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Types that are parts of blocks

Table of contents


  • You should have read the Ouroboros paper.

  • You should be familiar with basic Haskell types (e.g. Int) and with some less common Haskell types (e.g. NonEmpty); when in doubt, use Hoogle.

  • Basic knowledge of the concept of secret sharing is required, see the section SSC-related types for some links.

  • We assume that you know about hashing and public key cryptography used in Cardano SL – e.g. Hash, PublicKey, Signature, RedeemPublicKey. One additional thing that can be noted here is that a StakeholderId is a hash (AddressHash) of a public key.

  • We also assume that you know about AsBinary. If you don't, a one-sentence explanation is that AsBinary a contains a serialized a. It's intended to be used for types like public keys, where deserialization can't fail (unless the key has a wrong length) but still takes significant time and so we'd like to do it lazily.

  • Finally, we assume that you've read Unknown data handling, which explains things like TxInUnknown and Attributes. Whenever you see words “attributes map” or “constructor provided for backwards compatibility”, the linked document is probably relevant.

Genesis block

keywords: GenesisBlock

Genesis blocks are blocks that are created at epoch boundary by nodes. They don't contain any data that can't be deduced from the blockchain, but they are sent over the network anyway because that's more convenient.

A genesis block is implemented as a GenericBlock:

type GenesisBlock = GenericBlock GenesisBlockchain

It contains the following fields:

  • _gbHeader :: GenesisBlockHeader – a header

  • _gbBody :: Body GenesisBlockchain – a payload consisting of a list of slot leaders chosen for the current epoch (i.e. the one which begins with this block)

  • _gbExtra :: GenesisExtraBodyData – an attributes map, currently empty (Attributes ())


  • Body proof in the header must be valid.

Genesis block header

keywords: GenesisBlockHeader; ConsensusData GenesisBlockchain, GenesisConsensusData; ExtraHeaderData GenesisBlockchain, GenesisExtraHeaderData, GenesisHeaderAttributes

A genesis block header is a GenericBlockHeader:

type GenesisBlockHeader = GenericBlockHeader GenesisBlockchain

It contains the following fields:

  • _gbhPrevBlock :: HeaderHash – a hash of the previous block's header

  • _gbhBodyProof :: BodyProof GenesisBlockchain – a hash of _gbLeaders from the payload

  • _gbhConsensus :: ConsensusData GenesisBlockchain – meta-information about the block:

    • _gcdEpoch :: EpochIndex – the epoch which the block belongs to (a genesis block technically is at the very beginning of an epoch)
    • _gcdDifficulty :: ChainDifficulty – difficulty of the chain ending in this block (i.e. number of main blocks between the first block ever and this block, inclusive)
  • _gbhExtra :: GenesisExtraHeaderData – an attributes map, currently empty (Attributes ())

Genesis block payload

keywords: Body GenesisBlockchain, GenesisBody; SlotLeaders

The body contains a single non-empty list of slot leaders that were chosen for the current epoch:

data Body GenesisBlockchain = GenesisBody
    { _gbLeaders :: SlotLeaders

type SlotLeaders = NonEmpty StakeholderId

Genesis block extra

keywords: ExtraBodyData GenesisBlockchain, GenesisExtraBodyData; GenesisBodyAttributes

The extra data stored in a genesis block (_gbExtra) currently contains only an empty attributes map:

data GenesisExtraBodyData = GenesisExtraBodyData
    { _gebAttributes :: GenesisBodyAttributes

type GenesisBodyAttributes = Attributes ()

It might be extended later.

Main block

keywords: MainBlock

Main blocks are blocks with actual blockchain-related data (e.g. transactions). Every slot, a single main block is generated by the slot leader and sent to other nodes.

A main block is implemented as a GenericBlock:

type MainBlock = GenericBlock MainBlockchain

It contains the following fields:

  • _gbHeader :: MainBlockHeader – a header

  • _gbBody :: Body MainBlockchain – several payloads (transactions, SSC, delegation, and update system)

  • _gbExtra :: MainExtraBodyData – an attributes map, currently empty (Attributes ())


  • Header:

    • Body proof (_gbhBodyProof) must be valid.
    • Extra body hash (_mehEBDataProof) must be valid.
  • SSC payload:

    • Certificates must have valid time-to-live – the protocol defines values (vssMinTTL, vssMaxTTL), and we check that for each certificate, certExpiryEpoch - blockEpoch + 1 lies in the interval [vssMinTTL; vssMaxTTL].
    • Commitments must have right signatures. To verify commitment's signature, we must know the epoch – therefore it can't be checked as a part of the commitment invariants.
    • The commitments should each contain at least one share, and the shares in commitments should be deserializable.
    • The payload type should correspond to the slot of the block (commitments are only allowed in slots [0;2k), openings – in slots [4k;6k), and shares – in slots [8k;10k)).
  • Delegation payload:

    • All proxy keys must have the same epoch as the block itself.

