A PHP implementation of Evernote, for personal, for terminal user
- Create note
- Find note
- Delete note
Visit Evernote to get your TOKEN, if you accidentally missed this page, this is the url:
Mionote requires some libraries, these libraries can be installed via composer. Just run these commands to install composer:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer
chmod +x /usr/bin/composer
Now you can install requirements via composer in project directory
composer install
You can set mionote as a system command:
ln -s mionote /usr/local/bin/mionote
You can write some hook for create,find,delete note
Coming soom
Before you to explore this app, you need set you TOKEN and editor via two commands:
mionote user:token:set # Set your evernote TOKEN
mionote user:editor:set # Set your editor for create