Stateless, passwordless email authentication in nodejs. Optionally uses json web tokens for stateless persistence. Designed to provide maximum security with minimal configuration.
npm install stateless-email-auth
- check if a user's email is on an authorization list
- email that user an encrypted token in an email link
- user clicks the link, which puts the token in a get request
- website checks the token, if valid, issues a JWT and stores in a cookie
- redirects to defined authentication success page
const auth = require('stateless-email-auth');
users: [//array of authorized users for a static list, required unless checkUser is defined
{email:'', level: 'admin'},
{email:'', level: 'user'}
checkUser: database.findEmail, //optional user-defined function to check email validity
mailServer: '', //required
mailUser: '', //required
mailSender: '', //optional, defaults to mailUser
mailPassword: 'jenny8675309password', //required
tokenUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/auth', //required, full url to insert into email with generated token
successPage: "/success", //optional, path to redirect successful authentication, will return 200 on sucess otherwise
failPage: "/fail", // optional, path to redirect failed authentication, will return 403 otherwise
cryptoKey: "crypt00_key", //required, will throw an error if you leave default key,
mailServerPort: 587, //optional, defaults to 587
mailServerSecurity: false, //optional, defaults to false
mailSubject: "Email Verification", //optional
tokenExpiration: 5, //optional, token expiration time in minutes, defaults to 5
JWTexpiration: '14d', //optional
// will send an authentication email with an encrypted authorization token link if the email is valid
//sets JWT in cookie if valid
//checks JWT and sets req.user to the email and req.level to the user's auth level
// user will be the email to which token was issued
var user = auth.checkToken(token);
//second argument (auth level) is optional, defaults to 'user'
var jwt = auth.getJWT('', 'admin');
//returns email and authorization level stored in JWT
var userinfo = await auth.checkJWT(jwt);
//this is a sample to adapt to your database schema
// must return or resolve an authorization level of some sort if valid
// must return or resolve false if invalid
function checkEmail(email){
return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{
var user = await db.find({userEmail: email});