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IHM Meeting Summary Apr 19 2018

brindakv edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

IHM Meeting Summary Apr 19, 2018

Attended by Ben Webb, Tom Goddard, Mikael Trellet, Frank Alber, John Westbrook and Brinda Vallat

  1. MT explored the python-ihm package and reported a bug with the dumper when there are entities with gaps. MT will raise an issue on GitHub with details.

  2. Discussion regarding deposition of 3D genome structures: FA gave a summary of the group's work on developing a data-driven approach to model 3D genome structures. The internal representation of these structures is in HDF5 format. The first set of structures represented using the IHM-dictionary did not work with ChimeraX. FA will provide examples and a set of requirements for representing these structures. The dictionary will be extended to address these requirements.

  3. The "large" group IHM meeting is due. May 17th 2018 is the tentative date.

  4. The next meeting will be on Thursday, April 26th 2018, at 12:00 PM Eastern time.

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