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Salesforce Faker

Salesforce Faker is a native Salesforce library that generates fake data for you.

Faker is inspired by PHP's Faker.
FakerFactory is inspired by Laravel Model Factory.

Table of Contents


Deploy to Salesforce

Basic Usage

Use new Faker('US') to create and initialize a faker generator.

Faker faker = new Faker('US');

Integer randomInteger = faker.randomInteger(3);    // 391

String firstName = faker.person.firstName();       // Iggy

String lastName = faker.person.firstName();        // Holmes

String street = faker.address.street();            // 3049 Sunset Avenue

Even if this example shows a property access, each call to faker.person.firstName() yields a different (random) result.

Faker faker = new Faker('US');

faker.person.firstName(); // Felicity
faker.person.firstName(); // Jody
faker.person.firstName(); // Jammie
faker.person.firstName(); // Sylvester
faker.person.firstName(); // Nigel


Each of the generator properties (like name, address, and realText) are called "formatters". A faker generator has many of them, packaged in "providers". Here is a list of the bundled formatters in the default locale.

FakerBase faker

String randomElement(new List<String>{'a','b','c'}) // c

Integer randomElement(List<Integer>{1,2,3,4,5})     // 4

Date randomPastDate()                              // 2017-01-01

Date randomFutureDate()                            // 2019-10-05

Time randomTime()                                  // 11:20:40

Datetime randomPastDateTime()                      // 2016-03-05 05:09:44

Datetime randomFutureDateTime()                    // 2020-05-11 06:09:44

Boolean randomBoolean()                            // false

Boolean randomBoolean(85)                          // 85% of being true

String randomString(5)                             // 5 character string [a-zA-Z] EUkfn

String randomCharacter(10)                         // 10 character string [a-zA-Z0-9]+simbols 8K#$(G)$J@

Integer randomIntegerMaxDigits(6)                  // 395894 or 39493

Integer randomInteger(3)                           // 543

Integer randomInteger(10)                          // 4090403 - max is 7 digits. SF doesn't like more

Integer randomIntegerBetween(10,100)               // 74

Integer randomDecimalMaxDigits(4,7)                // 489.4819489

Integer randomDecimal(2,3)                         // 33.549

String bothify('Hello ##??')                       // Hello 39ui (# is randon digit while ? is random letter)

String toAscii('ÜäĂÇ')                             // UaAC

FakerTextProvider faker.text

List<String> realWords(3)                          // 'think','right','please'
String realText(50)                                // How funny it will seem to come out among the people

FakerPersonProvider faker.person

String title()                                     // 'Ms.'
String title('male')                               // 'Mr.'
String title('female')                             // 'Miss.'
String suffix                                      // 'Jr.'
String name('female')                              // 'Dr. Zane Stroman'
String name()                                      // 'Janet Einstein'
String firstName()                                 // 'Maynard'
String firstName('female')                         // 'Betsy'
String lastName()                                  // 'Zulauf'
String jobTitle()                                  // 'Radiation Therapist'
String ssn()                                       // '394-03-9503'
String gender()                                    // 'female'
String phone()                                     // '(702) 888-8888'
String phone(123)                                  // '(123) 488-4999' specify US prefix number
Date birthday()                                    // 1985-01-23
String picture(100,100)                            // ''

FakerAddressProvider faker.address

String city()                                      // 'Las Vegas'
String state()                                     // 'Nevada'
String stateCode()                                 // 'NV'
String citySuffix()                                // 'borough'
String street()                                    // '3094 E. Sunset Rd'
String address()                                   // '3766 E. Sunset Rd, Las Vegas NV 89120'
String streetSuffix()                              // 'Lane'
String streetPrefix()                              // 'North'
String buildingNumber()                            // '484'
String unit()                                      // 'B12'
Integer zip()                                      // 89120
String country()                                   // 'Serbia'
Decimal latitude()                                 // 46.100571
Decimal longitude()                                // 19.663298

Faker\Provider\Internet faker.internet

String email()                                     // ''
String safeEmail()                                 // ''
String freeEmail()                                 // ''
String companyEmail()                              // ''
String freeEmailDomain()                           // ''
String safeEmailDomain()                           // ''
String username()                                  // 'wade55'
String password(5,10)                              // 'k&|X+a45' between 5 and 10 characters
String domainName()                                // ''
String domainWord()                                // 'feeney'
String tld()                                       // 'biz'
String url()                                       // ''
String slug(3)                                     // 'pack_hello_house'
String slug(3, '-')                                // 'pack-hello-house'
String ipv4()                                      // ''
String localIpv4()                                 // ''
String ipv6()                                      // '8e65:933d:22ee:a232:f1c1:2741:1f10:117c'
String macAddress()                                // '43:85:B7:08:10:CA'


Salesforce FakerFactory is a convenient way to generate new Records with random fake data. Before we can generate the data we need to first create a map of the data.

public class FakerContactFactory extends FakerFactoryBase {

    public override String objectName() {
        return 'Contact';

    public override Map<String, Object> define() {

        return new Map<String, Object>{
                'FirstName'     => this.faker.person.firstName(),
                'LastName'      => this.faker.person.lastName(),
                'MiddleName'    => this.faker.person.firstName(),
                'BirthDay'      => this.faker.person.birthday(),
                'JobTitle'      => this.faker.person.jobTitle(),
                'Website'       => this.faker.internet.url()

After you have the factory map created you can use it in your tests or seeders like this:

Contact c = (Contact) FakerFactory.create(new FakerContactFactory());

System.debug(c.Id);     // 00541000001Kqd4
System.debug(c.Name);   // James Bond

If you need to create a lot of users without hitting the SF limits:

List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();

for(Integer i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  contacts.add((Contact) FakerFactory.make(new FakerContactFactory()));

insert contacts;

System.debug(contacts.size()); // 100

If you need to override a field you can do it by giving the factory a map of values to override:


Contact c = (Contact) FakerFactory.create(new FakerContactFactory(), new Map<String, Object> { 
    'Name' => 'Dexter Morgan'

System.debug(c.Name);   // Dexter Morgan
## License

Salesforce Faker is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.