Just upgraded my Neovim settings with the help of djensenius/dotfiles. A new world is open with modern Neovim plugins and componentized configurations.
- Use lazy.nvim to manage plugins
- Use mason.nvim to manage LSP, linters and fixers
- Packages are installed at
- Binstubs are installed at
- Packages are installed at
- Use nvim-lspconfig to configure LSP. Check server configuration here
- Use null-ls.nvim to configure linters and fixers
- Use nvim-cmp to auto complete
- Use nvim-treesitter.lua to unblock better language support
- Use telescope.nvim as the command pallette to find, search and pick
- Use which-key to deal with key mappings
ln -svf ~/.dotfiles/nvim ~/.config/nvim
- Logs are stored at
is not being maintained. I've forked it to enableruff
import fix and format.