Main block header

keywords: MainBlockHeader; ConsensusData MainBlockchain, MainConsensusData; MainExtraHeaderData

A main block header is a GenericBlockHeader:

type MainBlockHeader = GenericBlockHeader MainBlockchain

It contains the following fields:

  • _gbhPrevBlock :: HeaderHash – a hash of the previous block's header.

  • _gbhBodyProof :: BodyProof MainBlockchain – proofs (e.g. hashes) of payloads from the block body; they will be discussed in the section about block payload.

  • _gbhConsensus :: ConsensusData MainBlockchain – meta-information about the block:

    • _mcdSlot :: SlotId – the slot for which the block was generated
    • _mcdLeaderKey :: PublicKey – public key of the slot leader (which may be different from the block issuer, because of delegation; if the issuer isn't the slot leader, the signature will contain the actual issuer)
    • _mcdDifficulty :: ChainDifficulty – difficulty of the chain ending in this block (i.e. number of main blocks between the first block ever and this block, inclusive)
    • _mcdSignature :: BlockSignature – a signature of the block by its issuer (if the issuer isn't the slot leader, it will be a delegated signature confirming issuer's right to issue the block in this slot)
  • _gbhExtra :: MainExtraHeaderData – more information about the block:

    • _mehBlockVersion :: BlockVersion – the block version; see Software and block versions. Block version can be associated with a set of protocol rules. Rules associated with _mehBlockVersion from a block are the rules used to create that block (i.e. the block must adhere to these rules).
    • _mehSoftwareVersion :: SoftwareVersion – the software version (see the same link); the version of software that created the block
    • _mehEBDataProof :: Hash MainExtraBodyData – a hash of the extra data in the block (since ultimately a header needs to checksum all data in the block)
    • _mehAttributes :: BlockHeaderAttributes – an attributes map to extend the header with more fields, currently empty


  • The signature must be valid.

  • If the signature is a delegated signature (BlockPSignatureLight or BlockPSignatureHeavy), it must not be self-signed – i.e. the pskIssuerPk and pskDelegatePk must be different.

Main block signature

keywords: BlockSignature, MainToSign

A BlockSignature verifies that the block was issued by someone who had a right to issue it, and also verifies that the block hasn't been tampered with:

data BlockSignature
    = BlockSignature (Signature MainToSign)
    | BlockPSignatureLight (ProxySigLight MainToSign)
    | BlockPSignatureHeavy (ProxySigHeavy MainToSign)

There are three kinds of signatures:

  • BlockSignature – simply a signature of the block by its issuer

  • BlockPSignatureLight – a light delegation signature (not discussed in this document); this signature is used when the right to issue blocks has been transferred on a temporary basis

  • BlockPSignatureHeavy – a heavy delegation signature, used when the right to issue blocks has been transferred “until further notice”

The thing signed by a BlockSignature isn't the whole block, but basically MainBlockHeader without the BlockSignature. We avoid signing the whole block because signing is an expensive process and we'd like to sign as few bytes as we can get away with; since a MainBlockHeader already contains hashes of all parts of the block, it works out. The exact parts that are signed are specified by MainToSign:

data MainToSign = MainToSign
    { _msHeaderHash  :: HeaderHash                -- previous block's header
    , _msBodyProof   :: BodyProof MainBlockchain  -- hashes of block's body
    , _msSlot        :: SlotId                    -- current slot
    , _msChainDiff   :: ChainDifficulty           -- difficulty
    , _msExtraHeader :: MainExtraHeaderData       -- extra data from the header

The choice of signed data ensures that the whole block can be verified given a BlockSignature.

