Create a tiled video preview image using ffmpeg... FAST!
FFmpeg has this capability built in...
ffmpeg -i ./example.mp4 -y -vframes 1 -q:v 2 -vf 'select=not(mod(n\,23744)),scale=160:-1,tile=6x5:color=Black' output.jpg
... but for long videos, it is very slow. This is because ffmpeg must process every frame in the video, a task that is not well suited for microinstances in datacenters.
This module is designed to accomplish the job of getting a tiled screenshot image FAST, by calling ffmpeg multiple times in parallel, each time using ffmpeg's Input Seeking feature to seek to a point in the video, take a 1 frame snapshot, before combining all the snapshots together (again with ffmpeg) to form a tiled image of snapshots.
- This project addresses speed for large (several GB) videos only. On small size videos, this module is potentially slower than using FFmpeg's tile filter.
- Frame selection accuracy is not a priority. In other words, the frames selected to be combined into the output are not going to be the same frames that ffmpeg would have chosen, given the same options.
const videoPath = '/tmp/input.mp4'
const imagePath = '/tmp/output.png';
let options = {
input: videoPath,
output: imagePath,
width: 128,
cols: 6,
rows: 3
let prevvy = new Prevvy(options);
* Optional: the prevvy instance extends EventEmitter, emitting progress events.
prevvy.on('progress', async (data: { percentage: number }) => {
await job.updateProgress(data.percentage);
await prevvy.generate();
DEBUG=prevvy node ./cli.js generate --input '' --output ./my-storyboard.png