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in-toto openSUSE demo

In this demo, we will use in-toto to secure a software supply chain for OpenSUSE. Bob is a developer for a project, Carl tests the software before packaging, and Alice oversees the project. So, using in-toto's names for the parties, Alice is the project owner — she creates and signs the software supply chain layout with her private key — and Bob and Carl are project functionaries — they carry out the steps of the software supply chain as defined in the layout.

For the sake of demonstrating in-toto, we will have you run all parts of the software supply chain. That is, you will perform the commands on behalf of Alice, Bob and Carl as well as the client who verifies the final product.


Install docker

Pull and run the docker image for this demo

docker pull intoto/opensuse-demo
docker run --privileged -i -t intoto/opensuse-demo:latest

This demo requires an account on opensuse build service. If you don't have an account you could either sign up for one easily to continue. Or you could try our offline demo.

Signup for an account on opensuse build service at

Set your username as environment variable so that you can copy paste the demo commands


Change into the demo directory and you are ready to start

cd demo-opensuse/

Inside the demo-opensuse directory you will find four directories: owner_alice, functionary_bob, functionary_carl and final_product. Alice, Bob and Carl already have RSA keys in each of their directories. This is what you see:

tree  # If you don't have tree, try 'find .' instead
# the tree command gives you the following output
# ├── Dockerfile
# ├──
# ├──
# ├── final_product
# ├── functionary_bob
# │   ├── bob
# │   └──
# ├── functionary_carl
# │   ├── carl
# │   └──
# └── owner_alice
#     ├── alice
#     ├──
#     ├──
#     ├──
#     └──

Define software supply chain layout (Alice)

First, we will create a new package on openSUSE's open build server. Next we will define the software supply chain layout. To simplify this process, we provide a script that generates a simple layout for the purpose of the demo.

Three people participate in this software supply chain, Alice, Bob and Carl. Alice is the project owner that creates the root layout. Bob is the developer, and he clones the project's repo and performs some pre-packaging edits. Carl then tests the sources and verifies that its fit to ship. Carl then commits the package which triggers open build server to build the RPMs.

Create and sign the software supply chain layout on behalf of Alice

cd owner_alice/

The script will create a layout, add Bob's and Carl's public keys (fetched from their directories), sign it with Alice's private key and dump it to root.layout. In root.layout, you will find that (besides the signature and other information) there are five steps, setup-project, clone, update-changelog, test and package, that the functionaries Bob and Carl, identified by their public keys, are authorized to perform.

Setup project (Bob)

Execute the following commands to change to Bob's directory and perform the step.

Checkout your default project. You will be prompted for your username and password which is stored in ~/.oscrc as plain text.

cd ../functionary_bob
osc checkout home:$username

Specify the build target

osc meta prj -e home:$username

This will open a template xml in your favourite editor. For this demo uncomment the first one.

<repository name="openSUSE_Factory">
   <path project="openSUSE:Factory" repository="standard" />

Create a new package named connman in your home project

cd home:$username
osc meta pkg -e home:$username connman

osc will open a template xml, fill out name, title, description. You can see your package here$username/connman (replace $username in url with actual username).

Update the local copy from the central server. you will get a new connman directory

osc up

Now we will create a link file as a proof that Bob created the meta files for the project and package. The link will contain the hashes of both the meta files so in the future if something goes wrong we can figure out if Bob made a mistake or someone else changed the file.

in-toto-record --step-name setup-project --key ../bob start
osc meta prj home:$username >> project.meta
osc meta pkg home:$username connman >> package.meta
in-toto-record --step-name setup-project --key ../bob stop --products project.meta package.meta

Clone project source code (Bob)

Now, we will take the role of the functionary Bob and perform the step clone on his behalf, that is we use in-toto to clone the project repo from GitHub and record metadata for what we do.

in-toto-record --step-name clone --key ../bob start
git clone file:///home/connman/.git/ connman-src
mv connman-src/* connman/
rm -r connman-src
in-toto-record --step-name clone --key ../bob stop --products connman/_service connman/connman-1.30.tar.gz connman/connman-1.30.tar.sign connman/connman-rpmlintrc connman/connman.changes connman/connman.keyring connman/connman.spec

Here is what happens behind the scenes:

  1. In-toto wraps the work of Bob,
  2. hashes the contents of the source code,
  3. adds the hash together with other information to a metadata file,
  4. signs the metadata with Bob's private key, and
  5. stores everything to clone.[Bob's keyid].link.