Main block payload+proof

keywords: Body MainBlockchain, MainBody; BodyProof MainBlockchain, MainProof

The block body consists of four payloads – transactions, SSC, delegation, and update system. In further sections we discuss each of those payloads, as well as corresponding proofs (stored in the header).

data Body MainBlockchain = MainBody
    { _mbTxPayload     :: TxPayload
    , _mbSscPayload    :: SscPayload
    , _mbDlgPayload    :: DlgPayload
    , _mbUpdatePayload :: UpdatePayload

Transactions payload+proof

keywords: TxPayload, TxProof

The transaction payload consists of a Merkle tree with transactions, and a list of witnesses corresponding to those transactions:

data TxPayload = UnsafeTxPayload
    { _txpTxs       :: MerkleTree Tx         -- transactions
    , _txpWitnesses :: [TxWitness]           -- witnesses

The invariant is that the tree of transactions and the list of witnesses have the same number of elements.

The reason we separate transactions and their witnesses is that light clients might want to request transactions but not witnesses (since they don't have enough information to verify the witnesses anyway), and- in order to be able to verify the acquired list of transactions given only the block header, we need a hash of transactions (separated from witnesses) in the header.

The proof of TxPayload looks like this:

data TxProof = TxProof
    { txpNumber        :: Word32             -- number of transactions
    , txpRoot          :: MerkleRoot Tx      -- root of the transaction tree
    , txpWitnessesHash :: Hash [TxWitness]   -- hash of the witnesses list
  • The integrity of the transaction tree is ensured by recording the size and root of the tree; the root of a Merkle tree is a hash which depends on all other elements, and the shape of the tree is uniquely determined by the number of elements in the tree.

  • The integrity of the witnesses list is ensured by recording its hash.

SSC payload+proof

keywords: SscPayload, SscProof, VssCertificatesHash

The SSC payload always contains a certificates map (VssCertificatesMap) and can optionally contain exactly one of these: a commitments map, an openings map, or a shares map. You should see the section about SSC-related types if you want to know what purpose they serve.

data SscPayload
    = CommitmentsPayload
    | OpeningsPayload
    | SharesPayload
    | CertificatesPayload

This type has no invariants.

The proof of SscPayload simply consists of hashes of its fields:

data SscProof
    = CommitmentsProof
        !(Hash CommitmentsMap)
    | OpeningsProof
        !(Hash OpeningsMap)
    | SharesProof
        !(Hash SharesMap)
    | CertificatesProof

Instead of Hash VssCertificatesMap we use a VssCertificatesHash, which is defined differently:

type VssCertificatesHash = Hash (HashMap StakeholderId VssCertificate)

The reason for that is that hashing is done after serialization, and at some point the serialization format for VssCertificatesHash was changed from a map to a set. Since we can't change the protocol easily at this point, for hashing we still use the map representation (where the map key corresponding to each certificate is a StakeholderId derived from its the certificate's vcSigningKey).

Delegation payload+proof

keywords: DlgPayload

The delegation payload is a list of proxy keys. The invariant is that no two proxy keys have the same issuer (pskIssuerPk).

newtype DlgPayload = UnsafeDlgPayload [ProxySKHeavy]

The proof used for this type is simply a Hash DlgPayload.

Update system payload+proof

keywords: UpdatePayload, UpdateProof

The update system payload contains a list of votes and (optionally) an update proposal.

data UpdatePayload = UpdatePayload
    { upProposal :: Maybe UpdateProposal
    , upVotes    :: [UpdateVote]

This type has no invariants.

The proof used for this type is simply a Hash UpdatePayload.

Transaction-related types


keywords: Tx, TxId, TxIn, TxOut, TxAttributes

A transaction (Tx) can be thought of as a command to destroy several unspent outputs and create new unspent outputs, possibly with different owners. In this fashion, money can be transferred from one person to another by destroying money belonging to the first person and creating money that would belong to the second person. (See Transactions in Cardano SL for more details.)

Here is the definition of a transaction:

data Tx = UnsafeTx
    { _txInputs     :: NonEmpty TxIn         -- inputs
    , _txOutputs    :: NonEmpty TxOut        -- outputs
    , _txAttributes :: TxAttributes          -- attributes

The invariant is that all outputs must have value bigger than 0. Two additional invariants (“there's at least one input” and “there's at least one output”) are always satisfied thanks to using NonEmpty.

