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309 lines (201 loc) · 12.7 KB

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309 lines (201 loc) · 12.7 KB

[1.4.5] - 2023.10.26

  • Elixir is bumped to 1.15
  • OTP is bumped to 26.0

[1.4.4] - 2021.06.13

  • do_authorize's typespec was fixed
  • ex_doc version was bumped

[1.4.3] - 2021.02.07

  • not properly functioning check (since elixir 1.11.0) for struct parameters has been removed

[1.4.2] - 2020.09.21

  • a bug in coerce_with/2 was fixed: a parameter got coerced (as nil) even if it is not required
  • run! raises an Exop.Operation.ErrorResult error when an operation returns an error tuple

[1.4.1] - 2020.06.08

  • Code.ensure_compiled/1 instead of deprecated Code.ensure_compiled?/1
  • :struct check's bug fixed (when a value to be checked is not a struct itself)

[1.4.0] - 2020.02.28

breaking changes in this version!

  • a validation type: :struct that had been deprecated since ver. 1.2.2 was finally removed
  • the func check's callback arguments now aligned with coerce_with callback, they are: a parameter's name/value tuple (the first), all parameters map given to an operation (the second), the output of the validation callback fuction has been updated as well (check README for details)
  • Exop.Chain's operation (step) now can be conditional with if: _your_condition_func/1 option provided (see README for the details)
  • Exop.Chain's operation now can coerce incoming parameters with coerce_with: your_coerce_func/1 option before any further checks/invocations

[1.3.5] - 2019.12.27

  • basic validation message extension with "got:" (credits to makes error-tuple messages more descriptive
  • new :subset_of check allows you to check whether a given list is a subset of defined check-list

[1.3.4] - 2019.09.18

  • a bug in coerce_with/2 refactored behavior was fixed

[1.3.3] - 2019.09.10

  • the issue with coerce_with/2 within an inner check has been fixed (coercion simply didn't work in inner)
  • parameters :default option now accepts 1-arity function as well as a certain value (see README)

[1.3.2] - 2019.07.31

  • got rid some dialyzer warnings
  • specs for macros were added
  • Exop.Policy module has been removed because simplified policy check is here since v1.1.1
  • if Exop.Policy action returns something different from either true or false, this output is treated as authorization error message (reason)
  • behaviour of unknown struct checks has been changed. Now it generates ArgumentError exception on compile time if struct parameter is not existing struct.

[1.3.1] - 2019.06.11

  • allow_nil check behavior bug has been fixed (default value and validations skipping)

[1.3.0] - 2019.05.28

breaking changes in this version!

  • Exop supports elixir >= 1.6.0
  • behaviour of unknown type checks has been changed. Now it generates ArgumentError exception on compile time if type check is not supported.
  • now accepts structs as well as keywords and maps
  • implicit inner: now you can omit type and inner checks keywords in order to check inner of your parameter
  • ex_doc 0.20 (better docs)
  • :from parameter option to be able pass one name of a parameter and work with it within an operation under another name
  • new checks for :length: gte, gt, lte, lt
  • :length doesnt work with numbers anymore
  • :length and :numericality checks return an error for unsupported types (previously unsupported type passed the check)
  • :coerce_with now accepts only a 2-arity function with a coerced param tuple and a map of all received params (see README for more info)
  • defined_params/1 function has been removed, now process/1 function takes only parameters defined in a operation's contract. You still can pass any parameters in run/1 or run!/1 but Exop will proceed only with parameters declared in the contract

[1.2.5] - 2019.04.11


  • allow to pass function of arity one to func validation

[1.2.4] - 2019.03.28


  • use Exop.Chain now accepts :name_in_error option: when it is set to true a failed operation in a chain returns the operation's module name as the first elements of output tuple {YourOperation, {:error, _}}
  • new type: :uuid check which supports both UUID1 and UUID4
  • new aliases for :numericality check (to make your code slim): :eq, :gt, :gte, :lt, :lte
  • :inner check now accepts opts as both map and keyword (earlier only map has been allowed)
  • a few macros (like parameter, operation etc.) locals_without_parens formatter rule has been exported. Place import_deps: [:exop] into your project's .formatter.exs file in order to use it.
  • step/2 has been added as an alias for Exop.Chain's operation/2 macro

[1.2.3] - 2019.02.06


  • Exop.Chain bug was fixed (the last operation in a chain returned a result not wrapped into ok-tuple)
  • Exop.Chain allows now to pass additional parameters to any operation in a chain

[1.2.2] - 2019.01.25


  • list_item check allows you to omit type check definition, in this case list_item checks for the list type under the hood
  • struct type check is deprecated
  • required: false + allow_nil: false behavior has been fixed
  • type: :struct check has been revised

[1.2.1] - 2018.12.09


  • you get a warning if there is no any parameter definition
  • inner check allows you to omit type check definition, in this case inner checks for an appropriate type (either Map or Keyword) under the hood
  • inner returns an item's error as "a[:c]" => ["is required"]
  • :keyword option for type check has been added
  • it is allowed now to pass just a module (atom like MyStruct) to struct check, not only %MyStruct{}

[1.2.0] - 2018.11.17


  • breaking: required has true value by default, so paramter is required by default if only you haven't specify required: false (a bit more info in the README)
  • list_item now accept both: Map and Keyword as items checks
  • list_item returns an item's error as "list_param[index]" => [error_messages]
  • :module option for type check (if you want to be more explicit)
  • Checks list as links in the README

