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File metadata and controls

41 lines (40 loc) · 2.62 KB

Rego Data Configuration File

parameter Value
## Data source where is the data coming from
data.source.type can be db (database) or csv (comma-separated values file) or rdata (RData file save()'d by R)
## ...CSV spec
csv.path specifies the location of the cdv file, when the data source type is csv
csv.fname csv file name
csv.sep the field separator character (optional)
## ...RData spec
rdata.path specifies the location of the RData file, when the data source type is rdata
rdata.fname RData file name
rdata.dfname specifies the name of the data-frame object in the RData file. Can be omitted if there is only one object in the RData file.
## ...DB spec
db.query.tmpl a SQL query "template" file to use when fetching the data -- e.g., "SELECT * FROM TBLNAME WHERE Y IN (0, 1) LIMIT MAXROWS "
## Column specs
col.types.fname a text file with column name, column type pairs (column type is 1 for continuous, and 2 for categorical variables). Can be omitted if the data source type is rdata, in which case columns inheriting from factor will be treated as categorical
col.y name of response variable. name of row-id column (optional). Often useful during prediction when <id, y, yHat> tuples are generated.
col.weights name of weights column (optional).
row.weights.fname name of text file with customized weights for each row (no header, one weight per line)
col.skip.fname name of text file listing columns to skip (like a row-id column); one column name per line (optional)
col.winz.fname text file with column-specific winsorizing parameters (optional).
## Any preprocessing
na.threshold maximum fraction of NA values to allow per column (optional).
min.level.count levels with fewer than this count will be merged.
do.class.balancing set to 1 to have classes to be equally weighted; 0 otherwise.
## HTML model report
html.fname file where to write model summary as an HTML report.
html.min.var.imp exclude from HTML report variables with importance score lower than this.
html.min.rule.imp exclude from HTML report rules with importance score lower than this.
## Other
rand.seed random number seed
log.level one of kLogLevelDEBUG, kLogLevelINFO, kLogLevelWARNING, kLogLevelERROR, kLogLevelFATAL, kLogLevelCRITICAL. Controls the verbosity of the logging messages