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File metadata and controls

165 lines (129 loc) · 5.9 KB

Lookup Tables

A Lookup Table represents a table with two columns: key and vale. It is used to map values that represents Lookups and Assets. So, they provide a way to filter Lookups and Assets.

Lookup Tables can be created inside the code, by creating a new instance of LookupTable.class or using Live's interface.

Creating a new LookupTable


Sometimes, developers may need to implement different forms of permissions to ensure correct filters. To do so, Live provides an extendable LookupTable which allows your own solution.

public class LookupTable {
    private final String key;
    private final String name;
    private final Lookup lookup;
    private final String source;
    private final String sourceUrl;

    public LookupTable(String key, String name, Lookup lookup) {
        this(key, name, lookup, null, null);

    protected LookupTable(String key, String name, Lookup lookup, String source, String sourceUrl) {
        this.sourceUrl = sourceUrl;
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(lookup, "lookup");
        this.key = key; = name;
        this.lookup = lookup;
        this.source = source;

    public LookupTable withSource(String source, String sourceUrl) {
        return new LookupTable(key, name, lookup, source, sourceUrl);

    public String getKey() {
        return key;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Lookup getLookup() {
        return lookup;

    public String getSource() {
        return source;

    public String getSourceUrl() {
        return sourceUrl;

    public LookupTable getFilteredLookupTable(LoggedUser user) { return this; }

You just need to implement your own LookupTable and override the methods withSource and getFilteredLookupTable. The first one should return a new instance of the created class, and the second one should contain your implementation of permission.

public class FilteredLookupTable extends LookupTable {

    public FilteredLookupTable(String key, String name, Lookup lookup) {
        super(key, name, lookup);

    protected FilteredLookupTable(String key, String name, Lookup lookup, String source, String sourceUrl) {
        super(key, name, lookup, source, sourceUrl);

    public LookupTable withSource(String source, String sourceUrl) {
        return new FilteredLookupTable(this.getKey(), this.getName(), this.getLookup(), source, sourceUrl);

    public LookupTable getFilteredLookupTable(LoggedUser user) {
        if(this.getName().equals("test")) return this;
        else return withSource("sourceTest", "sourceUrl");

Since the method getFilteredLookupTable is responsable to filter the LookupTable, you could use the LoggedUser passed by parameter or the Lookup which exists inside LookupTable.

Permissions based on Assets

Liverig already have an abstract generic LookupTable to get values of Assets. So, if you need control the permission based on Asset's permissions and perspectives, then we already have two LookupTables to do it.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="AssetNameKeyLookupTable" %}

public class AssetNameKeyLookupTable extends GenericLookupTablePermission {

    public AssetNameKeyLookupTable(String key, String name, Lookup lookup, AssetService assetService, AssetPerspectivePermission assetPerspectivePermission) {
        super(key, name, lookup, assetService, assetPerspectivePermission);

    public AssetNameKeyLookupTable(GenericLookupTablePermission table, String source, String sourceUrl) {
        super(table, source, sourceUrl);

    public LookupTable withSource(String source, String sourceUrl) {
        return new AssetNameKeyLookupTable(this, source, sourceUrl);

    public LookupTable getFilteredLookupTable(LoggedUser user) {
        LookupPermission lookup = new LookupPermission(getAssets(user), this.getLookup()) {
            public Object getKey(Entry entry) {
                return entry.getKey();
        return new AssetNameKeyLookupTable(this.getKey(), this.getName(), lookup, getAssetService(), getAssetPerspectivePermission());

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="EventNameKeyLookupTable" %}

public class EventNameKeyLookupTable extends GenericLookupTablePermission {
    public EventNameKeyLookupTable(String key, String name, Lookup lookup, AssetService assetService, AssetPerspectivePermission assetPerspectivePermission) {
        super(key, name, lookup, assetService, assetPerspectivePermission);

    public EventNameKeyLookupTable(GenericLookupTablePermission table, String source, String sourceUrl) {
        super(table, source, sourceUrl);

    public LookupTable withSource(String source, String sourceUrl) {
        return new EventNameKeyLookupTable(this, source, sourceUrl);

    public LookupTable getFilteredLookupTable(LoggedUser user) {
        LookupPermission lookup = new LookupPermission(getAssets(user), this.getLookup()) {
            public Object getKey(Entry entry) {
                return entry.getValue();
        return new EventNameKeyLookupTable(this.getKey(), this.getName(), lookup, getAssetService(), getAssetPerspectivePermission());

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

The AssetNameKeyLookupTableshould be used to LookupTables which use Asset's name as key. While EventNameKeyLookupTableshould be used to LookupTables which use Event's type as key.

engine.addLookupTable(new AssetNameKeyLookupTable("table-name", "Asset",
                lookup.nameToEventType(), assetService, assetPerspectivePermission));
engine.addLookupTable(new EventNameKeyLookupTable("table-name", "Event type",
                lookup.eventTypeToName(), assetService, assetPerspectivePermission));