Transactions are referred to by their hashes:

type TxId = Hash Tx

Inputs are represented like this: since currently unspent outputs can only originate from transactions, any unspent output can be referred to by specifying a transaction ID and index in the list of that transaction's outputs:

data TxIn
    = TxInUtxo                      -- an output of some other transaction
        { txInHash  :: TxId
        , txInIndex :: Word32
    | TxInUnknown Word8 ByteString  -- for backwards compatibility

Outputs themselves are represented like this:

data TxOut = TxOut
    { txOutAddress :: Address  -- the owner of the output
    , txOutValue   :: Coin     -- amount of money


keywords: Address, AddrType, AddrSpendingData

An address (Address) is something that can be an output of a transaction (i.e. something we can send coins to). The structure of an Address is complicated due to several constraints placed on its design. This section starts with discussing several smaller types, and then looks at Address' and finally Address.

First of all, there are three kinds of addresses:

data AddrType
    = ATPubKey              -- pay to public key
    | ATScript              -- pay to script
    | ATRedeem              -- pay to redeem public key
    | ATUnknown Word8       -- (for backwards compatibility)

For each of those kinds, there is a corresponding constructor of AddrSpendingData – a type that specifies the condition which somebody has to satisfy in order to spend the funds:

data AddrSpendingData
    = PubKeyASD PublicKey
    | ScriptASD Script
    | RedeemASD RedeemPublicKey
    | UnknownASD Word8 ByteString    -- for backwards compatibility, too
  • PubKeyASD pubkey – you have to provide a signature by given key

  • ScriptASD validator – you have to provide a redeemer script that will match the validating script (see Witness for more details about what it means)

  • RedeemASD pubkey – you have to provide a signature by given redeem key

These two types are stored in an Address' along with address attributes:

newtype Address' =
    Address' (AddrType, AddrSpendingData, Attributes AddrAttributes)

Address's attributes store the derivation path (not explained in this document) and stake distribution. When money is sent to an address, we take only the distribution into account for the purpose of choosing slot leaders; it doesn't matter who the money actually belongs to (as determined by AddrSpendingData).

data AddrAttributes = AddrAttributes
    { aaPkDerivationPath  :: Maybe HDAddressPayload
    , aaStakeDistribution :: AddrStakeDistribution

data HDAddressPayload = HDAddressPayload ByteString

data AddrStakeDistribution
    = BootstrapEraDistr
    | SingleKeyDistr StakeholderId
    | UnsafeMultiKeyDistr (Map StakeholderId CoinPortion)
    -- ^ Stake distribution which gives stake to multiple
    -- stakeholders. 'CoinPortion' is a portion of an output (output
    -- has a value, portion of this value is stake). The constructor
    -- is unsafe because there are some predicates which must hold:
    --   • the sum of portions must be @maxBound@ (basically 1);
    --   • all portions must be positive;
    --   • there must be at least 2 items, because if there is only one item,
    --     'SingleKeyDistr' can be used instead (which is smaller).

newtype CoinPortion = CoinPortion Word64

There are three available distributions:

  • BootstrapEraDistr – stake is assigned to bootstrap era stakeholders

  • SingleKeyDistr id – all stake is assigned to the stakeholder with given ID

  • UnsafeMultiKeyDistr map – stake is divided between several stakeholders. For each stakeholder there's provided a CoinPortion – the dole of the stake that should be assigned to that stakeholder.

Invariants of UnsafeMultiKeyDistr:

  • The sum of portions must be 1.
  • All portions must be positive (i.e. not 0).
  • There must be at least two stakeholders.

A CoinPortion is a newtype for Word64, and is interpreted as the numerator of x / 10^15. Its invariant is that the x must lie in the interval [0; 10^15].

An Address' provides enough information to receive funds. However, a problem with Address' is that it reveals public keys, which is something we don't want to do (to stay safe if public key cryptography gets broken in the future). Therefore we wrap Address' into a structure that stores Address''s hash and all data from Address' except for AddrSpendingData:

type AddressHash = AbstractHash Blake2b_224

data Address = Address
    { addrRoot       :: AddressHash Address'
    , addrAttributes :: Attributes AddrAttributes
    , addrType       :: AddrType

At this point a perceptive reader could note that we could accomplish the same goal in a simpler manner – just store a hash of AddrSpendingData and dispose of Address' entirely. However, it would mean that when you give your address to someone, they can easily change its AddrAttributes and the address would still be valid. This gives rise to certain legal problems. For instance, if you are a shop and you've been paid to an address that has had its AddrAttributes modified, you can still use the money but you might no longer have stake assigned to you – does that constitute a valid payment or not?


