The following tables list all channels and states which will be created by the adapter.
All states from the basic setup will be received without Plex Pass or Tautulli.
Channel / Folder | State | Description |
libraries | - | Plex Libraries |
libraries.<libraryName> | - | Plex Library <libraryName> |
libraries.<libraryName> | allowsync | Allow Sync |
libraries.<libraryName> | art | Picture path |
libraries.<libraryName> | composite | Composite |
libraries.<libraryName> | filters | Indicator if filter is applied |
libraries.<libraryName> | refreshing | Indicator if currently refreshing |
libraries.<libraryName> | thumb | Thumbnail of the Library |
libraries.<libraryName> | key | ID of library |
libraries.<libraryName> | type | Type of Library |
libraries.<libraryName> | title | Name of the Library |
libraries.<libraryName> | agent | Agent |
libraries.<libraryName> | scanner | Used scanner for media |
libraries.<libraryName> | language | Language |
libraries.<libraryName> | uuid | Unique ID |
libraries.<libraryName> | updatedat | Timestamp of last update |
libraries.<libraryName> | createdat | Timestamp of library creation |
libraries.<libraryName> | scannedat | Timestamp of last scan |
libraries.<libraryName> | location | Storage Locations |
Channel / Folder | State | Description |
servers | - | Plex Servers |
servers.<serverName> | - | Plex Server <serverName> |
servers.<serverName> | name | Server Name |
servers.<serverName> | host | Server Host |
servers.<serverName> | address | Server Address |
servers.<serverName> | port | Server Port |
servers.<serverName> | machineIdentifier | Server Identifier |
servers.<serverName> | version | Server Software Version |
Channel / Folder | State | Description |
settings | - | Plex Settings |
settings.butler | - | Settings Butler |
settings.butler | ButlerStartHour | Time at which tasks start to run |
settings.butler | ButlerEndHour | Time at which tasks stop running |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskBackupDatabase | Backup database every three days |
settings.butler | ButlerDatabaseBackupPath | Backup directory |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskOptimizeDatabase | Optimize database every week |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskCleanOldBundles | Remove old bundles every week |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskCleanOldCacheFiles | Remove old cache files every week |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskRefreshLocalMedia | Refresh local metadata every three days |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskRefreshLibraries | Update all libraries during maintenance |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskUpgradeMediaAnalysis | Upgrade media analysis during maintenance |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskRefreshPeriodicMetadata | Refresh metadata periodically |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskDeepMediaAnalysis | Perform extensive media analysis during maintenance |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskRefreshEpgGuides | Perform refresh of program guide data. |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskReverseGeocode | Fetch missing location names for items in photo sections |
settings.butler | ButlerTaskGenerateAutoTags | Analyze and tag photos |
settings.channels | - | Settings Channels |
settings.channels | iTunesSharingEnabled | Enable iTunes plugin |
settings.channels | iTunesLibraryXmlPath | iTunes library XML path |
settings.channels | disableCapabilityChecking | Disable capability checking |
settings.channels | PluginsLaunchTimeout | Number of seconds to wait before a plugin times out |
settings.dlna | - | Settings Dlna |
settings.dlna | DlnaEnabled | Enable the DLNA server |
settings.dlna | DlnaPlatinumLoggingLevel | DLNA server logging level |
settings.dlna | DlnaClientPreferences | DLNA client preferences |
settings.dlna | DlnaReportTimeline | DLNA server timeline reporting |
settings.dlna | DlnaDefaultProtocolInfo | DLNA default protocol info |
settings.dlna | DlnaDeviceDiscoveryInterval | DLNA media renderer discovery interval |
settings.dlna | DlnaAnnouncementLeaseTime | DLNA server announcement lease time |
settings.dlna | DlnaDescriptionIcons | DLNA server description icons |
settings.extras | - | Settings Extras |
settings.extras | CinemaTrailersType | Choose Cinema Trailers from |
settings.extras | CinemaTrailersFromLibrary | Include Cinema Trailers from movies in my library |
settings.extras | CinemaTrailersFromTheater | Include Cinema Trailers from new and upcoming movies in theaters |
settings.extras | CinemaTrailersFromBluRay | Include Cinema Trailers from new and upcoming movies on Blu-ray |
settings.extras | CinemaTrailersPrerollID | Movie pre-roll video |
settings.general | - | Settings General |
settings.general | FriendlyName | Friendly name |
settings.general | sendCrashReports | Send crash reports to Plex |
settings.general | logDebug | Enable Plex Media Server debug logging |
settings.general | LogVerbose | Enable Plex Media Server verbose logging |
settings.general | MinimumProgressTime | |
settings.general | ButlerUpdateChannel | Server update Channel |
settings.library | - | Settings Library |
settings.library | FSEventLibraryUpdatesEnabled | Scan my library automatically |
settings.library | FSEventLibraryPartialScanEnabled | Run a partial scan when changes are detected |
settings.library | watchMusicSections | Include music libraries in automatic updates |
settings.library | ScheduledLibraryUpdatesEnabled | Scan my library periodically |
settings.library | ScheduledLibraryUpdateInterval | Library scan interval |
settings.library | autoEmptyTrash | Empty trash automatically after every scan |
settings.library | allowMediaDeletion | Allow media deletion |
settings.library | allowMediaDeletionLanOnly | |
settings.library | OnDeckWindow | Weeks to consider for On Deck and Continue Watching |
settings.library | OnDeckIncludePremieres | Include season premieres in On Deck |
