- Microservices Architecture (Pluralsight Course)
- Microservices with .NET (recipes), work in progress
- Docker
- Nanoservices anti-pattern
- Azure
- Websockets
- SignalR
- REST vs XML-RPC vs SOAP – pros and cons
- REST vs. RPC: what problems are you trying to solve with your APIs?
- apache/thrift, Thrift: Scalable Cross-Language Services Implementation paper
- apache aurora svc discovery
- Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the choice of data processing framework, data model or programming language.
- Event Hubs Simple, secure, and scalable real-time data ingestion
- Azure Service Fabric Build and operate always-on, scalable, distributed apps
- NServiceBus quickstart, Message Handling Pipeline, transport, versus MassTransit
Azure Service Bus transport for NServiceBus, nuget & docs- JustSaying A light-weight message bus on top of AWS services (SNS and SQS).
- Implementing event-based communication between microservices: integration events
- eShopOnContainers/src/BuildingBlocks/EventBus/
- store app secrets ASP.NET Core
- Infrastructure Ignorance
- Streaming APIs gitter.im, http-streaming. HTTP Streaming provides a long-lived connection for continuous data push. The client sends a request to the server and the server holds the response open for an indefinite length. This connection will stay open until a client closes it or a server side-side event occurs.
- By 2020, 50% of Managed APIs Projected to be Event-Driven
- awesome-dotnet A collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- .NET/C# Realtime Resources
- Getting Started with Building Realtime API Infrastructure