Provided by: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck
This dashboard help you get metrics of your Github repository.
In the InfluxDB UI, go to Settings->Templates and enter this URL:
If you have your InfluxDB credentials configured in the CLI, you can install this template with:
influx apply -u
- 1 Telegraf:
Configuration: Github Inputs
- 1 Dashboards:
Github - InfluxData [InfluxDB & Telegraf repos]
- 1 Bucket:
- 1 Label:
General instructions on using InfluxDB Templates can be found in the use a template document.
Telegraf Configuration requires the following environment variables
- The token with the permissions to read Telegraf configs and write data to thetelegraf
bucket. You can just use your operator token to get started.INFLUX_ORG
- The name of your Organization.INFLUX_HOST
- The URL of your InfluxDB host (this can be your localhost, a remote instance, or InfluxDB Cloud).GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN
- Your personal Github token for making API calls
You can generate a Token Access Key from Github on this page:
Author: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck
Email: ignacio[at]vandroogenbroeck[dot]net
Github and Gitlab user: @xe-nvdk
Influx Slack: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck