- Configuration information.
(bool, detault: false)
Catch terminating signals. If enabled also sets EMU_BACKTRACE_ON_TERMINATION=true
(bool, detault: false)
Print backtrace on termination in case of an error.
(string, detault: "")
A file where log messages get redirected. File name must contain "word" characters. By default log messages are displayed to stdout file stream.
(string, default: ".")
Evaluated left to right comma-separated list of regex patterns matching channel names to be enabled or disabled (when a pattern is prefixed with '~' character, see below for examples).
The list of logging channel names:
- config
- kernel support
- kernel launch
- dbg symb
- see here for more
E.g. export EMU_LOG_CHANNELS="sched|kernel|dbg symb|~support" will match the following debug channels: "sched", "kernel launch", "dbg symb". "kernel-support" channel shall be excluded from the output.
E.g. export EMU_LOG_CHANNELS=".,~config" will output all the logging channel messages except for "config" channel.
Warnings can be separately controlled with "warn" flag:
E.g. export EMU_LOG_CHANNELS="warn" will enable warning messages on all the channels.
NB: this setting will not affect sticky messages display.
(regex string to match minimal log level name, default: "info")
E.g. export EMU_LOG_LEVEL="info" will match log level "info" so that only info-level messages are displayed.
The list of logging levels:
- extra
- detail
- info
- see here for more
HW platform parameters to use, e.g. "SKL"
Platform-specific SKU name, e.g. "GT1"
EMU provides the following modes of operation:
- a) Kernel threads (work-items) are scheduled as operating system-managed threads.
During kernel run there shall be created up to CM_RT_RESIDENT_GROUPS * <TASK-SPECIFIC WORKGROUP SIZE> operating system threads. CM_RT_PARALLEL_THREADS controls how many shall be allowed to be in running state simultaneously (=1 mode is specifically for debugging, see below). Operating system threads are being spawned in lazy mode (when first chosen by scheduler for execution) and run in detached state to occupy only the necessary amount of system resources, freeing those as soon as thread is complete.
(int, default: max hardware concurrency)
Override the number of kernel threads allowed to be in running state simultaneously. CM_RT_PARALLEL_THREADS=1 is a special case used primarily for debugging purposes. Kernel threads run (or resumed after barrier recycle) in predefined sequential order in this mode.
(int, default: 1)
Override the number of resident thread groups that shall be spawned during kernel execution.