settings.library | ScannerLowPriority | Run scanner tasks at a lower priority |
settings.library | GenerateBIFBehavior | Generate video preview thumbnails |
settings.library | GenerateChapterThumbBehavior | Generate chapter thumbnails |
settings.library | LoudnessAnalysisBehavior | Analyze audio tracks for loudness |
settings.library | LocationVisibility | Location visibility | | - | Settings Network | | ConfigurationUrl | Web Manager URL | | EnableIPv6 | Enable server support for IPv6 | | secureConnections | Secure connections | | customCertificatePath | Custom certificate location | | customCertificateKey | Custom certificate encryption key | | customCertificateDomain | Custom certificate domain | | PreferredNetworkInterface | Preferred network interface | | GdmEnabled | Enable local network discovery (GDM) | | WanPerUserStreamCount | Remote streams allowed per user | | LanNetworksBandwidth | LAN Networks | | MinutesAllowedPaused | Terminate Sessions Paused for Longer Than | | TreatWanIpAsLocal | Treat WAN IP As LAN Bandwidth | | customConnections | Custom server access URLs | | allowedNetworks | List of IP addresses and networks that are allowed without auth | | enableAirplay | | | enableHttpPipelining | Enable HTTP Pipelining | | WebHooksEnabled | Webhooks |
settings.other | - | Settings Other |
settings.other | MachineIdentifier | A unique identifier for the machine |
settings.other | AllowHighOutputBitrates | |
settings.other | AcceptedEULA | Has the user accepted the EULA |
settings.other | LanguageInCloud | Use language preferences from |
settings.other | ArticleStrings | Comma-separated list of strings considered articles when sorting titles. A server restart is required for a change to take effect. |
settings.other | TranscoderCanOnlyRemuxVideo | The transcoder can only remux video |
settings.other | TranscoderVideoResolutionLimit | Maximum video output resolution for the transcoder |
settings.other | TranscoderPhotoFileSizeLimitMiB | |
settings.other | PublishServerOnPlexOnlineKey | Publish server on Plex Online |
settings.other | PlexOnlineMail | |
settings.other | PlexOnlineUrl | |
settings.other | ManualPortMappingMode | |
settings.other | ManualPortMappingPort | |
settings.other | LastAutomaticMappedPort | |
settings.other | SyncMyPlexLoginGCDeferral | |
settings.other | SyncPagingItemsLimit | |
settings.other | BackgroundQueueIdlePaused | |
settings.other | WanPerStreamMaxUploadRate | Limit remote stream bitrate |
settings.other | WanTotalMaxUploadRate | External network total upload limit (kbps) |
settings.other | forceAutoAdjustQuality | |
settings.other | EnableABRDebugOverlay | |
settings.other | ABRKeepOldTranscodes | |
settings.other | ForceABRDisabled | |
settings.other | LogTokensForDebug | Allow Plex Media Server tokens in logs |
settings.other | GenerateIndexFilesDuringAnalysis | |
settings.other | ButlerTaskGenerateMediaIndexFiles | |
settings.other | LoudnessAnalysisThreads | |
settings.other | RadioTopTracksPerAlbum | |
settings.other | RadioDaysSinceLastPlayed | |
settings.other | RadioDirectoryThreshold | |
settings.other | GracenoteUser | |
settings.other | CertificateVersion | |
settings.other | EyeQUser | |
settings.other | DvrShowUnsupportedDevices | |
settings.other | DvrComskipRemoveIntermediates | |
settings.other | DvrComskipKeepOriginal | |
settings.other | DvrOnConnectTestingUrl | |
settings.other | SubtitlesPersistIfAdmin | |
settings.other | DvrIncrementalEpgLoader | |
settings.other | DvrAllowUnsupportedCountry | |
settings.transcoder | - | Settings Transcoder |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderQuality | Transcoder quality |
settings.transcoder | SegmentedTranscoderTimeout | Segmented transcoder timeout |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderTempDirectory | Transcoder temporary directory |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderDefaultDuration | Transcoder default duration |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderThrottleBuffer | Transcoder default throttle buffer |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderPruneBuffer | Transcoder default prune buffer |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderLivePruneBuffer | |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderH264Preset | |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderH264BackgroundPreset | Background transcoding x264 preset |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderH264Options | |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderH264OptionsOverride | |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderH264MinimumCRF | |
settings.transcoder | TranscoderLogLevel | |
settings.transcoder | HardwareAcceleratedCodecs | Use hardware acceleration when available |
settings.transcoder | SystemAudioCodecs | |
settings.transcoder | HardwareDevicePath | |
settings.transcoder | TranscodeCountLimit | Maximum simultaneous video transcode |
The following states will be received when an event is being received by the webhook - either with Plex Pass or with Tautulli being setup.
Note: With Tautulli being setup, the states can be highly customized to basically anything. See the instructions on how to setup the webhook (step 4).
With the standard Plex Pass or Tautulli setup, the following states will be received and created:
- * Indicates that the state is only given when using Plex Plass
- ** Indicates that the state is only given when using Tautulli
Channel / Folder | State | Description |
_playing | - | Plex Media being played |
_playing.<playerName-playerId> | - | Player <playerName> |
_playing.<playerName-playerId> | datetime | DateTime of the event being received |
_playing.<playerName-playerId> | event | Event triggered on Plex, may be - Media starts playing ( )- Media playback pauses ( media.pause )- Media playback resumes ( media.resume )- Media playback stops ( media.stop )- Media is viewed (played past the 90% mark) ( media.scrobble )- Media is rated ( media.rate ) |
