Javascript client library of the iden3 system.
npm install --save @iden3/iden3
// import iden3js
const iden3 = require('@iden3/iden3');
// Simulate local storage locally if no browser is used
// if (typeof localStorage === 'undefined' || localStorage === null) {
// const LocalStorage = require('node-localstorage').LocalStorage;
// localStorage = new LocalStorage('./tmp');
// }
// It should be noted that if no babel is installed on `package.json` dependencies,
// next dependencies should be add to `dependecies` section on `package.json`:
// "babel-plugin-transform-class-properties": "^6.24.1",
// "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.23.0",
// new database
const db = new iden3.Db();
// new key container using localStorage
const keyContainer = new iden3.KeyContainer('localStorage', db);
// unlock the KeyContainer for the next 30 seconds
let passphrase = 'pass';
// generate master seed
const mnemonic = 'enjoy alter satoshi squirrel special spend crop link race rally two eye';
// Generate keys for first identity
const keys = keyContainer.createKeys();
keys: [
// It should be noted that 'keys' are in form of ethereum addresses except
// key[1] that is a pubic key in its compressed form
let keyAddressOp = keys[0];
let keyPublicOp = keys[1];
let keyRecover = keys[2];
let keyRevoke = keys[3];
// For more info and details about mnemonic, see section Usage > KeyContainer
// create a new relay object
const relayAddr = '0xe0fbce58cfaa72812103f003adce3f284fe5fc7c';
const relayUrl = '';
const relay = new iden3.Relay(relayUrl);
// create a new id object
let id = new iden3.Id(keyPublicOp, keyRecover, keyRevoke, relay, relayAddr, '', undefined, 0);
// generates the counterfactoual contract through the relay, get the identity address as response
let proofKsign = {};
console.log('Create Identity');
.then((createIdRes) => {
// Successfull create identity api call to relay
console.log(createIdRes.idAddr); // Identity counterfactoual address
proofKsign = createIdRes.proofClaim;
console.log(proofKsign); // Proof of claim regarding authorization of key public operational
console.log('Create and authorize new key for address');
// generate new key from identity and issue a claim to relay in order to authorize new key
const keyLabel = 'testKey';
const newKey = id.createKey(keyContainer, keyLabel, true);
id.authorizeKSignSecp256k1(keyContainer, id.keyOperationalPub, newKey)
.then((authRes) => {
proofKSign =;
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Bind label to an identity');
// bind the identity address to a label. It send required data to name-resolver service and name-resolver issue a claim 'assignName' binding identity address with label
const name = 'testName';
id.bindID(keyContainer, name)
.then( (bindRes) => {
// request idenity address to name-resolver ( currently name-resolver service is inside relay) from a given label
.then((resolveRes) => {
const idAddr =;
console.log(`${name} associated with addres: ` + idAddr);
.catch((error) => {
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Deploy identity smart contract');
// creates identity smart contract on the ethereum blockchain testnet
.then((deployIdRes) => {
// Successfull deploy identity api call to relay
.catch(() => {
// If identity is already deployed, throws an error
console.log('Identity already deployed');
.catch((error) => {
Example can be found in iden3-basic-usage.example.js
In the next links, one can be found an example of iden3
implementation as well as the login protocol explained in detail
const iden3 = require('iden3');
- new KeyContainer using localStorage
// new key container
// new database
const db = new iden3.Db();
let keyContainer = new iden3.KeyContainer('localStorage');
- usage:
// unlock the KeyContainer for the next 30 seconds
let passphrase = 'pass';
// generate master seed
const mnemonic = 'enjoy alter satoshi squirrel special spend crop link race rally two eye';
// Also, master seed can be generated randomly if no mnemonic is specified
// keyContainer.setMasterSeed();
