- Nothing changed yet.
- Remove navigation css in IDG-branco to fix mobile version. [rafahela]
- Change the way to remove and add js resources in upgrade version 3. [IolaneAndrade]
- Add metatags portal-modelo. [IolaneAndrade]
- Remove older js registry in upgrade steps. [rafahela]
- Add upgrade step 3 to fix html5 url. [rafahela]
- Fix accessibility font size in IDG themes [IolaneAndrade]
- Update html5 script in index header [IolaneAndrade]
- Add hls audio player in audio stream [IolaneAndrade]
- Add description in stream option [IolaneAndrade]
- Change accessibility infos. [rafahela]
- Add audio and video online portlet. [rafahela]
- Add stream type [rafahela]
- Add upgrade steps for audio and video views [rafahela]
- Add audio and video views [rafahela]
- Add high contrast image [rafahela]
- Add plone-analytics rule in Themes to solve problems with Google Analytics [IolaneAndrade]
- Fix calendar event link [rafahela]
- Update preview images [jeanferri]
- Enable IDG-rosa theme and fix it tests [jeanferri]
- Add pink theme based on IDG-amarelo [ramiroluz]
- Fixed portletNews header HTML using jbot [cfviotti]
- Remove original themes: Areia, Concreto, Gelo, Kiwi, Vermelho [jeanferri]
- All IDG-Themes: Adding default styles for h2 elements of collective.cover [cfviotti]
- All IDG-Themes: Centralizing header background image. [cfviotti]
- All IDG-Themes: Removing unnecessary space above first portlet on right column. [cfviotti]
- All IDG-Themes: Fixed galleria description text color. [cfviotti]
- All PM3-Themes: styling of navigation portlets. [cfviotti]
- PM3-Moderno: Fixing float clearing of the nav element. [cfviotti]
- All PM3-Themes: Removed some general link styling. [cfviotti]
- All PM3-Themes: Resized breadcrumbs. [cfviotti]
- All PM3-Themes: Added margin to separate header from content on mobile [cfviotti]
- All PM3-Themes: Removed unnecessary padding from .portlet in PM3 themes [cfviotti]
- Inclusion of Open Sans font-family across any theme [cfviotti]
- All PM3-Themes: Fixed mobile column layout with float clearing. [cfviotti]
- Override of static portlet title markup text, using jbot. [cfviotti]
- Adjusted header background position for all PM3 themes [cfviotti]
- Insert new galleria styles to all PM3 themes [cfviotti]
- Copy original Areia, Azul, Concreto, Gelo, Kiwi and Vermelho themes [jeanferri]
- Fix test test_setup.py [marciomazza]
- Insert new galleria styles to IDG theme [cfviotti]
- Add preview.png for all the 4 IDG themes [jeanferri]
- IDG-amarelo: fixing all errors based on corrections made on IDG-verde [cfviotti]
- IDG-branco: fixing all errors based on corrections made on IDG-verde [cfviotti]
- IDG-azul: fixing all errors based on corrections made on IDG-verde [cfviotti]
- IDG-verde: fixing all errors on layout and general enhancements [cfviotti]
- Replace preview.png in each IDG theme [jeanferri]
- Replace banner in theme Moderno by a PloneConf 2013 photo [jeanferri]
- Fix tests for new themes and documentation [jeanferri]
- Fix IDG branco theme to works on Portal Modelo [jeanferri]
- Added theme branco from Identidade Digital de Governo [jeanferri]
- Fix IDG azul theme to works on Portal Modelo [jeanferri]
- Added theme azul from Identidade Digital de Governo [jeanferri]
- Fix IDG amarelo theme to works on Portal Modelo [jeanferri]
- Added theme amarelo from Identidade Digital de Governo [jeanferri]
- Fix IDG verde theme to works on Portal Modelo [jeanferri]
- Added theme verde from Identidade Digital de Governo [jeanferri]
- Preparing setup.py for releases [jeanferri]
- Tests for footer images [jeanferri]
- Update theme previews [jeanferri]
- Fix portal footer style when the theme is disabled [jeanferri]
- Fix main news title and description [jeanferri]
- Fix for hidden Flashplayer message in Radio plugin, which was breaking the main layout [cfviotti]
- Licence note modification for include data licencing [jeanferri]
- Removed breadcrumbs hide root customization because a CSS theme trick for front-page [jeanferri]
- Adjusted some styles for the carousel on the front-page. [cfviotti]
- Adjusted how the breadcrumbs is made invisible on the front-page. [cfviotti]
- Changed footer page id from 'rodape' to 'footer-page' for internationalization [jeanferri]
- Improved the mobile menu usability for base theme and all individual themes. [cfviotti]
- Corrige estilos do Live Search [cfviotti]
- Improve footer for better responsive look in low resolutions. [jeanferri]
- Fixing render for breadcrumbs when it is not displayed. [jeanferri]
- Sitemap browser view should list folders on Portal Modelo's root even if they are excluded from navigation [ericof]
- Changed the site colophon with copyright and creative commons disclaimers. [jeanferri]
- Os breadcrumbs ficam agora ocultos na raiz do site (https://colab.interlegis.leg.br/ticket/2969). [hvelarde]
- Suporte a Menu DropDown.
- Ajustes nos layouts responsivos. Os campo de busca e o menu de navegação foram ajustados (fixes #2889).
- Aumenta cobertura de testes.
- Corrige nome dos temas.
- Corrige estilos para evitar conflitos com o Bootstrap.
- Layout implementado.
- Corrige registro do jquery.ui
- Inclusão do normalise.css dentro do pacote.
- Ajustes responsivos.
- Release inicial.