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From your fork of the repository, go to the lip/ directory and create a new project:

dune init project toyparser

Then, run the following commands from the lip/toyparser directory:

echo '(using menhir 2.1)' >> dune-project
echo -e '(menhir (modules parser))\n(ocamllex lexer)' >> lib/dune

These commands extend the dune configuration files, to instruct the compiler to use the ocamllex and the Menhir tools.

The goal of this project is to familiarize with the Menhir parser generator. While the lexer takes as input a string of text and outputs a list of tokens (in the form of a lexer buffer of type Lexing.lexbuf), the parser takes as input a lexer buffer, and gives as output an abstract syntax tree (AST).

You will work on the following files in the lib directory:

  •, defining the type of the abstract syntax tree
  • lexer.mll, defining the lexer generator
  • parser.mly, defining the parser generator
  •, containing utility functions.

In this project, we start with simple expressions that are summations of natural numbers. For instance:

1 + 2 + 3 + (1 + 2)

Correspondigly, the type of the abstract syntax tree is the following:

type ast =
    Const of int
  | Add of ast * ast

The main utility function in the Toyparser library is:

eval : ast -> int_or_err

This function takes as input an abstract syntax tree, and outputs its value. In order to handle possible evaluation errors, the return type int_or_err is a tagged union: the tag Ok wraps correct evaluation results (of type int), while the tag Error wraps error messages (of type string).

An example of a correct evaluation is the following:

eval (Add (Add (Const 1,  Const 2), Const 3))
> Ok 6

The project requires you to work at the following tasks:

Task 1

In the first task, you are just required to experiment with the project frontend and add a few tests.

The main routine in bin/ reads a line from the stdin, parses it, then evaluates the AST obtained from the parser, and prints the result to stdout.

Test the main routine by running:

dune exec toyparser

Then, add some unit tests in the test directory, and run them:

dune test

Task 2

Extend the lexer, the parser and the evaluation function to handle also the subtraction operator.

The tricky part of this task is to obtain the right priority to operators. As a guideline, we want to ensure that their priority is the same as in the Python REPL. For instance:

echo "5 - 3 - 1" | dune exec toyparser
> 1

The priority of operators is defined in parser.mly. In the project skeleton, look at the line:

%left PLUS

This line instructs the parser that the PLUS token associates to the left. Behind the scenes, it introduces a rule in the parsing tables saying that the sum production cannot appear as the right child of another sum production.

Then, when parsing:

1 + 2 + 3

The parser will output the AST:

Add (Add (Const 1, Const 2), Const 3)

Associativity and Priority in Menhir

The section of parser.mly between the the token declarations and the grammar rules is dedicated to associativity and priority declarations.

An associativity declaration is written in a single line and it accepts a non-empty list of tokens. It can take on one of the following forms:

%left TOKEN_1 TOKEN_2 ...
%right TOKEN_1 TOKEN_2 ...
%nonassoc TOKEN_1 TOKEN_2 ...

where TOKEN_1, TOKEN_2 etc. are tokens defined in a previous %token declaration.

A line starting with %left defines a left-associative group of tokens or productions, while %right defines a right-associative group. There's also %nonassoc, which defines a group that is not associative.

Every token or production in the same associativity group has the same priority. There can be multiple associativity declarations, each on its own line, for example:

%left OR
%left AND
%nonassoc NOT

The order of the declaration has a special meaning: it defines the precedence of the tokens. The associativity declarations that come later in the file take precedence over the declarations in the previous lines (see the documentation).

In the example above, the token OR has lower priority than both AND and NOT. At the same time, AND has higher precedence than OR and lower precedence than NOT.

Behind the scenes, the parse tables are constructed so that OR cannot appear as a direct child of AND in the AST of any given expression without parentheses, and therefore the parser will always try to reduce AND first.

Task 3

Extend the lexer, the parser and the evaluation function to handle also multiplication and division.

