and a star icon to mark it as a favorite.
    • Each cell is clickable and presents the same info along with the historical data for that specific workout on a new screen.
  6. The workout historical screen also offers an option to adjust the Y-axis domain to better visualize the One Rep Max on the graph.

Focus areas on this app

  • Stability, maintenance, and performance.
  • Architecture MVVM with one source of truth, a SwiftData Data Base.
  • Preview of all the SwiftUI View in use.
  • Present a screen that shows the One Rep Max historical values over time.
  • Present a screen with the list of workouts in the database, plus an option to show the historical data screen.
  • Offer several ways to filter the list of workouts.
  • Offer several ways to upload new CSV files.
    • File processing happens in the background to avoid UI freezing for large files.
  • Clean code with small modules: ViewModel, View, and Model.
    • Model includes DataModel, Extensions, and Network modules.
  • Use URLSessionManager with caching to avoid downloading the same file twice, implemented via my SPM NetworkKit.
  • Use SwiftData to store objects obtained from the CSV file downloaded from Google Drive or uploaded.
  • Implement a clean way to load the ModelContainer without risking app unresponsiveness in case of failure. Check OneRepMaxApp.body.WindowGroup.Group.task.
  • Support portrait and landscape orientations.
  • Support Dark Mode.

Future improvements and features

  • Add a hover feature on the One Rep Max historical screen.
  • Add an option to reduce the X-axis domain.
  • Add an option to zoom and pan the graph when the X-axis domain is smaller than the data range.
  • Add options to add/update data; currently, it only replaces existing data.
  • Polish UI colors in Dark Mode.
  • Add test cases for network calls, CSV file processing, and other extensions in this demo.

Weakest parts of this app

  • Lacks test cases

Third-party code/libraries

All mine are mentioned already in the Build tools & versions used section. Here they are again: