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Developer instructions

Recommended setup

Our recommended setup for working on the library is by using vscode on Linux, MacOS, or WSL, with the coq-lsp and ocaml extensions. We will now describe more extensively how to achieve this setup.

Installation of opam

A more extensive description can be found here. This is a short description.

On some versions of Linux and WSL, you can install opam with

apt-get install opam

On MacOs, you can either use homebrew

brew install gpatch
brew install opam

or macports

port install opam

Creating the desired opam environment: simplified version

When we develop, we need to be aware of the version of Coq we develop for. Most development is done based off the main branch, and then the following setup will suffice.

opam init
eval $(opam env)
opam install coq-lsp.0.2.0+8.17
opam install ocaml-lsp-server

replacing 8.17 with the desired version of Coq, or more generally, replacing 0.2.0+8.17 by the desired version of coq-lsp.

Creating the desired opam environment: advanced version for supporting multiple versions of Coq

When we bring changes into different versions of Coq (for instance for the branches 8.18, 8.19...) it is convenient to have multiple opam environement, i.e. switches, available. If you prefer to start with such a setup anyway, you can run

opam init --bare

Regardless of how you initialized opam, you can now add a new switch with

opam switch create your_preferred_switch_name ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1

Next you can install the background libraries again

opam install coq-lsp.0.2.0+8.17
opam install ocaml-lsp-server

again replacing 8.17 with the desired version of Coq

Caveat: locally compiling the coq-master branch

The above only works partially when checking work for coq-master, which is a very important branch for us because it is checked in Coq's CI. To just check locally whether the code works on the coq-master branch, we can setup

opam switch create your_preferred_switch_name ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1

Now, we need to add a remote repository to get the development version of coq from.

opam repo add coq-dev
opam update

Now we can install

opam install

Building with dune

Our go-to way for compiling coq-waterproof while working on the library is by using dune. To do so, from the project's root (i.e. inside the directory ...some-path.../coq-waterproof/), run

dune build -p coq-waterproof

To then install the library so it is available from other projects, you can run

dune install -p coq-waterproof

Building with opam

The above method does not pin coq-waterproof to the local version in the working directory. Instead, one can run, from the root directory,

opam install .

and coq-waterproof will be pinned to the local version, and will be installed (in the current opam switch).


When importing Waterproof in a .v file when using coq-lsp, we standard get the following warning

Serlib plugin: coq-waterproof.plugin is not available: serlib support is missing. Incremental checking for commands in this plugin will be impacted.

This is not a problem.


We aim to test every feature that we implement. Currently we test almost all functionality present in .v files. Note for instance that tactics such as Choose, Assume, both have a file that defines them, and a file that tests them. The tests are run automatically when compiling the library, i.e. when running

dune build -p coq-waterproof

Running external tests

If one has a folder waterproof-exercises at the same level as the folder coq-waterproof, one can test coq-waterproof against all the files (typically exercise sheets) in waterproof-exercises by executing

dune build -p coq-waterproof @runtest

Setting up VSCode

If you use VSCode, we recommend installing the OCaml Platform and Coq LSP plugins.

Building with make

In principle, we use dune to build coq-waterproof, but we try to still support building with make as well. Before creating a PR, it is recommended to check that this really works (although the CI will check for this as well). For this, both _CoqProjectForMake and waterproof.mlpack need to be in order, i.e. they need to contain the correct files, and in particular waterproof.mlpack needs the files to be in the right order.

TODO: include a test that checks that all .v, .ml files are actually included in the _CoqProjectForMake file.

To then compile and install, run from the project's root directory:

make install

Building with make (legacy method)

In previous versions of coq-waterproof, before running make, one needed to run, from the project's root directory,

autoreconf -i -s

after which one could run

make install

One needs to have the autoconf ocaml libary installed. One can install this with

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install autoconf

or equivalent for non-Debian/Ubuntu based environments

Making Ocaml functions available from Ltac2: Using the foreign function interface (ffi)

One can make Ocaml functions available for use in Ltac2 by using the foreign function interface (ffi). For now, we gather all such definitions in

Suppose one has an Ocaml function f : a -> b -> c -> d where a, b, c, d are types, and one would like to make this function available as an Ltac2 tactic.

