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File metadata and controls

188 lines (157 loc) · 12.7 KB



PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the border true
border Border details that determines which border should be drawn with which color Border.all(color:, width: 1.0, style: BorderStyle.solid)


PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the titles Around the chart true
leftTitles an AxisTitle that holds data to draw left titles AxisTitles(sideTitles: SideTitles(reservedSize: 40, showTitles: true))
topTitles an AxisTitle that holds data to draw top titles AxisTitles(sideTitles: SideTitles(reservedSize: 6, showTitles: true))
rightTitles an AxisTitle that holds data to draw right titles AxisTitles(sideTitles: SideTitles(reservedSize: 40, showTitles: true))
bottomTitles an AxisTitle that holds data to draw bottom titles AxisTitles(sideTitles: SideTitles(reservedSize: 6, showTitles: true))


PropName Description default value
axisNameSize Determines the size of [axisName] 16
axisNameWidget It shows the name of axis (you can pass a Widget) null
sideTitles It accepts a SideTitles which is responsible to show your axis side titles SideTitles()
drawBehindEverything If titles are showing on top of your tooltip, you can draw them behind everything. true


PropName Description default value
showTitles determines whether to show or hide the titles false
getTitlesWidget A function to retrieve the title widget with given value on the related axis. defaultGetTitle
reservedSize It determines the maximum space that your titles need, 22
interval Texts are showing with provided interval. If you don't provide anything, we try to find a suitable value to set as interval under the hood. null
minIncluded Determines whether to include title for minimum data value true
maxIncluded Determines whether to include title for maximum data value true


PropName Description default value
enabled determines whether to enable fit inside to SideTitleWidget true
axisPosition position (in pixel) that applied to the center of child widget along its corresponding axis null
parentAxisSize child widget's corresponding axis maximum width/height null
distanceFromEdge distance between child widget and its closest corresponding axis edge 6


PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the background grid data true
drawHorizontalLine determines to show or hide the horizontal grid lines true
horizontalInterval interval space of grid, left it null to be calculate automatically null
getDrawingHorizontalLine a function to get the line style of each grid line by giving the related axis value defaultGridLine
checkToShowHorizontalLine a function to check whether to show or hide the horizontal grid by giving the related axis value showAllGrids
drawVerticalLine determines to show or hide the vertical grid lines true
verticalInterval interval space of grid, left it null to be calculate automatically null
getDrawingVerticalLine a function to get the line style of each grid line by giving the related axis value defaultGridLine
checkToShowVerticalLine a function to determine whether to show or hide the vertical grid by giving the related axis value showAllGrids


PropName Description default value
x represents x on the coordinate system (x starts from left) null
y represents y on the coordinate system (y starts from bottom) null


propName Description default value
color determines the color of line
gradient gradient of the line (you have to provide either color or gradient null
strokeWidth determines the stroke width of the line 2
dashArray A circular array of dash offsets and lengths. For example, the array [5, 10] would result in dashes 5 pixels long followed by blank spaces 10 pixels long. The array [5, 10, 5] would result in a 5 pixel dash, a 10 pixel gap, a 5 pixel dash, a 5 pixel gap, a 10 pixel dash, etc. null


PropName Description default value
spot the touched FlSpot null
offset Offset of the touched spot null


PropName Description default value
horizontalRangeAnnotations list of horizontalRangeAnnotation to draw on the chart []
verticalRangeAnnotations list of VerticalRangeAnnotation to draw on the chart []


PropName Description default value
y1 start interval of horizontal rectangle null
y2 end interval of horizontal rectangle null
color color of the rectangle Colors.white
gradient gradient of the rectangle null


PropName Description default value
x1 start interval of vertical rectangle null
x2 end interval of vertical rectangle null
color color of the rectangle Colors.white
gradient gradient of the rectangle null


Base class for all supported touch/pointer events.

