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codedge edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 2 revisions


Missing or wrong application key


You did not properly insert a valid application key. Please check here and the linked blog post.


Even when running your Invoice Ninja setup with Docker - errors can occur. Depending on where the error happens - the webserver, Invoice Ninja or the database - different log files can be responsible.

Enable debug mode

If you are not familiar with the command line or want to see error detail immediately on the screen instead of checking the logs, you can enable the debug mode by setting APP_DEBUG=true as environment variable for the invoiceninja container.

Your docker-compose.yml then might look like this:

    image: invoiceninja/invoiceninja:alpine-4
    restart: always
      - APP_URL=https://invoiceninja.localhost
      - APP_KEY=base64:123abc
      - APP_DEBUG=true

Show logs without docker-compose

If you are not running docker-compose you first need to find the container id for your php container with docker ps. Then you can run

docker logs -f <CONTAINER NAME>

This gives you a constant output of the log files for the php container.

Show logs with docker-compose

If you are running the docker-compose setup you can output all logs, from all containers, with the following command

docker-compose logs -f

If you better want a physical log file in in your storage/logs folder, just add -e LOG=single to the usage command. Or add an environment variable

  LOG: single

to your docker-compose.yml.

This generated log file will only hold Invoice Ninja information.