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File metadata and controls

458 lines (442 loc) · 10.9 KB

Packet generator based on NFF-GO

What it is

nffPktgen parses config in json format and generates packets according to it and either sends to port or writes to pcap file that can be read by NFF-GO reader, Wireshark, tcpdump and other tools reading pcap files. Generator package has public API which can be used for own generator.


func GetGenerator() *generator 

returns generator object pointer which is singleton, so will be created only once.

func (g *generator) GetGeneratedNumber() uint64

returns how much packets were generated.

func (g *generator) ResetCounter() {

sets counter of generated packets to 0.

func (g *generator) SetGenerateNumber(number uint64)

sets number to generate. When generated counter will reach it, generation will be stopped.

func (g *generator) ResetGenerateNumber()

sets number to generate to infinity (by default).

func ReadConfig(fileName string) ([]*MixConfig, error)

returns read and parsed config from file.

func GetContext(mixConfig []*MixConfig) (genParameters, error)

returns context that chould be sent to generator according to configuration.

func Generate(pkt *packet.Packet, context flow.UserContext)

is a main generator nunction. Context is obligatory.

Example of usage:

    // parse config
    configuration, err := generator.ReadConfig(pathToConfigJSON)
    // check error
    // generate context by config
    context, err := generator.GetContext(configuration)
    // check error
    // set generator
    outFlow, _, err := flow.SetFastGenerator(generator.Generate, speed, &context)
    // check error
    // send
    flow.CheckFatal(flow.SetSender(outFlow, uint16(port)))

    // periodically print statistics
	go func() {
        g :=  generator.GetGenerator()
		for {
			println("Sent", g.GetGeneratedNumber(), "packets")
			time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)

Configuration syntax:

File should be a structure containing structure with ethernet header or mix configuration:

    "ether": {

or mix following regexp "mix[0-9]*"

    "mix1": {
    "mix2": {
    "mix3": {

Inside each packet header can be either data or next level header, inside mix is packet header and quantity.

packet data configuration:

possible options are:

  • "raw":
"raw": {
  "data": "string with data that will be copied in"
  • "randbytes":
"randbytes": {
  "size": 50,
  "deviation": 10

size +-deviation random bytes will be generated, deviation field can be omitted

  • "pdist":
"pdist": [
        "probability": 0.5,
        "randbytes":    {
            "size": 50,
            "deviation": 10
        "probability": 0.5,
        "raw": {
            "data": "sfsfsfs"

pdist is an array of structures with data and probability of this data to be chosen sum of probabilitis should be (0,1]

so, minimum config file example is:

    "ether": {
        "raw": {
            "data": "111"

range structure:

"range": {
    "min": "00:25:96:FF:FE:12",
    "start": "00:30:00:FF:FE:12",
    "max": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12",
    "incr": 3

Range is available for IP, MAC addresses and TCP ports. min and max fields are obligatory, start should be [min, max], by defauld start = min, incr by default is 0.

l2 config:

possible fields are:

  • saddr which can be string or structure "range"
"saddr": {
    "range": {
        "min": "00:25:96:FF:FE:12",
        "start": "00:30:00:FF:FE:12",
        "max": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12",
        "incr": 3
  • daddr which can be string or structure "range"
"daddr": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12"
  • VLAN tagging: to each packet vlan tag can be added: "vlan-tci" and then numeric TCI information
    "ether": {
                "saddr": "00:25:96:FF:FE:12",
                "daddr": "00:00:96:FF:00:00",
                "vlan-tci": 123,
                "ip": {
                    "version": 6,
                    "saddr": "2001:db8:a0b:12f0::",
                    "randbytes":    {
                        "size": 70
  • l3 configuration or data, possible values are: "ip", "arp", "raw", "randbytes", "pdist":
    "ether": {
                "saddr": {
                    "range": {
                        "min": "00:25:96:FF:FE:12",
                        "start": "00:30:00:FF:FE:12",
                        "max": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12",
                        "incr": 3
                "daddr": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12",
                "pdist": [
                        "probability": 0.5,
                        "randbytes":    {
                            "size": 50,
                            "deviation": 10
                        "probability": 0.5,
                        "raw": {
                            "data": "sfsfsfs"

l3 config:

Ip of 4 and 6 versions are supported

  • "version" numeric vield with abailable values 4 or 6:
"version": 6
  • "saddr" sets a source ip address, can be string or range for ip v4:
"saddr": ""

for ip v6:

