Provides a simple but powerful contact form built onto the Observer Pattern. Plug any listener you want to your contact form's submission
# Todo
- Add mongodb configuration files
- Add unit tests
- Comment methods and attributes
- Cleanup
(Quite the same as for GithubBundle, we are sorry for that methodology but we'll correct that soon).
# Features
- Compatible with Doctrine ORM and ODM thanks to a generic repository.
- Model is extensible at will
- Observer Pattern designed for more flexibility
- Every class is customizable
# Installation
Using submodules If you prefer instead to use git submodules, the run the following:
$ git submodule add git:// src/IHQS/ContactBundle
Using the vendors script
Add the following lines in your deps file:
- [IHQSContactBundle]
- git=git:// target=bundles/IHQS/ContactBundle
If you want to connect the email listener, install SwitfMailer and configure it
$ git submodule add git:// src/vendor/swiftmailer
or via deps
- [swiftmailer]
- git= version=v4.1.2
In your config, add :
- swiftmailer.config:
- transport: smtp encryption: ssl auth_mode: login host: domain.tld username: name@domain.tld password: your_secret
## Add the IHQS namespace to your autoloader
// app/autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array(
'IHQS' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', // your other namespaces);
## Add ContactBundle to your application kernel
// app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() {
- return array(
- // ... new IHQSContactBundleIHQSContactBundle(), // ...
## Update your schema
app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
## Adding the form to your templates
In your template, you just have to add (if you are using Twig)
{% render "IHQSContactBundle:Contact:form" with { 'method': app.request.method }, { 'query': app.request.request.all } %}
Since version 2.0.13 of Symfony you must send your form "POST" data using "query" parameter. That's because "render" tag is being processed as a sub-request. And since that version all sub-requests are forced to use "GET" method therefore your embedded ContactController will loose all "POST" data if you miss it. As well you should explicitly specify the request method in "method" parameter to let the embedded ContactController recognize that your form is submitted.
# Configuration
In your app/config.yml (given you are using YAML for your configuration file)
- ihqs_contact:
- contact:
- form:
- type: ihqs_contact_contact handler: name: ihqs_contact_contact_form validation_groups: [Contact]
form: ~ # (optional) class managing the contact form model: ~ # (optional) class managing the model connectors: # the list of "listeners" (or connectors here)
- email: # connecting the email listener
- recipients: # giving him the recipient(s) email(s)
- database: # connecting the database listener
- db_driver: orm # giving him the database driver
file: ~ # connecting the file logger listener
If you want a simple contact form only sending an email to you contact mailbox, then you just have to add to your configuration file
- ihqs_contact:
- connectors:
- email:
- recipients:
It you want to use a custom template/view instead of the default one (IHQSContactBundle:Contact:form.html.twig), you can add the view parameter with the name of your view. Example:
- ihqs_contact:
- contact:
- form:
- view: CompanyExampleBundle:Contact:form.html.twig
# Using Akismet for Spam Detection
skip the step if you dont want to check for spam, by default no spam will be detected. Install the [OrnicarAkismentBundle]( and configure it properly. see the docs for more information.
define the service in your service container
- ihqs_contact:
- spam_detector:
- service: ornicar_akismet
now all your Contact Request will be checked by Akismet.
if you want to implement your own Detector simply set the class for the detector
- ihqs_contact:
- spam_detector:
- class: MyBundleMyDetector
note that the class should implement the SpamDetectorInterface
or if you want a whole new service:
- ihqs_contact:
- spam_detector:
- service: my_detector_service