Make a tactic

First of all, only tactics can pass the ffi, so one needs to convert f into something that outputs a tactic. An element of type 'a can be converted into an 'a-valued tactic, ie.e. an element of type 'a tactic by using tclUNIT:

Consider this example:

let my_unit_tactic : unit tactic = tclUNIT ()
let my_bool_tactic : bool tactic = tclUNIT true

Hence, we can convert f into something that outputs a tactic by

let my_f_tactic : a -> b -> c -> d tactic =
  fun input_a input_b input_c -> tclUNIT (f input_a input_b input_c)

Make a valexpr tactic

Datatypes in Ocaml and in Ltac2 need to be translated to each other by using an intermediate datatype: namely valexpr. This also means that only valexpr-valued tactics can pass the ffi. Luckily, for many types there are already conversion functions available from and to valexpr, such as of_bool, to_bool and of_unit, to_unit. In general, these conversions are captured in elements of the type 'a repr: an element c of 'a repr has a conversion repr_to c : valexpr -> 'a and a conversion repr_of c : 'a -> valexpr. For more information, one can look at Coq's file.

We can then use the strategy from the previous section to make a valexpr tactic.

let my_valexpr_tactic_from_unit : valexpr tactic = tclUNIT (of_unit ())

It is common to use the @@ operator to put everything that comes after it in parentheses, so one could also write

let my_valexpr_tactic_from_unit : valexpr tactic = tclUNIT @@ of_unit ()

Similarly, here is a valexpr tactic created from a bool

let my_valexpr_tactic_from_bool : valexpr tactic = tclUNIT @@ of_bool ()

Make the function available for the ffi

Considering an example of a function f : a -> b -> c -> d, and given a_repr : a repr, b_repr : b repr, c_repr : c repr, d_repr : d repr, we can make this function available for the ffi by

let () = define3 "my_f_external" a_repr b_repr c_repr @@
  fun input_a, input_b, input_c ->
    tclUNIT (repr_of d (f input_a input_b input_c))

The 3 is chosen because f has 3 inputs.

Note that with some monad magic, the same definition can also be achieved by

let () = define3 "my_f_external" a_repr b_repr c_repr @@
  fun input_a input_b input_c ->
    tclUNIT @@ f input_a input_b input_c >>= fun z -> tclUNIT @@ repr_of d z

Here "my_f_external" is the name by which you can refer to this function from Ltac2. Any name can be chosen, and it won't be the name that you use to call the function from Ltac2. Representations for many different datatypes can be found in Coq's For many datatypes, the respresentation of that datatype is called the same: bool is for instance the name for bool repr, so that the following would be valid code

let () = define1 "my_bool_tactic" bool @@
  fun input -> tclUNIT input >>= fun z -> tclUNIT @@ of_bool z

or yet another option

let () = define1 "my_bool_tactic" bool @@
  fun input -> tclUNIT input >>= fun z -> tclUNIT @@ repr_of bool z

Note that in Coq v8.19, a new file was created, which can be used to handle a lot of the above issues.

Make the function available from Ltac2

From a .v file, one can simply load

Require Import Waterproof.Waterproof.

and then define (in Coq v8.17) (given the caveat below)

Ltac2 @ external my_f_in_ltac2 : a_ltac2 -> b_ltac2 -> c_ltac2 -> d_ltac2 := "coq-waterproof" "my_f_external".

where a_ltac2, ... d_ltac2 are the corresponding types on the Ltac2 side of the types a, ..., d. The caveat is that there aren't always corresponding types on the Ltac2 side of Ocaml types.

Note that the syntax is a bit different in different versions of Coq. Please see the code for examples.