// functions above stores seed mnemonic into local storage
// it can be retrieved through:
const mnemonicDb = keyContainer.getMasterSeed();
// Generate keys for first identity
const keys = keyContainer.createKeys();
keys: [
// Each time 'keyContainer.createKeys()' is called, a new set of keys for an identity is created
// Retrieve key seed and its current derivation path
const { keySeed, pathKey } = keyContainer.getKeySeed();
// It should be noted that 'keys' are in form of ethereum addresses except
// key[1] that is a pubic key in its compressed form
const keyAddressOp = keys[0];
const keyPublicOp = keys[1];
const keyRecover = keys[2];
const keyRevoke = keys[3];
const db = new iden3.Db();
const keyContainer = new iden3.KeyContainer('localStorage', db);
const passphrase = 'pass';
// new relay
const relay = new iden3.Relay('');
const relayAddr = '0xe0fbce58cfaa72812103f003adce3f284fe5fc7c';
const relay = new iden3.Relay(relayUrl);
// create identity object with a set of keys
const keyPath = 0;
const id = new iden3.Id(keyPublicOp, keyRecover, keyRevoke, relay, relayAddr, '', undefined, keyPath);
Creates the counterfactual contract through the Relay
, and gets the identity address
When an identity is created, all its keys are automatically stored
id.createID().then(res => {
// Return : - idAddr: Address identity identifier
// - proofOfClam: Structure of the claim emitted by the relay authorizing its key public operational
idAddr = 0x7b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22;
proofClaim = {
date: 1549531663,
proofs: [{
aux: {
era: 0,
idAddr: '0x7b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22',
version: 0
mtp0: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
mtp1: '030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000028f8267fb21e8ce0cdd9888a6e532764eb8d52dd6c1e354157c78b7ea281ce801541a6b5aa9bf7d9be3d5cb0bcc7cacbca26242016a0feebfc19c90f2224baed',
root: '1d9d41171c4b621ff279e2acb84d8ab45612fef53e37225bdf67e8ad761c3922',
} , {
aux: null
mtp0: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
mtp1: '0300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000182adc955c46e6629ac74027ded0c843c7c65e8c3c4f12f77add56500f9f402e25451237d9133b0f5c1386b7b822f382cb14c5fff612a913956ef5436fb6208a',
root: '083dbb7700313075a2b8fe34b0188ff44784e3dc60987ed9277b59fad48f8199',
// Create new key for this identity and bind it to a label
const labelKey = 'test key'
const loginKey = id.createKey(keyContainer, labelKey);
// Return : New key created
loginKey = '0xaac4ed37a11e6a9170cb19a6e558913dc3efa6a7';
// Retrieve all keys that have been created for this identity
const keysIdentity = id.getKeys();
// Return : Object containing all the keys associated with the identity
test key:"0xaac4ed37a11e6a9170cb19a6e558913dc3efa6a7",
Deploys the counterfactual smart contract of identity to the blockchain.
id.deployID().then(res => {
// Return object: - idAddr: Address identity identifier
// - tx: transaction identifier of the deploying identity smart contract on the blockchain
Vinculates a label to an identity. It sends required data to name-resolver service and name-resolver issue a claim 'assignName' binding identity address with a label
const name = 'testName';
id.bindID(kc, name).then(bindRes => {
- Output:
// Return object: - claimAssigName: hexadecimal representation of claim data
// - idAddr: ethereum addres to bind to the label
// - name: label binded to the ethereum address
// - proofClaimAssignName: full proof of existance of the claim issued by the name-resolved
claimAssigName: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22008c8efcda9e563cf153563941b60fc5ac88336fc58d361eb0888686fadb99760000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003',
idAddr: '0x7b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22',
name: 'testName',
proofClaimAssignName: {
aux: null,
// generate new key from identity and add issue a claim to relay in order to authorize new key
const keyLabel = 'testKey';
const newKey = id.createKey(keyContainer, keyLabel, true);
