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Benjamin Saunders edited this page Oct 31, 2013 · 21 revisions

For Ubuntu that don't grok such magicks and just want step-by-step instructions of the dark ritual (for installing Idris 0.9.9), open a terminal and type:

sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:h-rayflood/llvm
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install llvm-3.3
sudo aptitude install libgc-dev

Then I believe a fresh raring install (assuming you've already managed to get the latest haskell platform) should be able to:

PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-3.3/bin:$PATH cabal install idris

without further complaint. (The PATH environment variable is necessary so that the correct version of llvm is found, so that the Cabal LLVM library compiles. Unfortunately, the default LLVM on Raring is still 3.2, so without this line it will fail.)

If you run out of memory while attempting to link Idris, try using, by doing:

sudo aptitude install binutils-gold
PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-3.3/bin:$PATH cabal install idris
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