For a more in-depth guide, see [[Beginner's Guide To Git]].
• Stuff in ALL_CAPS needs to be filled in.
• Never work in your master branch, it should always be a copy of upstream/master
• Branch names are generally all-lowercase-with-dashes-between-words
• Commit messages should use present-tense imperative verbs. (Change, not Changed)
Download a repo from github to work on it locally (From parent folder)
You want to download *your* repo that you forked from the main project.
git clone
git clone
Add remote (You should add the main project as a remote)
git remote add REMOTE_NAME
git remote add upstream
Rename remote
Check remotes
git remote -v
Delete remote
git remote rm REMOTE_NAME
Create a new branch (will copy from your current branch)
git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME
Change current branch
git checkout BRANCH_NAME
Check branches
git branch -v
Delete remote branch
Delete local branch
git branch -d BRANCH_NAME
Check the status of the current branch.
Files modified/added/removed will be in red, files in the staging area in green
git status
Add a modified/added/removed file to the staging area
git add FILE_NAME.txt
git add *.txt
Add ALL modified/added/removed to the staging area (Capital A required)
git add -A
Commit with a descriptive message saying what you did
git commit -m "COMMIT_MESSAGE"
Push branch to github
git push remotename branchname
Pull branch from github
git pull remotename branchname
Check differences in pull conflicts
git diff HEAD
Fetch branches from upstream (do this before rebasing)
git fetch upstream
Switch to master branch
git checkout master
Rebase changes from upstream to local copy
git rebase upstream/master
Switch to working branch
git checkout BRANCH_NAME
Rebase local working branch from local master branch
git rebase master