_playing.<playerName-playerId> | owner* | Event sent because the owner has a webhook configured |
_playing.<playerName-playerId> | source | Source of event (either plex or tautulli ) |
_playing.<playerName-playerId> | timestamp | Timestamp of the event being received |
_playing.<playerName-playerId> | user* | Event sent because the user has a webhook configured |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Account | - | Account Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Account | id | Plex ID of Plex User |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Account | thumb | Avatar of Plex User |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Account | title | Name of Plex User |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Account | userId** | ID of Plex User |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | - | Metadata Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | addedAt | The date (in date format) the item was added to Plex. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | art* | The artwork of the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | chapterSource* | |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Collection | Collections as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | contentRating | The content rating for the item. (e.g. TV-MA, TV-PG, etc.) |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Country* | Countries as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Director | Directors as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | duration | The duration (in minutes) for the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Field | Fields as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Genre | Genres as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | guid | |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | key | |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | lastViewedAt | The date (in date format) the item was last viewed on Plex |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | librarySectionID | The library ID of the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | librarySectionKey | The library key of the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | librarySectionTitle | The library name of the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | librarySectionType* | |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | originallyAvailableAt | The release date (in date format) for the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | primaryExtraKey* | |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Producer* | Producers as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | rating | The rating (out of 10) for the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | ratingImage | |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | ratingKey | The unique identifier for the movie, episode, or track. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Role | Roles as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Similar* | Similar as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | studio | The studio for the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | summary | A short plot summary for the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | tagline | A tagline for the media item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | thumb | The thumbnail of the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | title | The full title of the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | titleSort* | The sorting title of the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | type | The type of media. (movie, show, season, episode, artist, album, track, clip) |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | updatedAt | The date (in date format) the item was updated on Plex |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | Writer | Writers as a list |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata | year | The release year for the item |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | - | Audio Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | audio_bitrate | The audio bitrate of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | audio_bitrate_mode | The audio bitrate mode of the original media. (cbr or vbr) |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | audio_channel_layout | The audio channel layout of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | audio_channels | The audio channels of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | audio_codec | The audio codec of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | audio_language | The audio language of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | audio_language_code | The audio language code of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | audio_sample_rate | The audio sample rate (in Hz) of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CollectionTree* | - | Collections Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CollectionTree* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CollectionTree.<index>* | - | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CollectionTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CollectionTree.<index>* | count | Number of items within Plex in that category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CollectionTree.<index>* | filter | Filter to select this specific category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CollectionTree.<index>* | id | ID of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CollectionTree.<index>* | tag | Tag / Name of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CountryTree* | - | Countries Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CountryTree* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CountryTree.<index>* | - | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CountryTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CountryTree.