ticker |
Character |
The Zacks common exchange ticker |
company_name |
Character |
The company name |
industry_group_number |
Character |
The Zacks industry group number |
industry_group_name |
Character |
The Zacks industry group name |
fiscal_year_0 |
Integer |
The current fiscal year |
fiscal_year_1 |
Integer |
The next fiscal year |
fiscal_year_2 |
Integer |
The fiscal year after the next fiscal year |
company_last_5_year_actual |
Numeric |
The company's last 5 year actual percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
company_fiscal_year_1_vs_fiscal_year_0 |
Numeric |
The company's current fiscal year / last fiscal year percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
company_fiscal_year_2_vs_fiscal_year_1 |
Numeric |
The company's next fiscal year / current fiscal year percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
company_long_term_growth_mean |
Numeric |
The company's long term growth rate mean estimate |
company_fiscal_year_1_forward_price_to_earnings |
Numeric |
The company's forward (current fiscal year) price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio |
industry_last_5_year_actual |
Numeric |
The industry's last 5 year actual percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
industry_fiscal_year_1_vs_fiscal_year_0 |
Numeric |
The industry's current fiscal year / last fiscal year percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
industry_fiscal_year_2_vs_fiscal_year_1 |
Numeric |
The industry's next fiscal year / current fiscal year percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
industry_long_term_growth_mean |
Numeric |
The industry's long term growth rate mean estimate |
industry_fiscal_year_1_forward_price_to_earnings |
Numeric |
The industry's forward (current fiscal year) price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio |
sp500_last_5_year_actual |
Numeric |
The S&P 500's last 5 year actual percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
sp500_fiscal_year_1_vs_fiscal_year_0 |
Numeric |
The S&P 500's current fiscal year / last fiscal year percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
sp500_fiscal_year_2_vs_fiscal_year_1 |
Numeric |
The S&P 500's next fiscal year / current fiscal year percentage earnings-per-share (EPS) growth rate |
sp500_long_term_growth |
Numeric |
The S&P 500's long term growth rate mean estimate |
sp500_fiscal_year_1_price_to_earnings |
Numeric |
The S&P 500's forward (current fiscal year) price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio |
company |
CompanySummary |