This stack contains the GUI, calculators, interpreters and runners required to implement any ARAIG test.
The actual launch files per robot will be stored in araig_robot_packages
Benchmarking for these components per test will be stored in araig_benchmarks
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src
pip install -r requirement.txt
- python dependencies:
- you can use
rosdep resolve <pkg name>
to check if this pkg is defined in rosdep/python.yaml. If it can be found, it should be able to be installed by rosdep. If not, this pkg will be defined in requirement.txt. That's why you should runpip install -r requirement.txt
- There is also possible rosdep can find python pkg but it can't install. (ipa-kut has this issue)
- you can use
- docker image:
- you can use
docker pull ros:melodic-ros-core
ordocker pull ros:melodic-ros-base
. melodic-ros-core doesn't include rosdep or other basic tool.
- you can use