keywords: TxWitness, TxInWitness, TxSig, TxSigData

A transaction witness (TxWitness) is a proof which authorizes spending each of the inputs of the transaction. (See Proofs of transaction legitimacy for more details.) A TxWitness is a list of input witnesses:

type TxWitness = Vector TxInWitness

There is a separate type of input witnesses (TxInWitness) for each AddrType:

data TxInWitness

    = PkWitness
        { twKey :: PublicKey        -- key corresponding to the address
        , twSig :: TxSig            -- a signature by that key

    | ScriptWitness
        { twValidator :: Script     -- validator
        , twRedeemer  :: Script     -- redeemer

    | RedeemWitness
        { twRedeemKey :: RedeemPublicKey              -- key
        , twRedeemSig :: RedeemSignature TxSigData    -- signature

    | UnknownWitnessType Word8 ByteString
  • A PkWitness provides a public key (which is checked to correspond to the key hash stored in address) and a transaction signature by that key. Specifically, we sign a Hash of the whole transaction:

    type TxSig = Signature TxSigData
    data TxSigData = TxSigData
        { txSigTxHash :: Hash Tx
  • A ScriptWitness provides a pair of scripts – twValidator is checked to correspond to the hash in the address and then the pair is executed together and if it returns True, the input is considered valid.

  • A RedeemWitness is similar to a PkWitness, but it's only used for redemption.

  • An UnknownWitnessType is used for providing backwards compatibility.


keywords: Script, ScriptVersion

A transaction script (Script) is a collection of definitions written in Plutus. It can be deserialized and loaded, and any definition in it can be evaluated.

data Script = Script
    { scrVersion :: ScriptVersion   -- version of Plutus to use
    , scrScript  :: ByteString      -- serialized script

type ScriptVersion = Word16

scrScript doesn't necessarily have to be a valid script (if it can't be deserialized, it will be handled on later stages).

Merkle tree

keywords: MerkleTree, MerkleNode, MerkleRoot

A Merkle tree is a binary tree where each leaf contains a value, and each node contains a hash that depends on hashes of its two children. For convenience, we define a newtype for hashes used in Merkle trees:

newtype MerkleRoot a = MerkleRoot (Hash Raw)

For the tree itself, we use two types:

  • MerkleNode – a simple, recursively defined type

  • MerkleTree – a wrapper that has a field for tree size and also provides a way to denote an empty tree

data MerkleTree a
    = MerkleEmpty                          -- empty tree
    | MerkleTree Word32 (MerkleNode a)     -- non-empty tree, with size
data MerkleNode a

    -- a branch with two children
    = MerkleBranch 
        { mRoot  :: MerkleRoot a           -- combined hash
        , mLeft  :: MerkleNode a           -- left subtree
        , mRight :: MerkleNode a           -- right subtree

    -- a single leaf
    | MerkleLeaf
        { mRoot :: MerkleRoot a            -- hash of the element
        , mVal  :: a                       -- the element stored in the leaf

Our implementation follows RFC 6962, except that we use a different hash instead of SHA-256. Read it to understand how exactly a tree is built and how branches' hashes are computed from children's hashes.

SSC-related types

This section assumes that you are familiar with Ouroboros. You may also want to read PVSS Implementation in Cardano SL to understand how the internals of Commitment, Opening, etc are implemented, and see the sources of the pvss-haskell library.

VSS keys

keywords: VssPublicKey, VssKeyPair

SSC uses a different public key cryptography scheme. Instead of PublicKey and SecretKey it uses VssPublicKey and VssKeyPair:

newtype VssPublicKey = VssPublicKey Scrape.PublicKey
newtype VssKeyPair = VssKeyPair Scrape.KeyPair

Certificate, certificates map

keywords: VssCertificate, VssCertificatesMap

Since everywhere else in Cardano we use PublicKey and SecretKey, we need to be able to establish a correspondence between stakeholders' public keys and their VSS keys. This is done by publishing a certificate (VssCertificate):

data VssCertificate = UnsafeVssCertificate
    { vcVssKey      :: AsBinary VssPublicKey
    , vcExpiryEpoch :: EpochIndex
    , vcSignature   :: Signature (AsBinary VssPublicKey, EpochIndex)
    , vcSigningKey  :: PublicKey

The fields mean:

  • vcVssKey – stakeholder's VSS key

  • vcSigningKey – stakeholder's public key

  • vcExpiryEpoch – the epoch up to which the certificate is considered valid

  • vcSignature – a signature of (vcVssKey, vcExpiryEpoch)

The invariant of VssCertificate is that the signature must be valid.

