- Proposed by: @miyazono
- Led by: @miyazono
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Who Should Attend: anyone interested in asking questions at or beyond the bounds of what cryptography and distributed systems can currently do
- Who has to be there in order for it to work: @miyazono and about 5 interested people (Nice to have: @diasdavid, @pgte, @stebalien, @nayafia, and anyone else who's enthusiastic about this)
- Objective: Provide an overview of the Open Problem Statements and RFP program and elicit participation on generating open problems
- Activity: Give a quick background talk and then lead a small-group activity before regrouping for a summary.
- Outcome: Generate some new open problem statement drafts (maybe candidate RFPs) and increase awareness about the open problem statments
- Start with a 10 minute presentation
- ~5 minutes on the goals and scope of PLR
- ~5 minutes on open problem statements and RFP program
- Spend 10 minutes coaching through an audience example open problem
- Split off and have audience members work draft for 30 minutes
- Give each group ~2 minutes to describe their open problem.