description |
Released December 30, 2021 |
- Plugin healthcheck | Other plugins can now extend the Monitor list
- New lookup tables UI
- SMTP integration | Allows specifying a set of protocols enabled for SSL connection
- [fixed] First login with external authentication fails to identify an existing user with the same email
- [fixed] Header size does not match the number of axes in vertical
- [fixed] Some channels appear multiple times in the grouped tooltip
- [fixed] Tooltip without background on the temporal pipes widget
- [fixed] Legends being kept when new filter changes at the bar chart
- UI improvements at dashboard filter setup
- UI improvements at widget header
- Multiple UI/UX improvements at plugin admin screen
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public class Main implements LivePlugin {
public void start(Live live) throws Exception {
HealthcheckMonitorService monitorService = Objects.requireNonNull(live.system().getPluginService(HealthcheckMonitorService.class));
monitorService.registerMonitor(live, new MyMonitor());
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public class MyMonitor implements HealthcheckMonitor {
private static final String QUERY = ""; // some query
private static final String EVENT_TYPE = ""; //some event type
private Live.Action queriesHandler;
public void start(@NotNull Live live, @NotNull HealthcheckConfig healthcheckConfig) throws Exception {
//start monitoring
String statsEmail = healthcheckConfig.getGeneralStatsRecipient();
final List<String> statsRecipients = Collections.singletonList(statsEmail);
QueryListener.Empty listener = new QueryListener.Empty() {
public void onEvent(QueryEvent events, boolean history) throws Exception {
if (history) return;
Map<String, Object> stats = HealthCheckUtils.loadBaseEvent(live, EVENT_TYPE, HealthCheckUtils::hostNameSupplier);
for (Map<String, Object> event : events) {
stats.put("key1", event.get("key1"));
String json = LiveJson.toJson(stats);
HealthCheckUtils.sendEmailWithAttachments(live, json, statsRecipients);
Query query = new Query(QUERY)
.description("My monitor query")
queriesHandler = live.queries().run(query);
public void stop(@NotNull Live live) throws Exception {
//stop monitoring
if (queriesHandler != null) {
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SMTP integration screen allows specifying a set of protocols for SSL connection. By default the plugin offers TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
, however, this list is extensible and accepts other protocols