cl-rpc-udp is a rpc over udp tool.
- Clone to somewhere quicklisp can find, such as ~~/quicklisp/local-projects~
- Run
(ql:quickload :cl-rpc-udp)
in lisp repl to load it - Run test with
(asdf:test-system :cl-rpc-udp)
Server part
;; Make instance of server
(defparameter *server* (make-instance 'rpc-node))
;; Expose methods as service
(expose *server* "sum" (lambda (a b) (apply #'+ (list a b))))
(expose *server* "mul" (lambda (args) (reduce #'* args)))
(expose *server* "sub" (lambda (&rest args) (reduce #'- args)))
(expose *server* "test-func" (lambda (&rest args)
(reduce #'- args)))
(expose *server* "get-address" (lambda (&rest args)
(declare (ignore args))
(format nil "~a:~a" *remote-host* *remote-port*)))
;; Start server
(start *server* "" 8000)
;; Stop when no need
(stop *server*)
Client part
;; Make instance of client
(defparameter *client* (make-instance 'rpc-node))
;; Start client
(start *client* "" 9000)
;; Call methods of remote service
(call *client* "sum" '(10 20) "" 8000)
(call *client* "mul" '((10 20 30)) "" 8000)
(call *client* "sub" '(10 20 30) "" 8000 :timeout 10)
(call *client* "get-address" '() "" 8000)
;; stop client when no need
(stop *client*)
- [X] refactor server/client to make it symmetry
- [X] add test case
- [ ] refactor encode and decode part
- [ ] stop thread error case handle, add timeout
- [ ] add checker when `call` called
- [ ] consider make it async?
- Nisen (
Licensed under the MIT License.