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File metadata and controls

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Live Demo PictShare is a multi lingual, open source image hosting service with a simple resizing and upload API that you can host yourself.

Rocket.Chat Apache License


Table of contents



The fastest way to deploy PictShare is via the official Docker repo

docker run -d -p 80:80 -e "TITLE=My own PictShare" hascheksolutions/pictshare

Docker setup

Without Docker

  • Make sure you have PHP5 GD libraries installed: apt-get install php5-gd
  • Unpack the PictShare zip
  • Clone .env.example as .env and edit configuraiton options to your specific needs (NEW)
    • Rename /inc/ to /inc/ (OLD)
  • From the root of the project run command composer install
    • If you do not have Composer install check offical documentation
  • chmod +x bin/ffmpeg if you want to be able to use mp4 uploads
  • The provided ffmpeg binary (bin/ffmpeg) is from here and it's a 64bit linux executable. If you need a different one, load yours and overwrite the one provided
  • (optional) You can and should put a nginx proxy before the Apache server. That thing is just insanely fast with static content like images.
  • (optional) To secure your traffic I'd highly recommend getting an SSL Cert for your server if you don't already have one.


Why would I want to host my own images?

If you own a server (even a home server) you can host your own PictShare instance so you have full control over your content and can delete images hasslefree.

If you're an app developer or sysadmin you can use it for a centralized image hosting. With the simple upload API you can upload images to your PictShare instance and get a nice short URL

If you're a blogger like myself, you can use it as storage for your images so the images will still work even if you change blog providers or servers


  • Uploads without logins or validation (that's a good thing, right?)
  • Simple API to upload any image from remote servers to your instance via URL and via Base64
  • 100% file based - no database needed
  • Simple album functions with embedding support
  • Converts gif to (much smaller) MP4
  • MP4 resizing
  • PictShare removes all exif data so you can upload photos from your phone and all GPS tags and camera model info get wiped
  • Smart resize, filter and rotation features
  • Duplicates don't take up space. If the exact same images is uploaded twice, the second upload will link to the first
  • You can control who can upload images or use filters/resizes by defining an upload-code
  • You can set a code in your .env or /inc/ (MASTER_DELETE_CODE) that, if appended to any URL of an Image, will delete the image and all cached versions of it from the server
  • Detailed traffic and view statistics of your images via Pictshare stats

Smart query system

PictShare images can be changed after upload just by modifying the URL. It works like this:


For example: will show you the uploaded Image b260e36b60.jpg but resize it to 100x100 pixels and apply the "negative" filter. The original image will stay untouched.

Available options

Original URL:

Note: If an option needs a value it works like this: optionname_value. Eg: pixelate_10 If there is some option that's not recognized by PictShare it's simply ignored, so this will work: and also even this will work:

Option Parameter Example URL Result
<width>x<height> -none- Resized
forcesize -none- Forced size
just add multiple image hashes -none- Takes the images you put in the URL and makes an album out of them. All filters are supported!
embed -none- Renders the album without CSS and with transparent background so you can embed them easily
responsive -none- Renders all images responsive (max-width 100%) according to screen size
<width>x<height> -none- Sets the size for the thumbnails in the album
forcesize -none- Forces thumbnail sizes to the values you provided
GIF to mp4
mp4 -none- Converts gif to mp4 and displays as that. Note that you can't include that mp4 in an img tag
raw -none- Renders the converted mp4 directly. Use with /mp4/
preview -none- Renders the first frame of generated MP4 as JPEG. Use with /mp4/
MP4 options
-none- -none- Renders the mp4 embedded in a simple HTML template. This link can't be embedded into video tags, use /raw/ instead if you want to embed
raw -none- Renders the mp4 video directly so you can link it
preview -none- Renders the first frame of the MP4 as an JPEG image
left -none- Rotated left
right -none- Rotated right
upside -none- Upside down
negative -none- Negative
grayscale -none- grayscale
brightness -255 to 255 brightness
edgedetect -none- edgedetect
smooth -10 to 2048 smooth
contrast -100 to 100 contrast
pixelate 0 to 100 pixelate
blur -none- or 0 to 5 pixelate
sepia -none- instagram filter sepia
sharpen -none- instagram filter sharpen
emboss -none- instagram filter emboss
cool -none- instagram filter cool
light -none- instagram filter light
aqua -none- instagram filter aqua
fuzzy -none- instagram filter fuzzy
boost -none- instagram filter boost
gray -none- instagram filter gray

You can also combine as many options as you want. Even multiple times! Want your image to be negative, resized, grayscale , with increased brightness and negate it again? No problem:

How does the external-upload-API work?

Upload from external URL

PictShare has a simple REST API to upload remote pictures. The API can be accessed via the backend.php file like this:<URL of the image you want to upload>.



The server will answer with the file name and the server path in JSON:


Upload via POST

Send a POST request to and send the image in the variable postimage.

Server will return JSON of uploaded data like this:


You may also want to upload other file types - which is possible if defined in configuration (check Restriction settings), by sending a POST request to the file in variable postfile.

By default, PictShare always stores the file under upload/ directory. If you want to change this for file you are uploading you can specific a request parameter subdir (eg. subdir=foo/bar) and you file will be stored under that subdirectory (upload/foo/bar). In order to use this functionality make sure you have it configured (check Restriction settings).

Upload from base64 string

Just send a POST request to and send your image in base64 as the variable name base64

Server will automatically try to guess the file type (which should work in 90% of the cases) and if it can't figure it out it'll just upload it as png.

Defining filenames

By default PictShare will store images under randomly generated hashkeys. If you wish to store an image under specific name you can do so by sending the value as request parameter filename. In order to use this functionality make sure you have it configured (check Restriction settings).