A certificates map (VssCertificatesMap) is a set of certificates, indexed by stakeholder IDs (hashes of certificates' vcSigningKeys) for performance. There are two invariants:

  • The IDs must indeed correspond to certificates' keys.
  • No two certificates can have the same vcVssKey.
newtype VssCertificatesMap = 
    UnsafeVssCertificatesMap (HashMap StakeholderId VssCertificate)

Commitment, commitments map

keywords: Commitment, CommitmentSignature, SignedCommitment, CommitmentsMap, SecretProof

After an SSC participant generates a secret, it also generates a Commitment:

data Commitment = Commitment
    { commProof  :: SecretProof                             -- proof of secret
    , commShares :: HashMap (AsBinary VssPublicKey)         -- encrypted shares
                            (NonEmpty (AsBinary EncShare))

The fields mean:

  • commShares – a number of encrypted shares, which can be decrypted and recovered back into a secret. For each participant's VSS key the HashMap lists one or more shares encrypted with that participant's key. They can only be decrypted with the corresponding VssKeyPair.

  • commProof – a proof, for which it is possible to check that a) it corresponds to the encrypted shares, and b) a certain secret corresponds or doesn't correspond to it.

By itself a commitment isn't signed – there's a separate type called SignedCommitment:

type SignedCommitment = (PublicKey, Commitment, CommitmentSignature)

type CommitmentSignature = Signature (EpochIndex, Commitment)

This is similar to how signing a VssCertificate works, except for one thing: each commitment is only valid for one epoch, and we always know what epoch it is, so we don't have to include the epoch into SignedCommitment.

A commitments map (CommitmentsMap) is a set of signed commitments, indexed by stakeholder IDs. The invariant is that the IDs must correspond to commitments' PublicKeys.

newtype CommitmentsMap = 
    CommitmentsMap (HashMap StakeholderId SignedCommitment)

The implementation of SecretProof is given below, but it will not be explained here as it's out of scope for this document.

data SecretProof = SecretProof
    { spExtraGen       :: Scrape.ExtraGen
    , spProof          :: Scrape.Proof
    , spParallelProofs :: Scrape.ParallelProofs
    , spCommitments    :: [Scrape.Commitment]

Opening, openings map

keywords: Opening, Secret, OpeningsMap

An opening is sent at the second stage of SSC. It reveals the participant's secret (which can be thought of as a simple bytestring).

newtype Opening = Opening (AsBinary Secret)

An openings map (OpeningsMap) is a map from participants' IDs to their openings. It has no invariants (since the opening doesn't have a public key in it).

type OpeningsMap = HashMap StakeholderId Opening

Encrypted/decrypted share, shares map

keywords: EncShare, DecShare; SharesMap, InnerSharesMap

A share is a part of a secret (see Wikipedia on secret sharing). With more than a certain percentage of decrypted shares (DecShare) it is possible to recover the secret that was used to create the shares. An encrypted share (EncShare) can be decrypted with the corresponding VSS keypair.

newtype DecShare = DecShare Scrape.DecryptedShare

newtype EncShare = EncShare Scrape.EncryptedSi

A shares map (SharesMap) is a set of shares created by some participants and decrypted by other participants:

  • outer key = who decrypted the share
  • inner key = who created the share
type SharesMap = HashMap StakeholderId InnerSharesMap

type InnerSharesMap = HashMap StakeholderId (NonEmpty (AsBinary DecShare))

So, an InnerSharesMap contains all shares decrypted by a certain participant, and keys of InnerSharesMap denote who created some particular set of shares.

Delegation-related types

Note: this section talks about heavy delegation only.

