Illa-builder is one of Illa’s open-source projects that is under very active development. We’re still working out the kinks to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, but we’re not quite there yet. Hopefully this document makes the process for contributing clear and answers some questions that you may have.
All work on Illa-builder happens directly on GitHub. Both core team members and external contributors send pull requests which go through the same review process.
Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free video series:
How to Contribute to an Open-Source Project on GitHub
The core team is monitoring pull requests. We will review your pull request and either merge it, request changes to it, or close it with an explanation. For API changes we may need to fix our internal uses at Illa, which could cause some delay. We’ll do our best to provide updates and feedback throughout the process.
Before submitting a pull request, please make sure the following is done:
- Fork the repository and create your branch from
. - Run
git submodule init && git submodule update
in the repository root. - Run
pnpm install
in the repository root. - If you’ve fixed a bug or added code that should be tested!
- Format your code with prettier
pnpm format
. - Make sure your code lint’s
pnpm lint
For additional information on contributing, you can check out our landing page Hacktoberfest2023 | Illa Cloud.
Illa recommends utilizing a docker all-in-one image for making contributions towards illa-builder:
To create an official illa-soft image, execute command:
docker pull illasoft/illa-builder:latest
This command will pull the illa-soft official image and run it in your docker environment. By default, all configurations are for running a production environment. When successfully pulled, Logs will display the ILLA BUILDER BANNER in your docker environment.
Note: You must have the docker image configured for self-host prerequisites.
For more information on running an Image, check out Docker all-in-one Image.
All deploys default auto-config settings for a production environment unless your deployment is customized. It's highly recommended deploying with our auto-deploy tools, ILLA CLI.
To install ILLA-CLI:
#### download illa cli binary file
> wget
#### unpack the file
> tar -zxvf illa-x86_64-linux.tar.gz
> cd illa-x86_64-linux
> chmod +x illa
#### run the illa cli
> ./illa
- You have the latest version of Node.js LTS and pnpm installed.
- You are familiar with Git.
- You have docker-all-in-one, illa-cli installed, and illa-builder-backend running on your local machine.
Next, check the prerequisites of self-host, execute command:
./illa doctor
When it's run is complete you should receive a message in green stating "Success! The minimum requirement for deploying ILLA has been satisfied." Ports 5432, 9999, 8000, should remain open for deploying ILLA Builder.
For more information on ILLA CLI and Other Operations check out ILLA-CLI.
After you have confirmed you meet the minimum requirements for deploying Illa Builder, deploy via either port 5432, 8000, 9345, 9999, or 10000. To deploy Illa Builder via self-host locally, execute command:
./illa deploy --self --port <PORT>
change <PORT>
with port number
This will deploy illa-builder-backend at port <PORT>
. Then execute command:
docker run -d -p <PORT>:2022 illasoft/illa-builder:latest
change <PORT>
with port number
Check your docker containers and you should find an illasoft/illabuilder container running at Port <PORT>
If you deploy executing the deploy command as:
./illa deploy --self
This will auto-deploy illa-builder on port 80; you'll be able to access illa-builder at http://localhost:80
Once you have successfully deployed illa builder and have received the Illa Builder Started, please visit http://localhost:<PORT>
go to the website and login using the credentials:
Username: root
Password: password (self-host mode only).
Alternatively, you can deploy/ or change the port by which Illa Builder can be accessed; execute command:
# the port which ILLA Builder can be accessed on can be changed
# the <MOUNT_PATH> is the custom mount path of ILLA Builder, the default value is a path under the user home directory if not filled
> illa deploy --self --port=10000 --mount=<MOUNT_PATH>
The Docker all-in-one Image is built based on the official Debian Image, which makes the username and password for the container the same as the image, you have the option to omit or change the username and password at your discretion.
For more information on other operations, check out ILLA-CLI.
If needing to run a self-host production workflow environment version based on deployment at port <PORT>
, input the following to apps/builder/env.self
ILLA_API_BASE_URL=localhost:<PORT> # this is your backend address, if this is not present, it will use the default backend address, location.origin, update <PORT> to port number
Once illa-builder-backend services are running, you can utilize several commands such as:
pnpm build-self
creates a self-host production version for the illa-builder frontend repository.pnpm lint
checks the code style.pnpm format
format your code with prettierpnpm dev
preview in real time while coding with cloud versionpnpm dev:self
preview in real time while coding with self-host versionpnpm build-cloud
creates a cloud production version with illa-builder.
For more information on contributing to illa-builder-frontend check out our Build All-In-One-Image Dockerfile.
By default, all configuration settings for a Docker all-in-one Image are for running a production environment. To modify a created Image, execute command:
docker exec -it illa_builder /bin/bash
The default configuration settings for the Docker all-in-one Image include all environment parameters. You have the option to modify these parameters when you run the container to accommodate specific needs or to connect to a database instance. You can review the default configuration parameters at config.go.
You can self-host locally with ILLA CLI, Docker compose, k8s helm etc. We’ve repeatedly optimized the self-host process to enable you to make self-host and software deployments in just a few minutes. Compared to the cloud, you can use ILLA products more securely and reliably, and you can use ILLA Builder by simply visiting the deployment site after hosting and deploying Builder locally.
Latest version of Node.js LTS and pnpm are installed/ running. Install from links above following instructions.
Clone the illa-builder repository, and run pnpm install
to fetch its dependencies. Customize your language parameter, i.e. NEXT.js, and create a development workflow environment; input the following to apps/builder/.env.development.local
And apps/cloud/.env.development.local
ILLA_API_BASE_URL=localhost:<PORT> # this is your backend address, if this is not present, it will use the default backend address, location.origin, update <PORT> to port number
Alternatively, you can deploy Illa Builder manually using Docker Compose and Kubernetes.
Check out instructions for deploying with Docker Compose, and Instructions for deploying with Kubernetes.
For more information on self-hosting, please see the ILA CLI, Docker Compose, and k8s helm boot pages. If you have difficulties with your self-deployment, please review the Deploy Introduction Self-host/ Deploy Manually instructions; you can also contact us on GitHub or at
As a Rust Developer, you can easily build+install the latest ILLA CLI release with cargo, execute command:
cargo install illa
The cargo tool will download the ILLA CLI with its source dependencies, build and install it into the cargo bin path so that we can run it.
Once installed, you can run the ILLA CLI utilizing the illa command:
./illa <COMMAND>
Illa CLI is a tool for hosting ILLA Builder in your local environment. Once installed, execute command ./illa deploy --self --port <PORT>
, update <PORT>
to port number. Again, this will deploy illa-builder-backend at port <PORT>
If needing to modify your .env.self
, input:
ILLA_API_BASE_URL=localhost:<PORT> # update <PORT> to port number
There is currently no formal documentation for setup with GO, however you're encouraged to check out and contribute to builder-backend here illa-builder-backend.