Revise the evaluation function to report an error when attempting to divide by zero. The result of eval e must be Result.Error msg if the evaluation involves a division by zero. The error message must mention the value of the dividend, as in the following output:

echo "1 + 2 / 0" | dune exec toyparser
> Error: tried to divide 2 by zero

Implement unit tests in the test directory.

Task 4

Extend the lexer, the parser and the evaluation function to handle also the unary minus. For instance:

echo "-1 - 2 - -3" | dune exec toyparser
> 0

Implement unit tests in the test directory.

Task 5

Extend the lexer, the parser and the evaluation function to handle also hexadecimal numbers in C syntax. For instance:

echo "0x01 + 2" | dune exec toyparser
> 3

Implement unit tests in the test directory.

Task 6 (optional)

Refactor the code of eval using the ==> operator defined in lib/

let ( ==> ) (res : int_or_err) (f : int -> int_or_err) : int_or_err =
  match res with
  | Ok value -> f value
  | Error msg -> Error msg

Read on to understand what it does and how to use it. An example refactoring with ==> is provided at the end.

Background: Evaluating results

Let's have a closer look at the type of the evaluator:

eval : ast -> int_or_err

Both ast and int_or_err are custom types defined in lib/ and lib/, respectively. In particular, int_or_err is an instance of a more general type called result.

A result is a tagged union of two constructors, Ok and Error, parameterized on two type variables 'a (pronounced "alpha") and 'error. Ok carries values of type 'a and Error carries values of type 'error:

type ('a, 'error) result =
  | Ok of 'a
  | Error of 'error

This type is already defined in the Result module of OCaml's standard library and it can be used by typing Result.t.

In lib/ we instantiated Result.t with the types int and string and called the resulting type int_or_err:

type int_or_err = (int, string) Result.t

By using int_or_err as the return type of eval, we express the fact that the computations of eval can either successfully compute an integer value or they can fail with an error that is described by a string message.

Using results is pretty straightforward. When we successfully compute a value and are ready to return it, we wrap it in the Ok tag. This is what we've done in the evaluator so far. For example, constant expressions carry a number that can be immediately wrapped in Ok:

| Const n -> Ok n

When we can't compute a value for the given inputs, we must report the problem to the caller. With results, we do this by returning a string message explaining what went wrong inside the Error tag, like in the following pseudocode:

| <Bad inputs> -> Error "Failed to compute a value for the inputs ... because ..."

To extract the value from a result we use pattern matching. However, a value is not always available, so it is best to return another result rather than throw an exception. In other words, we must handle the case where the result is an error.

The following pseudocode matches on an input result called res and returns a new result. If the input result matches Ok value, then value is transformed by a function f. You can think of f as some work that you want to do on the value. Otherwise, if the input result matches Error msg, it is propagated in the output exactly as it is:

match res with
| Ok value -> f value
| Error msg -> Error msg

This is a common pattern in functional programming and it can be factored out into a higher-order function that takes a result, an anonymous function that transforms a value into a new result, and returns a brand new result. We've named this function ==> (pronounced "bind"):

let ( ==> ) res f =
  match res with
  | Ok value -> Ok (f value)
  | Error msg -> Error msg

This operator is also available in the Result module of the standard library under the name Result.bind. Our custom definition in lib/ lets us use it as an infix operator.

The thick arrow operator helps us make the code of the evaluator a lot more succinct and readable. For example, consider the code provided by the project for eval that handles addition:

| Add (e1,e2) ->
  let res1 = eval e1 in
  let res2 = eval e2 in
  match res1, res2 with
  | Error err1, _ -> Error err1
  | _, Error err2 -> Error err2
  | Ok v1, Ok v2 -> Ok (v1 + v2)

Using ==>, the code simplifies to:

| Add (e1,e2) ->
  eval e1 ==> fun v1 ->
  eval e2 ==> fun v2 ->
  Ok (v1 + v2)

This pattern has an additional benefit in that it is short-circuiting: if one of the expressions being evaluated fails with Error _ then this is the result of the whole Add case; execution won't continue on evaluating the other expression.

Your job in this task is to rewrite the code you wrote that handles subtraction, multiplication and division using the ==> operator following the example above.