Proxy key

keywords: ProxySecretKey, ProxyCert, ProxySKHeavy

A proxy key (ProxySecretKey w) is a PublicKey, stored in pskDelegatePk, that comes equipped with three things:

  • pskOmega – a value of type w

  • pskIssuerPk – a key which delegated something (e.g. block issuing rights) to pskDelegatePk

  • pskCert – a proof that pskIssuerPk has delegated to pskDelegatePk

data ProxySecretKey w = ProxySecretKey
    { pskOmega      :: w              -- auxiliary value
    , pskIssuerPk   :: PublicKey      -- delegation happens from this key
    , pskDelegatePk :: PublicKey      -- this key
    , pskCert       :: ProxyCert w    -- a proof by 'pskIssuerPk'

A ProxyCert is just a signature of (pskDelegatePk, pskOmega):

newtype ProxyCert w = ProxyCert { unProxyCert :: CC.XSignature }

Note that “proxy secret key” is a misnomer – it really is a public key, not a secret key. Also note that it might look like ProxySecretKey has an invariant (“the certificate in it is valid”), but in reality this isn't an invariant, it's simply something we check in code at certain points.

Now that we have ProxySecretKey w, we can specify different ws and get different things. For heavy delegation we set w = EpochIndex:

type ProxySKHeavy = ProxySecretKey EpochIndex

So, a proxy delegation key contains the epoch when it was issued. This is needed to prevent replay attacks – if later on the proxy key gets revoked, the attacker wouldn't be able to simply resend the original key.

Proxy signature

keywords: ProxySignature, ProxySigHeavy

A ProxySignature w a is a signature of a by a ProxySecretKey w:

data ProxySignature w a = ProxySignature
    { psigPsk :: ProxySecretKey w
    , psigSig :: XSignature

Just like before, for heavy delegation we set w = EpochIndex:

type ProxySigHeavy a = ProxySignature EpochIndex a

The reason psigPsk is included into a proxy signature is that we need to know who was the actual signer to check the singature.

Update system related types

Update data

keywords: UpdateData

An UpdateData contains information that is needed to actually update from one version of the application to another. For each supported OS we need a different UpdateData.

data UpdateData = UpdateData
    { udAppDiffHash  :: Hash Raw
    , udPkgHash      :: Hash Raw
    , udUpdaterHash  :: Hash Raw
    , udMetadataHash :: Hash Raw

The fields mean:

  • upAppDiffHash – hash of binary diff between two applications. This diff can be used for directly patching binary files on user's computer.

  • udPkgHash – hash of an installer that can be used to install the new version from application from scratch instead of patching the existing application.

  • udUpdaterHash – currently unused.

  • udMetadataHash – currently unused.

(Note that an UpdateData contains only hashes – the diffs/installers can be queried by hash from update servers or via P2P.)

Update proposal

keywords: UpdateProposal, UpdateProposalToSign, UpAttributes, BlockVersion, BlockVersionModifier, SoftwareVersion, SystemTag

An update proposal (UpdateProposal) is a complete description of a client update published on the blockchain.

data UpdateProposal = UnsafeUpdateProposal
    { upBlockVersion    :: BlockVersion
    , upBlockVersionMod :: BlockVersionModifier
    , upSoftwareVersion :: SoftwareVersion
    , upData            :: HashMap SystemTag UpdateData
    , upAttributes      :: UpAttributes
    , upFrom            :: PublicKey
    , upSignature       :: Signature UpdateProposalToSign

The fields mean:

  • upBlockVersion, upBlockVersionMod, upSoftwareVersion – see Software and block versions

  • upData – data required to perform the update on different systems; this map can be empty if the update proposal only changes some constants and doesn't require modifying the application's binaries

  • upAttributes — the attributes map, currently empty (i.e. Attributes ())

  • upFrom – the public key of whoever proposed the UpdateProposal

  • upSignature – a signature of UpdateProposalToSign (a type containing all fields of UpdateProposal except for upFrom and upSignature) by the upFrom key

Invariant: upSignature is valid.

The SystemTag type is used for identifying different systems. It is a synonym for Text (a sample value could be e.g. "macos64"):

newtype SystemTag = SystemTag Text

There are two associated invariants:

  • It may only contain ASCII symbols.

  • It may not be longer than 10 characters.

Update vote

keywords: UpdateVote, UpId

Stakeholders may vote for published proposals. A vote can be either positive or negative. The type for votes is given below:

data UpdateVote = UpdateVote
    { uvKey        :: PublicKey               -- public key of the voter
    , uvProposalId :: UpId                    -- proposal which is voted for
    , uvDecision   :: Bool                    -- whether the vote is positive
    , uvSignature  :: Signature (UpId, Bool)  -- a signature by 'uvKey'

Proposals are identified simply by their hashes:

type UpId = Hash UpdateProposal

The invariant of UpdateVote is that the signature is valid.