<index>* | count | Number of items within Plex in that category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CountryTree.<index>* | filter | Filter to select this specific category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CountryTree.<index>* | id | ID of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.CountryTree.<index>* | tag | Tag / Name of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.DirectorTree* | - | Director Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.DirectorTree* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.DirectorTree.<index>* | - | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.DirectorTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.DirectorTree.<index>* | count | Number of items within Plex in that category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.DirectorTree.<index>* | filter | Filter to select this specific category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.DirectorTree.<index>* | id | ID of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.DirectorTree.<index>* | tag | Tag / Name of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.FieldTree* | - | Fields Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.FieldTree* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.FieldTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.FieldTree.<index>* | <index> | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.FieldTree.<index>* | locked | |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.FieldTree.<index>* | name | |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.GenreTree* | - | Genre Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.GenreTree* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.GenreTree.<index>* | - | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.GenreTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.GenreTree.<index>* | count | Number of items within Plex in that category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.GenreTree.<index>* | filter | Filter to select this specific category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.GenreTree.<index>* | id | ID of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.GenreTree.<index>* | tag | Tag / Name of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.ProducerTree* | - | Producers Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.ProducerTree* | _data | Producer dat Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.ProducerTree.<index>* | - | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.ProducerTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.ProducerTree.<index>* | count | Number of items within Plex in that category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.ProducerTree.<index>* | filter | Filter to select this specific category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.ProducerTree.<index>* | id | ID of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.ProducerTree.<index>* | tag | Tag / Name of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree* | - | Roles Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree.<index>* | - | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree.<index>* | count | Number of items within Plex in that category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree.<index>* | filter | Filter to select this specific category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree.<index>* | id | ID of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree.<index>* | role | Name of role |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree.<index>* | tag | Name of the actor |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.RoleTree.<index>* | thumb | Thumbnail of the actor |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.SimilarTree* | - | Similar Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.SimilarTree* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.SimilarTree.<index>* | - | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.SimilarTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.SimilarTree.<index>* | count | Number of items within Plex in that category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.SimilarTree.<index>* | filter | Filter to select this specific category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.SimilarTree.<index>* | id | ID of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.SimilarTree.<index>* | tag | Tag / Name of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | - | Subtitles Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | subtitle_codec | The subtitle codec of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | subtitle_container | The subtitle container of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | subtitle_forced | If the subtitles are forced. (0 or 1) |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | subtitle_format | The subtitle format of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | subtitle_language | The subtitle language of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | subtitle_language_code | The subtitle language code of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.subtitles** | subtitle_location | The subtitle location of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | - | Video Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | aspect_ratio | The aspect ratio of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | bitrate | The bitrate of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | container | The media container of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_bit_depth | The video bit depth of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_bitrate | The video bitrate of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_codec | The video codec of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_codec_level | The video codec level of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_framerate | The video framerate of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_height | The video height of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_language | The video language of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_language_code | The video language code of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_ref_frames | The video reference frames of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_resolution | The video resolution of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>** | video_width | The video width of the original media. |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.WriterTree* | - | Writers Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.WriterTree* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.WriterTree.