A jumping-off point for node+express based web applications.
- Express
- Bootstrap 3
- Font Awesome
- jQuery
- Less
- CoffeeScript
- Jade
- Socket.IO
- Modernizr
- es5-shim
- Knockout
- Mongoose
- Passport
- clone the app and install dependencies:
git clone git@github.com:immense/express-seed.git
cd express-seed
npm install
bower install
- copy the sample config files:
grunt setup
edit the config files in app/config to your liking
seed the database
grunt db:seed
- run the server using nodemon:
Note: This deploy process is specific to CentOS machines with nginx compiled with the passenger module.
- create a user account on the host machine called
and set it up:
adduser express-seed
chmod 755 /home/express-seed
su - express-seed
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
copy the key into a new deploy key for this app
clone the app into
in the user's home folder and install dependencies:
mkdir sites
cd sites
git clone git@github.com:immense/express-seed.git
cd express-seed
npm install
bower install
- copy the sample config files:
grunt setup
edit the config files in app/config to your liking
- Note: make sure to change
- Note: make sure to set
- Note: make sure to change
seed the database
grunt db:seed
- set up the nginx config and reload the nginx config
su -c "grunt setup-nginx"
su -c "service nginx reload"
- compile the assets and restart the application:
grunt production
- pull the changes:
git pull
- install any new dependencies:
npm install
bower install
- recompile the assets and restart the application:
grunt production
Express Seed is released under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.