Update-changelog (Bob)

Before Carl tests and commits the source code, Bob will update the changelog saved in connman.changes. He does this using the in-toto-record command, which produces the same link metadata file as above but does not require Bob to wrap his action in a single command. So first Bob records the state of the files he will modify:

in-toto-record --step-name update-changelog --key ../bob start --materials connman/connman.changes

Then Bob uses an editor of his choice to update the changelog e.g.:

vim connman/connman.changes

And finally he records the state of files after the modification and produces a link metadata file called update-changelog.[Bob's keyid].link.

in-toto-record --step-name update-changelog --key ../bob stop --products connman/connman.changes

Bob has done his work and can send over the sources to Carl.

cd ..
mv home:$username/ ../functionary_carl/

Test (Carl)

Now, we will perform Carl’s test step by executing the following commands to change to Carl's directory.

cd ../functionary_carl/home:$username/
in-toto-run --step-name test --key ../carl -- osc build openSUSE_Factory x86_64 connman/connman.spec

It will prompt you to trust the gpg key for openSUSE:Factory, Choose 1

Would you like to ...
0 - quit (default)
1 - always trust packages from 'openSUSE:Factory'
2 - trust packages just this time
? 1

This will create a step link metadata file, called test.[Carl's keyid].link.

Package (Carl)

Now we will execute the package step.

in-toto-record --step-name package --key ../carl start --materials connman/*

Commit changes, this would trigger an automatic build on open build server.

cd connman
osc add *
osc commit

Download the build RPM from server

cd ../

And finally he records the state of files after the modification and produces a link metadata file, called package.[Carl's keyid].link.

in-toto-record --step-name package --key ../carl stop --products connman-1.30-1.1.src.rpm

Verify final product (client)

Let's first copy all relevant files into the final_product that is our software package <srcpackage.rpm> and the related metadata files root.layout, clone.[Bob's keyid].link, update-changelog.[Bob's keyid].link, test.[Carl's keyid].link and package.[Carl's keyid].link:

cd ../../
cp owner_alice/root.layout owner_alice/ functionary_carl/home:$username/ functionary_carl/home:$username/ functionary_carl/home:$username/ functionary_carl/home:$username/ functionary_carl/home:$username/ functionary_carl/home:$username/connman-1.30-1.1.src.rpm final_product/

And now run verification on behalf of the client:

cd final_product
# Fetch Alice's public key from a trusted source to verify the layout signature
# Note: The functionary public keys are fetched from the layout
cp ../owner_alice/ .
in-toto-verify --layout root.layout --layout-key

This command will verify that

  1. the layout has not expired,
  2. was signed with Alice’s private key, and that according to the definitions in the layout
  3. each step was performed and signed by the authorized functionary
  4. the recorded materials and products follow the artifact rules and
  5. the inspection unpack finds what it expects.
  6. the inspection verify-signature checks that the signature for connman tarball is correct.

From it, you will see the meaningful output PASSING and a return value of 0, that indicates verification was successful:

echo $?
# should output 0

Wrapping up

Congratulations! You have completed the in-toto opensuse demo!

Your package can now be installed in openSUSE systems. Instructions to do so can be found here$username&package=connman (replace $username in url with actual username). If in-toto was integrated with Open Build System and zypper, testing and packaging step would be done on Open Build System. In-toto meta data would be hosted on$username/ (replace $username in url with actual username) along with the build RPMs. zypper would download and verify in-toto metadata along with the downloaded RPMs.

This exercise shows a very simple case in how in-toto can protect the different steps within the software supply chain. More complex software supply chains that contain more steps can be created in a similar way. You can read more about what in-toto protects against and how to use it on in-toto's Github page.

Clean up

We will delete the connman package from your home project now.

cd ../functionary_carl/home:$username
osc delete connman
osc ci -m "remove package"