<index>* | - | each item as its own index |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.WriterTree.<index>* | _data | Data of this folder in JSON format |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.WriterTree.<index>* | count | Number of items within Plex in that category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.WriterTree.<index>* | filter | Filter to select this specific category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.WriterTree.<index>* | id | ID of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Metadata.WriterTree.<index>* | tag | Tag / Name of this category |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Player | - | Player Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Player | local | Indication whether Player is local |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Player | localAddress** | Local IP address |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Player | publicAddress* | Public IP address |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Player | title | Name of Plex Player |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Player | uuid | ID of Plex Player |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Server | - | Server Information |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Server | title | Name of Plex Server |
_playing.<playerName-playerId>.Server | uuid | ID of Plex Server |
Channel / Folder | State | Description |
statistics | - | Plex Watch Statistics |
statistics.libraries | - | Library Watch Statistics |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName> | - | Library Watch Statistics <libraryName> |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.01-last_24h | - | Watched last 24 hours |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.01-last_24h | query_days | Days querying |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.01-last_24h | total_time | Total Time |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.01-last_24h | total_plays | Total plays |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.02-last_7d | - | Watched last 7 days |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.02-last_7d | query_days | Days querying |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.02-last_7d | total_time | Total Time |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.02-last_7d | total_plays | Total plays |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.03-last_30d | - | Watched last 30 days |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.03-last_30d | query_days | Days querying |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.03-last_30d | total_time | Total Time |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.03-last_30d | total_plays | Total plays |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.00-all_time | - | Watched all time |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.00-all_time | query_days | Days querying |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.00-all_time | total_time | Total Time |
statistics.libraries.<libraryName>.00-all_time | total_plays | Total plays |
statistics.users | - | User Watch Statistics |
statistics.users.<userName> | - | User Watch Statistics <userName> |
statistics.users.<userName>.01-last_24h | - | Watched last 24 hours |
statistics.users.<userName>.01-last_24h | query_days | Days querying |
statistics.users.<userName>.01-last_24h | total_time | Total Time |
statistics.users.<userName>.01-last_24h | total_plays | Total plays |
statistics.users.<userName>.02-last_7d | - | Watched last 7 days |
statistics.users.<userName>.02-last_7d | query_days | Days querying |
statistics.users.<userName>.02-last_7d | total_time | Total Time |
statistics.users.<userName>.02-last_7d | total_plays | Total plays |
statistics.users.<userName>.03-last_30d | - | Watched last 30 days |
statistics.users.<userName>.03-last_30d | query_days | Days querying |
statistics.users.<userName>.03-last_30d | total_time | Total Time |
statistics.users.<userName>.03-last_30d | total_plays | Total plays |
statistics.users.<userName>.00-all_time | - | Watched all time |
statistics.users.<userName>.00-all_time | query_days | Days querying |
statistics.users.<userName>.00-all_time | total_time | Total Time |
statistics.users.<userName>.00-all_time | total_plays | Total plays |
Channel / Folder | State | Description |
users | - | Plex Users |
users.<userName> | - | Plex User <userName> |
users.<userName> | username | Name of User |
users.<userName> | filter_music | Filter Music |
users.<userName> | user_id | User ID |
users.<userName> | thumb | Thumbnail |
users.<userName> | shared_libraries | Shared Libraries |
users.<userName> | do_notify | Do Notify |
users.<userName> | filter_movies | Filter Movies |
users.<userName> | friendly_name | Friendly Name |
users.<userName> | is_allow_sync | User may sync media |
users.<userName> | filter_photos | Filter Photos |
users.<userName> | filter_all | Filter All |
users.<userName> | keep_history | Keep History |
users.<userName> | is_admin | User is admin |
users.<userName> | filter_tv | Filter TV |
users.<userName> | allow__<userName>_ | Allow <userName> |
users.<userName> | is_restricted | User is restricted |
users.<userName> | is_home_user | User is Home User |
users.<userName> | Email address |