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Zach Kron edited this page Dec 14, 2015 · 34 revisions


  • Hardware configurations with integrated graphics adapter AND advanced or discrete graphics card may have trouble rendering background geometry
  • Passing infinite numbers (for example, 1/0) to some nodes will crash Dynamo.
    • WORKAROUND: Don't pass infinite numbers.
  • Get Family Parameter node is broken.
    • WORKAROUND: Use Element.Parameters and use the actual string for the parameter or enter the string value (text) that corresponds to the needed family parameter in a string or code block node. This node is now fixed in the daily builds


  • With larger Packages the Manager’s “Show Contents” functionality can cause the ui control at the right to disappear so that it is no longer possible to manage any of the installed packages.
    • WORKAROUND: close the session and re-launch Dynamo
  • Manage Packages' “Show Contents” scroll bar is unresponsive and jumpy
    • WORKAROUND: none at this time
  • Package Manager status bar truncates lengthier error messages
    • WORKAROUND: none at this time
  • Certain graphics cards do not work well with the new hardware capabilities in Dynamo 0.8.2. We are working to address this in the next release of Dynamo. For now the Workaround is to continue using Dynamo 0.8.0. The known configurations with this issue are:
    • Windows 8.1 or 10 with a NVidia 9600M GT graphics card and updated drivers
    • Windows 8.1 and a NVidia FX1800 graphics card and updated drivers
    • Windows 7 with a Radeon Radeon™ HD 6770M graphics card and updated drivers
    • Parallels and Windows 10 the background preview may not display.
  • With Parallels when the mac goes into sleep mode Dynamo crashes with a DirectX exception
    • WORKAROUND: none at this time
  • Logoff/login to Windows can disable hardware acceleration with an NVIDIA graphics adapter
    • WORKAROUND: remain in the session
  • A few Packages, such as Presets, give an erroneous version message at download time
    • WORKAROUND: click Ok
  • Zooming all the way up can corrupt Pan, Orbit, and Zoom functionality
    • WORKAROUND: click the background preview’s MinMax control (top one at upper right)
  • Incomplete background preview grid is displayed
    • WORKAROUND: reduce the scale of the rendered graphics
  • “Add to Group” option is enabled in context menu even though the node is not selected
    • WORKAROUND: none at this time
  • The ImportInstance.ByGeometry node can give a spurious “out of API context” warning message
    • WORKAROUND: re-evaluate the graph with updated inputs
  • Hooking up a degenerate vector to Plane.ByOrigin NormalXAxis or Arc.ByStartPointEndPointTangent gives a crash
    • WORKAROUND: update the vector
  • After publishing a package locally, Publish dialog doesn't get closed automatically but it shows Uploaded.
    • WORKAROUND: Just closed the dialog, the package is already published.
  • With Run Automatic updating a CBN with additional lines of data can affect a downstream connected node adversely
    • WORKAROUND: Remove the extra lines.
  • Searching for an item in the library gives a top search hit whose icon is not the Custom Nodes icon (the puzzle piece) when it should be
    • WORKAROUND: None.


  • Automatic update (run through the little green cloud) of Dynamo on Revit 2016 causes a crash, users should run a manual install or run the upgrade from Dynamo on Revit 2015, or the DynamoSandbox.exe
  • Automatic update (run through the little green cloud update mechanism in-app) will crash when installed on non-English Operating Systems. Users with non-English OS should run a manual install.
  • Systems with dedicated Intel HD Graphics Family cards will not support anti-aliasing.
  • We recommend that you update to the latest graphics adapter drivers from the appropriate websites for NVidia, Amd, Ati, Intel etc.
  • Parallels for Mac only supports DirectX 10 functionality and does not support anti-aliasing.
  • If you have added DynamoSandbox.exe to the NVidia control panel's list of applications, when re-installing or updating Dynamo you may see a blank 3D view or missing menus. Remove the DynamoSandbox.exe entry from the list of applications in the NVidia control panel to solve this issue. You may have to re-add this program entry in the NVidia Control Panel to override specific graphics features for Dynamo. If your NVidia graphics adapter supports it, we recommend the "High Performance Processor" mode.
  • Building-scale projects in mm may experience some graphics artifacts. This is fixed in 0.8.2


  • Because this is a jump from 0.7 to 0.8, you will be able to have any 0.7 era Dynamo installed side by side with 0.8. There is also a one time copy/paste of your 0.7 packages to the 0.8 package folder as well, so your first startup may take a little longer.
  • Files that crash will automatically be saved in a manual state. Any variation from this is a bug. In the event that this manual state is not created for a crashing file, users can edit the .dyn file in a text editor, changing RunType="Automatic" to RunType="Manual".
  • If an array of Revit elements is created during a Dynamo session, both Dynamo and Revit files are saved, then reopened and the number of Revit elements created by they graph is reduced BEFORE re-executing the graph, the "extra" Revit elements are not cleaned up when the graph is re-executed and will clutter your model. This is not a regression, but we have finally figured out how to repeat the elusive way that Revit elements sometime get orphaned by Dynamo. There is a fix in the 0.8.1 development stream, it's way cool.
  • While we have made a lot of improvements on collisions between functions called in Code Block Nodes with loaded librarie (see issues in 0.7.5) there are a few lingering problems:
  • In order to use limited resources most appropriately, Autodesk Vasari Beta 3 will no longer be support as it is set to expire in May of 2015. Previous versions of Dynamo are still available for installation on
  • Some Zero Touch Libraries are not displaying nodes correctly in the Dynamo UI. Namespaces with names that alphabetically come before Classes are being shown first, which causes them to not be displayed correctly in the Dynamo library hierarchy. There is a fix for this in 0.8.1, but either of the following two workarounds would work for this release: a) Namespaces alongside Classes on the same nesting level should have names that alphabetically come before the Classes. b) Do not place Namespaces on the same nesting level as Classes.


  • Cancel does not work when executing Cloud based Renderings, this includes Daylighting
  • Existing Code Block Nodes may be affected by name collisions with functions that come from installed packages. For instance, Point.ByCoordinates is affected by a collision with a Point. operation in the popular Rhynamo package and will throw an error saying “Warning: Dereferencing a non-pointer. Dereferencing a non-pointer.” To correct this, re-enter the function in the code block node, autocorrect will indicate a more specific refererence


  • Element.Geometry may cause a crash in Dynamo versions 0.7.2-0.7.4 when run in Revit 2015 when executed on large groups of Revit geometry.
  • Upgraded Excel.Write nodes will show as “Unresolved”. They can be replaced with Excel.Write to File nodes.
  • View.ExportAsImage will only export {3d}
  • Cancel does not work when executing Cloud based Renderings, this includes Daylighting.
  • Dynamo can fail to launch in Revit when Unifi, Maxwell, or Kiwi Bonus Tools add-in is installed on Revit 2015. If you have one of these applications installed, or find that Dynamo fails to launch from the addins menu, this is fixed in the latest Pre-Release Builds.
  • Existing Code Block Nodes may be affected by name collisions with functions that come from installed packages. For instance, Point.ByCoordinates is affected by a collision with a Point. operation in the popular Rhynamo package and will throw an error saying “Warning: Dereferencing a non-pointer. Dereferencing a non-pointer.” To correct this, re-enter the function in the code block node, autocorrect will indicate a more specific refererence
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