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Exercise 3: Introducing Arrow

Arrow is a library that adds types that make it easier to implementation functional patterns.

In this exercise we will introduce some of the core Arrow types and we will look at error handling the functional way.


sealed class Either<out A, out B>

Per the definition; either is a wrapper around 2 types. By convention the left side holds a possible exception and the right side the wrapped value.

For instance:

fun divide(v: Int, d: Int): Either<ArithmeticException, Double> =
    if (d == 0) Either.Left(ArithmeticException("Divide by zero"))
    else Either.Right(v.toDouble() / d)

In the above code, we have a method that has a fully defined path of execution without a possible side effect where an exception creates a short-cut out of the main flow.


So, for a small exercise using Either we can create some methods that will showcase exception handling.

Firstly we need some way of converting a currency into another currency. For that we can use a conversion map like this one:

val conversionMap = mapOf<Pair<String,String>,Double>(
    ("£" to "$") to 1.25,
    ("" to "$") to 1.07,
    ("£" to "") to 0.83

So using the above table, let's create a convertPrice method in a couple of steps and setup exception handling in the process.

Basic functions

We will build the logic in a few basic functions, later we will introduce the exception handling logic

Create the base conversion function first:

 * This should throw an exception if there is no conversion rate available 
 * for the used currency
fun convertPrice(price: Price, currency: String): Price = TODO()

Also grab the function we created to format the price in [exercise 2] (, and rewrite it a little:

fun formatPrice(price: Price): String = TODO() // Copy the logic

Lastly we will introduce a price parser method, that can be used to build a Price from a string. This function will allow us to investigate a flow where there are multiple possible exceptions that can be thrown.

fun parsePrice(from: String): Price = TODO()

Calling these in order might look like so:

val price = parsePrice("1.11€")
    .let { convertPrice(it, "$") }
    .let { formatPrice(it) }
println("Parsed, converted price: $price")

This chain of calls can bomb out on any exception, and do try that out!

Introduce Either

Now we are going to change the above functions to handle the exceptions so that it is clear it can be passed out of them.

fun formatPrice(price: Price): Either<IllegalArgumentException,String> = TODO()

fun parsePrice(from: String): Either<ParseException,Price> = TODO()

fun convertPrice(price: Price, currency: String): 
        Either<IllegalArgumentException,Price> = TODO()

So where these methods would have thrown an exception, now it should return the exception wrapped using Either.Left(...).

And for a normal return value wrap it in Either.Right(...).

These are specific classes that we can use the Kotlin type-matching using a when statement, ie:

when(e) {
    is Either.Right -> TODO() // Success
    is Either.Left -> TODO() // Failure

The chaining of the methods can now be done using the standard Either methods flatMap and map:

val price = parsePrice("1.11€")
    .flatMap { convertPrice(it, "$") }
    .flatMap { formatPrice(it) }

println("Parsed, converted price: $price")

And as a last step, we could output a message depending on the type with type-matching (continuing from above)

when(price) {
    is Either.Right -> println("Parsed, converted price: ${price.value}")
    is Either.Left -> println("Failed to parse price from: $priceString. Failure: ${price.left()}") // Failure


sealed class Validated<out E, out A>

Validated works very similar to Either but the difference is that in general type Validated is used to accumulate errors, while Either is used to short-circuit a computation upon the first error.


We can take the above created method and replace Either with Validated as a small exercise.


sealed class Eval<out A>

Eval is a monad which controls evaluation of a value or a computation that produces a value.

Three basic evaluation strategies:

  • Now: evaluated immediately
  • Later: evaluated once when value is needed
  • Always: evaluated every time value is needed

The Later and Always are both lazy strategies while Now is eager. Later and Always are distinguished from each other only by memoization: once evaluated Later will save the value to be returned immediately if it is needed again. Always will run its computation every time.

It is not generally good style to pattern-match on Eval instances. Rather, use .map and .flatMap to chain computation, and use .value to get the result when needed. It is also not good style to create Eval instances whose computation involves calling .value on another Eval instance – this can defeat the trampolining and lead to stack overflows.


To get a feel for reasons for using Eval and delayed execution, let's create a long-running function that will eventually cause a StackOverflowError.

Here is a naive implementation to determine if a number is odd or even:

 * Returns true if the given value is even
fun even(v: Int): Boolean =
    if (v == 0) true
    else odd(v - 1)

 * Returns true if the given value is odd
fun odd(v: Int): Boolean =
    if (v == 0) false
    else even(v - 1)

fun main() {
    // Blow it up

So, let's rewrite above code using Eval, and here's a start:

fun even(v: Int): Eval(Boolean) =
    Eval.always { v == 0 }.flatMap {

fun main() {
    // Smooth like butter


interface Effect<R, A>

Effect is a suspend function that encapsulates the resulting value A and an exceptional result R.

To write an Effect we will use the constructor method effect to encapsulate the logic.

The DSL for building effect also has function shift for shifting out of the normal flow and returning the exceptional result. It also contains validator functions like ensure(condition) { .. } that, in case the condition is not satisfied, will shift the result from the lambda.


To have a look at the way that Effect can be used, we create a small function that reads a file.

Take the following code, and let's build on it:

object InvalidPath

fun readFile(path: String): Effect<InvalidPath,Unit> = effect {
    if (path.isBlank()) shift(InvalidPath)
    else Unit

Now we can improve on this by using some ensure methods.

fun readFile(path: String): Effect<InvalidPath,Unit> = effect {
    ensure(path.isNotBlank()) { InvalidPath }

You could also change the function to accept a nullable value path: String? and add another ensure to make sure that the value is actually not null.

Next step is to actually read the content of a file. Reading a file can cause other exceptional circumstances, so we can model those other situations like so:

sealed class FileError {
    object InvalidPath: FileError()
    object FileNotFound: FileError()
    object SecurityError: FileError()

And we have to ensure we can capture the file content. For that we use a simple class that encapuslates the content as a list of strings:

class Content(val body: List<String>)

So continuing from the readFile function we should expand it with actual File(path).readLines() capability:

fun readFile(path: String): Effect<FileError,Content> = effect {
    ensure(path.isNotBlank()) { FileError.InvalidPath }
    try {
    } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) {

And to invoke this method, and you should try that for valid and invalid paths, we can for instance take the resulting effect and convert it to a Either like so (note that main is now also a suspend function):

suspend fun main() {
    val result = readFile("").toEither()
    when(result) {