PropName Description Inspired from
FlPanDownEvent Contains information of happened touch gesture GestureDragDownCallback
FlPanStartEvent When a pointer has contacted the screen and has begun to move. GestureDragStartCallback
FlPanUpdateEvent When a pointer that is in contact with the screen and moving has moved again. GestureDragUpdateCallback
FlPanCancelEvent When the pointer that previously triggered a FlPanStartEvent did not complete. GestureDragCancelCallback
FlPanEndEvent When a pointer that was previously in contact with the screen and moving is no longer in contact with the screen. GestureDragEndCallback
FlTapDownEvent When a pointer that might cause a tap has contacted the screen. GestureTapDownCallback
FlTapCancelEvent When the pointer that previously triggered a FlTapDownEvent will not end up causing a tap. GestureTapCancelCallback
FlTapUpEvent When a pointer that will trigger a tap has stopped contacting the screen. GestureTapUpCallback
FlLongPressStart Called When a pointer has remained in contact with the screen at the same location for a long period of time. GestureLongPressStartCallback
FlLongPressMoveUpdate When a pointer is moving after being held in contact at the same location for a long period of time. Reports the new position and its offset from the original down position. GestureLongPressMoveUpdateCallback
FlLongPressEnd When a pointer stops contacting the screen after a long press gesture was detected. Also reports the position where the pointer stopped contacting the screen. GestureLongPressEndCallback
FlPointerEnterEvent The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is or is not in contact with the device, and it has entered our chart. PointerEnterEventListener
FlPointerHoverEvent The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is not in contact with the device. PointerHoverEventListener
FlPointerExitEvent The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is or is not in contact with the device, and exited our chart. PointerExitEventListener


PropName Description default value
extraLinesOnTop determines to paint the extraLines over the trendline or below it true
horizontalLines list of HorizontalLine to draw on the chart []
verticalLines list of VerticalLine to draw on the chart []


PropName Description default value
y draw straight line from left to right of the chart with dynamic y value null
color color of the line
gradient gradient of the line (you have to provide either color or gradient null
strokeWidth strokeWidth of the line 2
strokeCap strokeCap of the line,e.g. Setting to StrokeCap.round will draw the tow ends of line rounded. NOTE: this might not work on dash lines. StrokeCap.butt
image image to annotate the line. the Future must be complete at the time this is received by the chart null
sizedPicture SizedPicture uses an svg to annotate the line with a picture. the Future must be complete at the time this is received by the chart null
label a HorizontalLineLabel object with label parameters null


PropName Description default value
x draw straight line from bottom to top of the chart with dynamic x value null
color color of the line
gradient gradient of the line (you have to provide either color or gradient null
strokeWidth strokeWidth of the line 2
strokeCap strokeCap of the line,e.g. Setting to StrokeCap.round will draw the tow ends of line rounded. NOTE: this might not work on dash lines. StrokeCap.butt
image image to annotate the line. the Future must be complete at the time this is received by the chart null
sizedPicture SizedPicture uses an svg to annotate the line with a picture. the Future must be complete at the time this is received by the chart null
label a VerticalLineLabel object with label parameters null


PropName Description default value
Picture a Dart UI Picture which should be derived from the svg. see example for how to get a Picture from an svg. null
width the width of the picture null
height the height of the picture null


PropName Description default value
show Determines showing or not showing label false
padding EdgeInsets object with label padding configuration
style TextStyle which determines label text style TextStyle(fontSize: 11, color: line.color)
alignment Alignment with label position relative to line Alignment.topLeft
direction Direction of the text (horizontal or vertical) LabelDirection.horizontal
labelResolver Getter function returning label title defaultLineLabelResolver


PropName Description default value
show Determines showing or not showing label false
padding EdgeInsets object with label padding configuration
style TextStyle which determines label text style TextStyle(fontSize: 11, color: line.color)
alignment Alignment with label position relative to line Alignment.topLeft
direction Direction of the text (horizontal or vertical) LabelDirection.horizontal
labelResolver Getter function returning label title defaultLineLabelResolver


enum values {center, left, right}