// send claim to relay signed by operational key in order to authorize a second key 'newKey'
id.authorizeKSignSecp256k1(keyContainer, id.keyOperationalPub, loginKey)
.then((res) => {
- Output:
// Return object: - proofClaim: full proof of existence of the claim issued by the relay
proofClaim = {
date: 1549534168,
proofs: [{
aux: {
era: 0,
idAddr: '0x7b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22',
version: 1
mtp0: '00010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011d9d41171c4b621ff279e2acb84d8ab45612fef53e37225bdf67e8ad761c3922',
mtp1: '03010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011d9d41171c4b621ff279e2acb84d8ab45612fef53e37225bdf67e8ad761c39221c8bdcd862752abf2dd32d16c9c3acfa20ea93cecc64d169c4550ca3e9bca20b1541a6b5aa9bf7d9be3d5cb0bcc7cacbca26242016a0feebfc19c90f2224baed',
root: '21c6e1a81851f4017139ae8ddfbd5e894376fdd14c73cecf2a81939bae78595b',
} , {
aux: null
mtp0: '0007000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000041083dbb7700313075a2b8fe34b0188ff44784e3dc60987ed9277b59fad48f81990fef40cc16896de64be5a0f827799555344fd3d9aade9b65d95ecfbcac3e5a73',
Mtp1: '0301000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001081b6542453a651f2b0fea8b639a8823809f7fc032c051a644d1a8b559ba0322182adc955c46e6629ac74027ded0c843c7c65e8c3c4f12f77add56500f9f402e25451237d9133b0f5c1386b7b822f382cb14c5fff612a913956ef5436fb6208a',
root: '1560e7b6983491305c6522c4227b98fbf26753b6a7fcb97ffb0ef7d98b271e99',
- Generic claim representation:
- Claim Types:
- Basic
- Authorize Key to sign
- Set root key
- Assign name
- Authorize key to sign secp256k1
* Generic representation of claim elements
* Entry element structure is as follows: |element 0|element 1|element 2|element 3|
* Each element contains 253 useful bits enclosed on a 256 bits Buffer
let entry = new iden3.Claim.Entry();
- Entry Methods:
entry.hi(); // Hash index is calculated from: |element 1|element 0|
entry.hv(); // Hash value is calculated from: |element 3|element 2|
entry.toHexadecimal(); // Concats all the elements of the entry and parse it into an hexadecimal string
entry.fromHexadecimal(); // String deserialization into entry element structure
const versionExample = 1;
const indexExample = Buffer.alloc(50);
indexExample.fill(41, 0, 1);
indexExample.fill(42, 1, 49);
indexExample.fill(43, 49, 50);
const dataExample = Buffer.alloc(62);
dataExample.fill(86, 0, 1);
dataExample.fill(88, 1, 61);
dataExample.fill(89, 61, 62);
// new basic claim
const claimBasic = new iden3.Claim.Factory(iden3.constants.CLAIMS.BASIC.ID, {
version: versionExample, index: utils.bytesToHex(indexExample), extraData: utils.bytesToHex(dataExample),
* Basic entry representation is as follows:
* |element 3|: |empty|index[0]|version|claim type| - |1 byte|19 bytes|4 bytes|8 bytes|
* |element 2|: |empty|index[1]| - |1 bytes|31 bytes|
* |element 1|: |empty|data[0]| - |1 bytes|31 bytes|
* |element 0|: |empty|data[1]| - |1 bytes|31 bytes|
// methods of the Basic claim
claimBasic.createEntry(); // Code raw data claim object into an entry claim object
// parse Entry into Basic claim
let entry = new Entry();
entry.fromHexadecimal(leaf); // Leaf is an hexadecimal representation of an Entry
let claimBasicParsed = iden3.claim.claimUtils.newClaimFromEntry(entry);
const versionExample = 1;
const signExample = true;
const ayExample = '0x0505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050506';
// new authorize ksign claim
const claimAuthorizeKSign = new Claim.Factory(iden3.constants.CLAIMS.AUTHORIZE_KSIGN.ID, {
version: versionExample, sign: signExample, ay: ayExample,
* Authorized Ksign element representation is as follows:
* |element 3|: |empty|sign|version|claim type| - |19 bytes|1 bytes|4 bytes|8 bytes|
* |element 2|: |Ay| - |32 bytes|
* |element 1|: |empty| - |32 bytes|
* |element 0|: |empty| - |32 bytes|
// methods of the authorize Sign claim
claimAuthorizeKSign.createEntry(); // Code raw data claim object into an entry claim object
// parse Entry into authorize kSign claim
