** The following are instructions to Intrinio developers for building and publishing this code to NuGet.
Open a powershell window. Navigate to the ...\intrinio-realtime-csharp-sdk\IntrinioRealTimeSDK folder. Run:
dotnet pack SampleApp.csproj -p:NuspecFile=IntrinioRealTimeClient.nuspec
This will create a IntrinioRealTimeClient.{version}.nupkg
file. The path to this file will be output by the 'pack' command but is likely in:
To publish the file to NuGet, run:
Log in to www.nuget.org. Navigate to https://www.nuget.org/packages/manage/upload. Browse to the package. Upload. Note: your nuget account must be authorized to perform this operation.
For first-time setup, generate (or obtain) your NuGet API key (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/nuget-org/publish-a-package):
Then publish the generated NuGet package:
dotnet nuget push IntrinioRealTimeClient.{version}.nupkg --api-key {api-key} --source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json