Please not that even if you specify a name for the file it will still get an 8-character hash prepended to it. The reason is due to potential collision when trying to store files under same name into different subdirectories (as subdirectory info is not part of the hashkey).

Restriction settings

In your .env or there are couple of values to be set: UPLOAD_CODE, IMAGE_CHANGE_CODE, ADDITIONAL_FILE_TYPES, SUBDIR_ENABLE and FILENAME_ENABLE

Some of the settings can be set to strings or multiple strings semi;colon;separated. If there is a semicolon in the string, any of the elements will work


If set, will show users a code field in the upload form. If it doesn't match your setting, files won't be uploaded. Supports multiple strings semi;colon;separated

If enabled, the Upload API will need the variable upload_code via GET (eg:


If set, the options will only work if the URL got the code in it. You can provide the code as option changecode_YourChangeCode. Supports multiple strings semi;colon;separated

For example: If enabled the image won't show the negative version but the original. If you access the image with the code like this: it gets cached on the server so the next time someone requests the link without providing the change-code, they'll see the inverted image (because you just created it before by accessing the image with the code)


If set, allows the files of set type(s) to be uploaded via REST API. Support multiple strings semi;colon;separated

When requested by the URL provided in response, these files (for additionally defined types) will be offered for download.


If set, upload form will be presented on homepage of pictshare which allows users to easily upload images through browser instead of requesting through backend.php.

This setting is turned on by default.


If set to true, it is possible to define subdirectories via REST API (request parameter subdir) under which the file will be stored.

This setting is turned on by default.


If set to true (combined with SUBDIR_ENABLE), it forces the user to define subdirectory for file via REST API. If subdirectory is not provided it will result in an error.

This setting is turned off by default.


If set to true, it is possible to define file name via REST API (request parameter filename) under which the file will be stored. Limitations described in defining filenames apply.

This setting is turned on by default.


If set to true (combined with FILENAME_ENABLE), it forces the user to define file name via REST API. If file name is not provided it will result in an error.

This setting is turned off by default.

Clustered systems

Sometimes you may wish to have PictShare deployed in a clustered environment, but in such systems it could happen that directories where files are stored or archived is not the same as the upload directory where PictShare stores them.


Through configurable option FETCH_SCRIPT it is possible to define absolute path to a bash script which will be called if file is not found within upload directory. This script should do the following:

  • take a single parameter representing relative path to the file in upload directory (subdir + hash/name)
  • check if file is already in upload directory and in such case return OK
  • restore the file into upload directory and return OK (if it finds it somewhere in the system)
  • return NOTFOUND if it cannot find it.

This setting is turned off by default.

Script example:



set -o errexit
trap "echo ERROR" ERR

logger -t $0 -- "$@"

if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
    # filename = (subdir/)hash/hash
    echo Usage: $0 filename
    exit 1

if [[ -f "$BASEPATH/$1" ]]; then
   echo OK
elif [[ -f "$FILESTORAGEPATH/$(basename $1)" ]]; then
   cp "$FILESTORAGEPATH/$(basename $1)" "$BASEPATH/$1"
   echo OK
   echo NOTFOUND


This option can currently be set to two different values - filesystem and database. It dictates whether hashes generated from uploaded files, and their corresponding information (subdirectory), will be stored in hashes.csv file inside upload directory or inside the database. If set to database connection parameters DB_* need to be set as well.

This setting is set to filesystem by default.

DB table structure:

CREATE TABLE `hashes` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `sha_hash` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `subdir` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `last_access_ts` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `archived` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `archive_location` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `hash_UNIQUE` (`sha_hash`),
  UNIQUE KEY `name_UNIQUE` (`name`),
  KEY `last_access_ts` (`last_access_ts`)

Security and privacy

  • By hosting your own images you can delete them any time you want
  • You can enable or disable upload logging. Don't want to know who uploaded stuff? Just change the setting in inc/
  • No exif data is stored on the server, all jpegs get cleaned on upload
  • You have full control over your data. PictShare doesn't need remote libaries or tracking crap


  • Apache or Nginx Webserver with PHP
  • PHP 5 GD library
  • A domain or sub-domain since PictShare can't be run from a subfolder of some other domain

nginx config

This is a simple config file that should make PictShare work on nginx

  • Install php fpm: apt-get install php5-fpm
  • Install php Graphics libraries: apt-get install php5-gd
server {
    listen 80 default_server;

    root /var/www/pictshare; # or where ever you put it
    index index.php;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?url=$request_uri; # instead of htaccess mod_rewrite

    location ~ \.php {
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;

    location ~ /(upload|tmp|bin) {
       deny all;
       return 404;

Apache config

This is a simple vHost config that should make PictShare work on Apache2.

  • Install php5: apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
  • Install php Graphics libraries: apt-get install php5-gd
  • enable mod_rewrite
<VirtualHost *:80 >
    ServerAdmin webmaster@sub.domain.tld
    ServerName sub.domain.tld
    ServerAlias sub.domain.tld
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html

    <Directory /var/www/html/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from All
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    LogLevel warn
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined


  • Just re-download the PictShare zip file and extract and overwrite existing pictshare files. Uploads and config won't be affected.
  • Check if your /inc/ file has all settings required by the /inc/ since new options might get added in new versions

Or use these commands:

# to be run from the directory where your pictshare directory sits in
git clone temp
cp -r temp/* pictshare/.
rm -rf temp


Traffic analysis

See Pictshare stats

Coming soon

  • Delete codes for every uploaded image so users can delete images if no longer needed
  • Albums

Design (c) by Bernhard Moser

This is a HASCHEK SOLUTIONS project

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