let entry = new Entry();
entry.fromHexadecimal(leaf); // Leaf is an hexadecimal representation of an Entry
let claimBasicParsed = iden3.claim.claimUtils.newClaimFromEntry(entry);
const versionExample = 1;
const eraExample = 1;
const idExample = '0x393939393939393939393939393939393939393A';
const rootKeyExample = '0x0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0c';
// new set root key ksign claim
const claimSetRootKey = new Claim.Factory(iden3.constants.CLAIMS.SET_ROOT_KEY.ID, {
version: versionExample, era: eraExample, id: idExample, rootKey: rootKeyExample,
* Set root key name entry representation is as follows:
* |element 3|: |empty|era|version|claim type| - |16 bytes|4 bytes|4 bytes|8 bytes|
* |element 2|: |empty|identity| - |12 bytes|20 bytes|
* |element 1|: |root key| - |32 bytes|
* |element 0|: |empty| - |32 bytes|
// methods of the set root key claim
claimSetRootKey.createEntry(); // Code raw data claim object into an entry claim object
// parse Entry into set root key claim
let entry = new Entry();
entry.fromHexadecimal(leaf); // Leaf is an hexadecimal representation of an Entry
let claimBasicParsed = iden3.claim.claimUtils.newClaimFromEntry(entry);
const versionExample = 1;
const nameExample = 'example.iden3.eth';
const idExample = '0x393939393939393939393939393939393939393A';
// new set root key ksign claim
const claimAssignName = new Claim.Factory(CONSTANTS.CLAIMS.ASSIGN_NAME.ID, {
version: versionExample, hashName: nameExample, id: idExample
* Assign name entry representation is as follows:
* |element 3|: |empty|version|claim type| - |20 bytes|4 bytes|8 bytes|
* |element 2|: |hash name| - |32 bytes|
* |element 1|: |empty|identity| - |12 bytes|20 bytes|
* |element 0|: |empty| - |32 bytes|
// methods of the set root key claim
claimAssignName.createEntry(); // Code raw data claim object into an entry claim object
// parse Entry into set root key claim
let entry = new Entry();
entry.fromHexadecimal(leaf); // Leaf is an hexadecimal representation of an Entry
let claimBasicParsed = iden3.claim.claimUtils.newClaimFromEntry(entry);
const versionExample = 1;
const pubKeyCompressedExample = '0x036d94c84a7096c572b83d44df576e1ffb3573123f62099f8d4fa19de806bd4d593A';
// new authorize kSign secp256k1 claim
const claimAuthKSignSecp256k1 = new Claim.Factory(CONSTANTS.CLAIMS.AUTHORIZE_KSIGN_SECP256K1.ID, {
version: versionExample, pubKeyCompressed: utils.bytesToHex(pubKeyCompressedExample),
* Authorized KsignSecp256k1 element representation is as follows:
* |element 3|: |empty|public key[0]|version|claim type| - |18 bytes|2 bytes|4 bytes|8 bytes|
* |element 2|: |empty|public key[1]| - |1 bytes|31 bytes|
* |element 1|: |empty| - |32 bytes|
* |element 0|: |empty| - |32 bytes|
// methods of the authorize ksign secp256k1
claimAuthKSignSecp256k1.createEntry(); // Code raw data claim object into an entry claim object
// parse Entry into set root key claim
let entry = new Entry();
entry.fromHexadecimal(leaf); // Leaf is an hexadecimal representation of an Entry
let claimBasicParsed = iden3.claim.claimUtils.newClaimFromEntry(entry);
This function checks the data structure of proofOfClaim
and returns true if all the proofs are correct.
Internally, it usees the iden3.sparseMerkleTree.checkProof()
function, for each one of the proofs that are contained inside proofClaim
data object.
Checks the full proof
of a claim
. This means check the:
Merkle Proof
of theclaim
Merkle Proof
of the non revocationclaim
Merkle Proof
of theclaim
that theRelay
have performed over theidentity
Merkle Root
(this kind of claim is theSetRootClaim
)Merkle Proof
of the non revocation of theSetRootClaim
let proofClaim = {
date: 1549534168,
proofs: [{
aux: {
era: 0,
idAddr: '0x7b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22',
version: 1
mtp0: '00010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011d9d41171c4b621ff279e2acb84d8ab45612fef53e37225bdf67e8ad761c3922',
