- Enable bloom package build for ROS2 crystal release
- Enable dataset support in tracking module.
- Add one regression tool to track tracking precision and perf
- Enabled more tracking features such as KCF/TLD/BOOSTING/MEDIAN_FLOW
- remove merger-node to simplify the code
- remove message_filter used in rviz for better display
- Upload demo screensot and video
- Enable moving object feature
- delete object_analytics_launch package and create launch file in object_analytics_node
- fully support ros2 implenetation without ros1_bridge connunication
- support object_analytics_rviz on ros2
- splite pointcloud2 to xyz and rgb
- restruct tracking and localization object message type
- optimize localization segmentation implementation
- seperate ncs launch interface
- enable cppcheck and unittest
- support ubuntu 18.04
- Support tracking object in 2D dimensional space.
- Support locating object in 3D dimisional space.