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Durable is durable execution engine. You write a workflow and durable takes care of running it to completion, regardless of whether your application is restarted, updated, or otherwise becomes unavailable while it is running.


  • Reliably runs workflows to completion, even if the host running the workflow is interrupted while it is running.
  • Supports running the worker embedded within an existing application.
  • Provides at-least-once semantics for external effects by workflows and exactly-once semantics for changes made to the database that is being used by the worker.

Getting started

To try it out locally, run

# First, start up a postgresql database for durable to use.
cargo xtask dev -d

cargo run --bin durable-worker --features cli -- \
    --database-url postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres \

Now, in another terminal, build the example workflows.

To do this you will need to have installed cargo-component.

cargo install --locked cargo-component
cargo component build --examples --features sqlx,http --profile wasm

Now, you can run it on the worker we created above.

cargo run --bin durable -- launch \
    --database-url postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres \
    --tail \
    'my first task' target/wasm32-wasip1/wasm/examples/hello-world.wasm

This should then output

Hello, my first task!

You can see more of what can be done with durable by looking at the examples in the examples crate.

Writing a Workflow

Durable workflows are wasm components that use WASI to interact with the durable runtime. In practice, this means that you write a small rust program that uses the [durable] crate and then compile that to a wasm component by using cargo-component.

Let's do just that!

Here is our workflow:

use std::net::IpAddr;
use serde::Deserialize;

struct Ip {
    origin: IpAddr

fn main() {
    let response = durable::http::get("")
        .expect("failed to send an HTTP request");
    let response: Ip = response
        .expect("response contained unexpected JSON");

    println!("This workflow was run at {}", response.origin);

All this workflow does is make a request to, which returns the IP address of the host that made the request.

Here's the Cargo.toml we'll need. Note that we need the http feature of durable.

name = "example-http"
version = "0.0.0"
edition = "2021"

serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

git = ""
features = ["http"]

Now we can build our crate by running cargo-component:

cargo component --bin example-http

This will give us a wasm binary that we can then run on a durable worker using the durable command:

durable launch --tail 'http example' target/wasm32-wasip1/example-http.wasm \
    --database-url postgres://your/database

Note that you will need to have a worker running on the same postgres database in order for the task to run.

How it works

At its basic level, durable works by recording the outcomes of any external effects performed by a workflow. If you make an HTTP request, or a database transaction, then the results of that operation gets saved as an event in the database. If the workflow ever gets interrupted it will be restarted on a different worker. However, this time, instead of redoing the external effects that have already been done it will return the saved results from the first execution within the event log.

To illustrate this, lets consider a workflow that looks like this:

use std::time::Duration;

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let response = durable::http::get("").send()?;

    println!("Got response:\n{}", response.text());


If this runs normally, without being interrupted, then the event log at the end might look something like this:

idx | event         | data
0   | http/send     | HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...
1   | now           | 10293101412
2   | sleep_until   |
3   | write         | 2031

We can see the task making the HTTP request, getting the current time, sleeping, and then writing to the log. At each point, it records what the result of that operation to the event log.

Suppose, now, that instead of running until the end, the worker running the workflow dies during the call to sleep_until. When this happens, the event log looks like this:

idx | event         | data
0   | http/send     | HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...
1   | now           | 10293101412

Some other worker picks up the workflow and starts running it from the top. However, something is different this time around, when the workflow makes the HTTP request it looks at the event log and sees the previous entry recorded within. Instead of doing the HTTP request again, it just reads the response from last time and returns that. The same happens with the call to now.

Now that the workflow has reached where it was interrupted before we can continue where we left off before. Since the workflow is sandboxed, and external function calls are recorded, workflow execution is deterministic1. This means that this new execution of the workflow should be in the same state as the previous one was killed within.


  1. By using interior mutability and some more advanced features of the durable crate it is possible to break this, which would result in executions that differ from each other. This is not easy to do accidentally, though, so is usually not an issue.