"saddr": "2001:db8:a0b:12f0::"
  • "daddr" sets a destination ip address, can be string or range for ip v4:
"daddr": ""

for ip v6:

"daddr": "2001:db8:a0b:12f0::"
  • l4 configuration or data, so probable values are: "tcp", "udp", "icmp", "raw", "randbytes" or "pdist"
"ip": {
    "version": 4,
    "saddr": "",
    "daddr": {
        "range": {
            "min": "",
            "max": ""
    "raw": {
        "data": "023a0232ff9340x0340123"

also arp packets are supported:

    "ether": {
                "arp": {
                    "opcode": 1,
                    "gratuitous" : true,
                    "sha": "99:25:96:FF:FE:12",
                    "spa": ""
  • "opcode" is the operation code, supported only two values 1 for ARP Request and 2 for ARP Reply
  • "gratuitous" is boolean field, can be ommited (false by default), but can be set to true to make announcement
  • "sha" is a string with sender hardware address
  • "tha" is a string with target hardware address
  • "spa" is a string with sender protocol address
  • "tpa" is a string with target protocol address Ethernet source is set to sha by default, destination is broadcast.

l4 configuration:

"tcp" options:
  • "sport" sets a source port can be numeric value of range
"sport": {
    "range": {
        "min": 1,
        "max": 8080,
        "incr": 100
  • "dport" sets a destination port can be numeric value of range
"dport": 1024
  • "seq" sets a sequence number can be "incr"/"increasing" or "rand"/"random"
 "seq": "increasing"
  • "flags" sets tcp flags
 "flags": ["ack", "psh"]
  • data configuration: "raw", "randbytes", "pdist"
"tcp": {
    "sport": {
        "range": {
            "min": 1,
            "max": 8080,
            "incr": 100
    "dport": 2000,
    "seq": "increasing",
    "flags": ["ack", "psh"],
    "pdist": [
            "probability": 0.7,
            "randbytes":    {
                "size": 50,
                "deviation": 10
            "probability": 0.2,
            "raw": {
                "data": "sfsfsfs"
udp options:
  • "sport" sets a source port can be numeric value of range
"sport": {
    "range": {
        "min": 1,
        "max": 8080,
        "incr": 100
  • "dport" sets a destination port can be numeric value of range
"dport": 1024
  • data configuration: "raw", "randbytes", "pdist"
"udp": {
    "sport": 1,
    "dport": 2,
    "randbytes":    {
        "size": 100,
        "deviation": 20
icmp options:
  • "type" is a numeric field, sets type value in header:
"type": 3
  • "code" is a numeric field, sets code value in header:
"code": 0
  • "identifier" or "id" is a numeric field, sets identifier value in header:
"id": 0
  • "seq" or "seqNum" can be "incr"/"increasing" or "rand"/"random" sets a sequence number in header:
"seq": "rand"
  • data configuration: "raw", "randbytes", "pdist":
"icmp": {
    "type": 10,
    "code": 1,
    "seq": "increasing",
    "pdist": [
            "probability": 0.3,
            "randbytes":    {
                "size": 50,
                "deviation": 10
            "probability": 0.3,
            "raw": {
                "data": "0000000000000000000000000000000000"

mix config:

Mix should contain packet configuration "ether" and "quantity".

"mix1": {
    "ether": {
                "saddr": {
                    "range": {
                        "min": "00:25:96:FF:FE:12",
                        "start": "00:30:00:FF:FE:12",
                        "max": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12",
                        "incr": 10
                "daddr": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12",
                "randbytes":    {
                    "size": 40,
                    "deviation": 0
    "quantity": 6
"mix2": {
    "ether": {
                "saddr": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12",
                "daddr": "00:FF:96:FF:FE:12",
                "randbytes":    {
                    "size": 500,
                    "deviation": 0
    "quantity": 3
"mix3": {
            "ether": {
                        "saddr": "00:25:96:FF:FE:12",
                        "daddr": "00:00:96:FF:00:00",
                        "ip": {
                            "version": 4,
                            "saddr": "",
                            "daddr": "",
                            "tcp": {
                                "sport": 8080,
                                "dport": 2000,
                                "seq": "increasing",
                                "flags": ["ack", "fin", "syn"],
                                "randbytes":    {
                                    "size": 1466,
                                    "deviation": 0
            "quantity": 1

The following sequence of packets will be generated for config above: 6 packets "mix1" configuration, 3 packets "mix2" configuration and 1 packet "mix3" and this chain will be repeated until a needed number is generated.