[1.1.4] - 2018.10.24


  • new allow_nil attribute for a parameter which allows you to pass nil as a parameter's value (and omit all validation checks invokation)
  • a few (min, max, is) aliases were added to numericality check
  • coerce_with now respects error tuple which might be returned from coerce function (that error tuple is returned as an operation's result immediately)

[1.1.3] - 2018.10.02


  • a bug with type check was fixed: previously this check passed if a parameter's value is nil, now nil passes the check only if :atom type is specified

[1.1.2] - 2018.10.01


  • now it is possible to return an :error-tuple of any length from an operation. Previously only a tuple of two elements was treated as error result, any other results treated as success and were wrapped into :ok-tuple
  • now it is possible to provide 3-arity function to the func check: in previous verisons this check expected only a function with arity == 2 to invoke for checking (1. params passed to an operation, 2. param to check value), starting from this version you can provide a function with arity == 3 (in this case Exop will invoke your function with: 1. params passed to an operation, 2. param to check name, 3. param to check value)
  • coerce_with can take a function of arity == 2 (not only with arity == 1), coercion function/2 will be invoked with args: 1. parameter name 2. parameter value (coercion function with arity == 1 still takes just a parameter value)
  • some checks aliases were added

[1.1.1] - 2018.09.20


  • some dialyzer warnings were fixed
  • in & not_in checks error message fix (for example, atoms list displays as atoms list :) )
  • you can now name your parameters with strings, not only atoms and even combine string- and atom-named parameters
  • a policy action argument now can be a value of any type (previously only map was allowed)
  • there is no need to use Exop.Policy in a policy module anymore (you still can use it and there is no need to rewrite exsisting policies): simply define a module with policy checks (actions) functions which are expected to take a single argument (any type) and return either true or false

[1.1.0] - 2018.09.03


  • required check was revised. Now nil is treated as a value. It means that before this version required check returned an error if a parameter had a nil value. From this version this check fails only if parameter wasn't provided to an operation.

    To simulate previous behaviour (if you need to keep backward compatibility with parameters passed into an operation) you can do:

    parameter :a, required: true, func: &__MODULE__.old_required/2
    def old_required(_params, nil), do: {:error, "is required"}
    def old_required(_params, param), do: true
  • ValidationError now has an operation name in its message (better for debugging and logging)

[1.0.0] 🎉 - 2018.07.25


A bunch of changes were made in this release with some brand new functionality, so I decided to bump version to 1.0.0, finally. Exop has been working since 2016 on various projects, in production. I think it means something and I can say it is production-ready :)

  • Exop.Chain helps you to organize a number of operations into an invocation chain
  • Exop.Fallback handles your operations fails (error-tuple results)
  • Exop.Policy was simplified
  • minor codebase updates
  • docs were reviewed

[0.5.1] - 2018.07.16


  • An operation's process/1 now takes a map of parameters (contract) instead of a keywords list (This will help you to pattern-match them)
  • Credo was wiped out (with annoying warning on @lint)
  • Code was formatted with elixir formatter

[0.5.0] - 2018.02.22


  • New list_item parameter check.

[0.4.8] - 2017.12.28


  • Fixed required check when a struct was checked with inner.

[0.4.7] - 2017.11.29


  • Fixed required check when false was treated as the absence of a parameter.

[0.4.6] - 2017.10.20


  • Does not validate nil parameters if they are not required. For example:

    defmodule Operation do
      use Exop.Operation
      parameter :value, type: %MyStruct{}
      # ...
    # Old versions[]) # {:error, {:validation, %{value: ["is not expected struct"]}}
    # This version[]) # {:ok, ...}

    In previous versions such code returns validation error, because nil is not a MyStruct struct (even if it is not required by default).

    In current version such behaviour is fixed and Exop will not run validations for nil parameters if they are not required.

[0.4.5] - 2017.08.15


  • equals check: Checks whether a parameter's value exactly equals given value (with type equality).

    parameter :some_param, equals: 100.5

[0.4.4] - 2017.06.28


  • run/1 output: If your process/1 function returns a tuple {:ok, _your_result_} Exop will not wrap this output into former {:ok, _output_} tuple.

    So, if process/1 returns {:ok, :its_ok} you'll get exactly that tuple, not {:ok, {:ok, :its_ok}}.

    (run!/1 acts in the same manner with respect of it's bang nature)

[0.4.3] - 2017.06.15


  • Log improvements: Logger provides operation's module name if a contract validation failed. Like:
    14:21:05.944 [warn]  Elixir.ExopOperationTest.Operation errors:
    param1: has wrong type
    param2: has wrong type
  • Docs ExDocs (hex docs) were mostly provided. Will be useful for some IDEs/editors plugins usage (with docs helpers) and Dash users (like me).

[0.4.2] - 2017.05.30


  • func/2 check: Custom validation function now receives two arguments: the first is a contract of an operation (parameters with their values), the second - the actual parameter value to check. So, now you can validate a parameter depending on other parameters values.

[0.4.1] - 2017.05.29


  • func/1 check: You can provide your error message if custom validation function returns {:error, "Your validation message"}. In other cases false is treaded as validation fail with default message "isn't valid", everything else - validation success.

  • run/1 output: If your process/1 function returns a tuple {:error, _error_reason_} Exop will not wrap this output into former {:ok, _output_} tuple.

    So, if process/1 returns {:error, :ugly_error} you'll get exactly that tuple, not {:ok, {:error, :ugly_error}}.

    (run!/1 acts in the same manner with respect of it's bang nature (will return unwrapped value, an exception or your error tuple))