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69 lines (53 loc) · 2.9 KB

File metadata and controls

69 lines (53 loc) · 2.9 KB

This is a porting to Kotlin of the original kata by @xpmatteo. You can find the original readme at here.

The goal of this version is to do a complete migration from Java to Kotlin. The kata itself is not really complex so what I'm going to try is to refactor it, add several spring-boot features and then migrate it completely.

Usually this is a common use case in companies where you start with microservices in Java.

Welcome to kata branch! You can check the original problem on start branch!

Iteration #1

I used this link to migrate from a java project to a mixed project kotlin/java.

The main point is that kotlin code should compile before java code so that it can be used.

Test is still failing so everything is being executed

Iteration #2

Started refactoring in Java. Almost addressed all the peculiar points.

Iteration #3

Added spring-boot as dependency and changed the acceptance test to use @SpringBootTest

Iteration #4

Added spring plugin, continued conversion to kotlin. Removing checked exception declaration. (Kotlin does not have checked :) )

Iteration #5

Moved all production code to Kotlin

Iteration #6

Really small iteration to write a method in a more idiomatic way:

    fun recoverEmployees(): List<Employee> {
        return File(fileName).useLines { lines ->
            lines.drop(1).map { line ->
                val employeeData = line.split(", ")
                Employee(employeeData[1], employeeData[0], XDate(employeeData[2]), employeeData[3])

Iteration #7

Changed XDate using data class but with utility methods. Also measured statistics with cloc

➜  src git:(kata) cloc main --exclude-dir=conf
       8 text files.
       8 unique files.
       1 file ignored. v 1.72  T=0.07 s (114.0 files/s, 1425.3 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Kotlin                           7             21              0             77
YAML                             1              0              0              2
SUM:                             8             21              0             79

Iteration #8

Moved all the tests, discovered the keyword lateinit, really handy when you have to use @Autowired. Last thing is refactoring tests using kotlintest library.

Iteration #9

Changed tests to use kotlintest. All but the acceptance test because the SpringRunner wants the junit runner