Creates playbook(after form confirmed - writing to DB). Fields:
- Name - String(<128 sym.)
- Description - text, where you can write anything. For example describe playbook task by task.
- Body - playbook body written in YAML. Additional syntax rules:
- Object must be Array of playbooks(begins with e.g. " - hosts:")
- hosts must contain only "<%group%>", to be processes runned correctly
- If playbook contains vars field, every variable must have default value written.
You can check syntax by clicking on button "Check Syntax" while creating Playbook or calling method
When you writting playbook from interface, next fields will be filled automatically:
- User ID and user Group ID will be used as Owner and Group of new playbook
- Rights bytes 700(rwx------)
- Create time
By this action you can change data at playbook fields.
MANAGE access-level required
Will open AnsiblePlaybookProcess.create
USE access-level required
You can edit Playbooks name by clicking on edit-icon near the playbooks name and entering new name in opened form.
MANAGE access-level required
You can change Playbooks access rights using the table of checkboxes which you can see at Playbook show page. Rights are separated by 3 levels:
- Use
- Manage
- Admin
And by 3 groups:
- Owner
- Group
- Others
You can change playbooks owner, by clicking on edit-icon near the playbooks owner name and choosing needed from dropdown list.
ADMIN access-level required
You can change playbooks group, by clicking on edit-icon near the playbooks owner name and choosing needed from dropdown list.
ADMIN access-level required
This action will delete Playbook from DB
ADMIN access-level required
Creates Process instance and writes it to DB. Process has the following fields:
- proc_id - Unical numeric identificator, key DB field
- install_id - SecureRandom UUID, uses as group
- playbook_id - Playbook ID, which is runned
- uid - User ID, who created process
- create_time - Time when Process was created
- start_time - Time when Process was runned
- end_time - TIme when Process was ended
- status - Process status(one from eight: PENDING - created, RUNNING - started and working, SUCCESS - ended successfully(no failed tasks and most tasks are ok), CHANGED - most of tasks are "changed", UNREACHABLE - most of tasks are "unreachable", that means that most of hosts were unreachable, FAILED - some tasks are failed, LOST - log file lost, DONE - process deleted)
- log - Ansible default log text
- hosts - VMs IDs and their IPs with ports list, where current playbook should be runned or where runned
- vars - variables which were given to run this playbook
- playbook_name - playbook name(saves to be used in UI)
- runnable - playbook body with inserted variables
- comment - comment attached to Process
- codes - ansible tasks codes (ok, unreachable, changed, failed)
Runs playbook at given hosts
Sets Process status to DONE