mtp1: '03010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011d9d41171c4b621ff279e2acb84d8ab45612fef53e37225bdf67e8ad761c39221c8bdcd862752abf2dd32d16c9c3acfa20ea93cecc64d169c4550ca3e9bca20b1541a6b5aa9bf7d9be3d5cb0bcc7cacbca26242016a0feebfc19c90f2224baed',
root: '21c6e1a81851f4017139ae8ddfbd5e894376fdd14c73cecf2a81939bae78595b',
} , {
aux: null
mtp0: '0007000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000041083dbb7700313075a2b8fe34b0188ff44784e3dc60987ed9277b59fad48f81990fef40cc16896de64be5a0f827799555344fd3d9aade9b65d95ecfbcac3e5a73',
mtp1: '0301000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001081b6542453a651f2b0fea8b639a8823809f7fc032c051a644d1a8b559ba0322182adc955c46e6629ac74027ded0c843c7c65e8c3c4f12f77add56500f9f402e25451237d9133b0f5c1386b7b822f382cb14c5fff612a913956ef5436fb6208a',
root: '1560e7b6983491305c6522c4227b98fbf26753b6a7fcb97ffb0ef7d98b271e99',
let proofClaim = JSON.parse(proofClaim);
let verified = iden3.protocols.verifyProofClaimFull(proofClaim, relayAddr);
// verified === true
Three parameters as an inputs:
- db --> where to store key-value merkle tree nodes
- idaddr --> used as key prefix at the time to store key nodes
// New database
const db = new iden3.Db();
// Hardcoded id address for multi identity purposes
const idAddr = '0xq5soghj264eax651ghq1651485ccaxas98461251d5f1sdf6c51c5d1c6sd1c651';
// New merkle tree class instance
const mt = new iden3.sparseMerkleTree.SparseMerkleTree(db, idAddr);
Add a leaf into the sparse merkle tree. Note the leaf object structure containing 4 bigInt
// Add leaf
// Create data leaf structure
const leaf = [bigInt(12), bigInt(45), bigInt(78), bigInt(41)];
// Add leaf to the merkle tree
Look for a index leaf on the merkle tree ans retrieves its data
// Get leaf data by hash Index
// Retrieve data of the leaf
const leafData = mt.getClaimByHi(leaf.slice(2));
Generates an array with all the siblings needed in order to proof that a certain leaf is on a merkle tree.
// Get leafProof for a given leaf index
const leafProof = mt.generateProof(leaf.slice(2));
// Code `leafProof` into a hexadecimal string
const leafProofHex = iden3.utils.bytesToHex(leafProof);
Checks the Merkle Proof
of a Leaf
// CheckProof
// Proof-of-existencee
// Retrieve merkle tree root and code it into a string
const rootHex = iden3.utils.bytesToHex(mt.root);
// Code hash index into a hexadecimal string
// Compute total hash of the leaf and code it into an hexadecimal string
const hashes = iden3.sparseMerkleTree.getHiHv(leaf);
const hiHex = iden3.utils.bytesToHex(helpers.bigIntToBuffer(hashes[0]));
const hvHex = iden3.utils.bytesToHex(helpers.bigIntToBuffer(hashes[1]));
// Check if a leaf is on the merkle tree
const verified = iden3.sparseMerkleTree.checkProof(rootHex, leafProofHex, hiHex, hvHex);
Generates leafProof
of a leaf that is not on the merkle tree and check if it is on the merkle tree.
// CheckProof
// Proof-of-non-existence
// create leaf2 data structure
const leaf2 = [bigInt(1), bigInt(2), bigInt(3), bigInt(4)];
// Code hash index into a hexadecimal string
// Compute total hash of the leaf and code it into an hexadecimal string
const hashes2 = iden3.sparseMerkleTree.getHiHv(leaf2);
const hiHex2 = iden3.utils.bytesToHex(helpers.bigIntToBuffer(hashes2[0]));
const hvHex2 = iden3.utils.bytesToHex(helpers.bigIntToBuffer(hashes2[1]));
// Get leafProof for a given leaf index
const leafProof2 = mt.generateProof(leaf2.slice(2));
// Code `leafProof` into a hexadecimal string
const leafProofHex2 = iden3.utils.bytesToHex(leafProof2);
// Check if a leaf is on the merkle tree
const verified2 = iden3.sparseMerkleTree.checkProof(rootHex, leafProofHex2, hiHex2, hvHex2);
The complete example can be found in sparse-merkle-tree.example.js
// hash Buffer
let hash = iden3.utils.hashBytes(b);
let hex = iden3.utils.bytesToHex(buff); // returns a Hexadecimal representation of a Buffer
let buff = iden3.utils.hexToBytes(hex); // returns a Buffer from a Heximal representation string
// verify signature
let verified = iden3.utils.verifySignature(msgHashHex, signatureHex, addressHex);
// verified: true
Connectors to interact with the relay API REST.
