Gather channel information from YouTube channels.
## List of channels to monitor.
channels = [
## List of videos to monitor.
videos = [
## YouTube API key.
# api_key = ""
- youtube_channel
- tags:
- id - The ID of the channel
- title - The title name
- fields:
- subscribers (int)
- videos (int)
- views (int)
- tags:
- youtube_video
- tags:
- id - The ID of the video
- title - The title name
- fields:
- comments (int)
- dislikes (int)
- favorites (int)
- likes (int)
- views (int)
- tags:
youtube_channel,id=UCBR8-60-B28hp2BmDPdntcQ,title=YouTube subscribers=32000000i,videos=409i,views=2509852022i 1634655873951240300
youtube_channel,id=UCnrgOD6G0y0_rcubQuICpTQ,title=InfluxData videos=261i,views=489944i,subscribers=4520i 1634655873951240300
youtube_video,id=gjoHHYnXdqs,title=InfluxDB:\ The\ time\ series\ data\ platform\ built\ for\ developers comments=0i,dislikes=1i,favorites=0i,likes=8i,views=377i 1634655874031796300
youtube_video,id=OoCsY8odmpM,title=Intro\ to\ Time\ Series\ Databases\ &\ Data\ |\ Getting\ Started\ [1\ of\ 7] comments=0i,dislikes=20i,favorites=0i,likes=514i,views=74740i 1634655874031796300