- Tendermint deployed on k8
- bcp-demo v5 deployed with wallets, atomic swaps
- Sentry node architecture
- Monitoring and Metrics
- Testnet Faucet
- HTTPS rpc proxies
- Basic load/failure testing
- Auto-scaling sentry nodes (at least rpc)
- Documentation and support channels
- Use sha512 prehash on tx before verifying signature, to allow web4 to provide ledger support
- Unify field naming src/dest or from/to as suggested by Isabella
- Add new extension to bcp-demo
- Support for NFT creation, ownership, and sending
- Support for atomic swap with NFT and/or fungible tokens
- Example of value name on top of NFT
- Solid test coverage
- Remove namecoin implementation to replace with value name NFT
- Deployed to mainnet
- Standardize logging solution (based directly on go-kit?)
- Custom abci server implementation (fork or base on improvemint rewrite from Ethan)
- Fork IAVL for minimal dependencies and clean up
- Modified, fast data level using eg. badger db and read only queries for much less writes
- Multi-message transactions (so multi-sig can enable swap)
- Groups as on-chain threshold sigs with admin function
- System wide benchmarks of various transactions types
- Better metrics to view processing times for various transactions
- Benchmarks/profiling of weave/bcp-demo (unit test style)
- Cache signatures for speed-up
- Optimize datastore implementations