// new relay
const relayAddr = '0xe0fbce58cfaa72812103f003adce3f284fe5fc7c';
const relay = new iden3.Relay('');
relay.getID(id.idAddr).then((res) => {
- Output:
// Return object: - IdAddr: Address identity identifier
// - LocalDb: contins necessary informatin to create counterfactoual
// - Onchain: information regarding smart contract deployed on the blockchain
IdAddr: '0x7b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22',
LocalDb: {
onchain: {
.then(res => {
- Output:
// Return object: - contractRoot: Address of the relay smart contract
// - root: Current root of the relay merkle tree
contractRoot: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
root: '0x1560e7b6983491305c6522c4227b98fbf26753b6a7fcb97ffb0ef7d98b271e99'
.then(res => {
- Output:
// Return object: - idRoot: Root of the identity merkle tree
// - proofIdRoot: Proof of SetRootClaim that relay merkle tree contains identity root merkle tree
// - root: Root of the relay merkle tree
idRoot: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
proofIdRoot: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
root: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
let leaf = new;
relay.getClaimByHi(id.idAddr, iden.utils.bytesToHex(leaf.hi()))
.then(res => {
// Return object: - proofOfClaim: Proof of claim for the claim asked
proofClaim = {
date: 1549534168,
proofs: [{
aux: {
era: 0,
idAddr: '0x7b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22',
version: 1
mtp0: '00010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011d9d41171c4b621ff279e2acb84d8ab45612fef53e37225bdf67e8ad761c3922',
mtp1: '03010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011d9d41171c4b621ff279e2acb84d8ab45612fef53e37225bdf67e8ad761c39221c8bdcd862752abf2dd32d16c9c3acfa20ea93cecc64d169c4550ca3e9bca20b1541a6b5aa9bf7d9be3d5cb0bcc7cacbca26242016a0feebfc19c90f2224baed',
root: '21c6e1a81851f4017139ae8ddfbd5e894376fdd14c73cecf2a81939bae78595b',
} , {
aux: null
mtp0: '0007000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000041083dbb7700313075a2b8fe34b0188ff44784e3dc60987ed9277b59fad48f81990fef40cc16896de64be5a0f827799555344fd3d9aade9b65d95ecfbcac3e5a73',
mtp1: '0301000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001081b6542453a651f2b0fea8b639a8823809f7fc032c051a644d1a8b559ba0322182adc955c46e6629ac74027ded0c843c7c65e8c3c4f12f77add56500f9f402e25451237d9133b0f5c1386b7b822f382cb14c5fff612a913956ef5436fb6208a',
root: '1560e7b6983491305c6522c4227b98fbf26753b6a7fcb97ffb0ef7d98b271e99',
.then(res => {
- Output:
// Return object: - claim: Hexadecimal representation of the assign name claim
// - idAddr: Ethereum address associated with the name asked
// - proofOfClaimAssignName: Proof of the claim requested
claim: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22008c8efcda9e563cf153563941b60fc5ac88336fc58d361eb0888686fadb99760000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003',
ethAddr: '0x7b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22'.
proofOfClaimAssignName: {
date: 1549539788,
leaf: '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b471a1bdbd3b8ac98f3715507449f3a8e1f3b22008c8efcda9e563cf153563941b60fc5ac88336fc58d361eb0888686fadb99760000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003',
aux: null,
mtp0: '0007000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000041083dbb7700313075a2b8fe34b0188ff44784e3dc60987ed9277b59fad48f8199200d11c36880f3f48060bc8f09855aeefc9bb1e1374556d02c3f059293df4abe',
mtp1: '0301000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001081b6542453a651f2b0fea8b639a8823809f7fc032c051a644d1a8b559ba0322182adc955c46e6629ac74027ded0c843c7c65e8c3c4f12f77add56500f9f402e25451237d9133b0f5c1386b7b822f382cb14c5fff612a913956ef5436fb6208a',
root: '1560e7b6983491305c6522c4227b98fbf26753b6a7fcb97ffb0ef7d98b271e99',
To run unitary test:
npm run test:unit
To run integration test, needs to have a running Relay node.
npm run test:int
To run all test, needs to have a running Relay node.
npm run test:all
To generate the browserify bundle:
npm run browserify
All code here is experimental and WIP
Version compatibility
iden3js | go-iden3 | |
tag | v0.0.21 | v0.0.2 |
iden3js is part of the iden3 project copyright 2018 0kims association and published with GPL-3 license, please check the LICENSE file for more details.