- Welcome to the IPFS & libp2p Developers Meeting - Matt Zumwalt
- libp2p and IPFS Overview - Matt Zumwalt
- libp2p in 2018 - Juan Benet
- Protocol Labs Research Overview - Evan Miyazono
- Demo - libp2p Network Visualization Tool - Juan Benet
- IPFS Cluster Update - Hector Sanjuan
- DDC Working Group 2018 Updates - André Cruz
- JS- IPFS 0.30 Release - David Dias
- IPFS in Web Browsers - Marcin Rataj
- JS Core Dev Q1+Q2 2018 Update - David Dias
- Peer Star Status Update - André Cruz
- DEX - Smart File Importing - Juan Benet
- Decentralized Data Stewardship - Matt Zumwalt
- Demo - libp2p Interfaces - Juan Benet
- Demo - libp2p Interfaces Part 2 - David Dias
- Demo - libp2p Network Visualization Tool - Juan Benet
- Lightning Demos - PEERGOS - Dr. Ian Preston
- Lightning Demos - Exchange Files in IPFS - Diogo Silva
- Lightning Demos - IPFS Graphs - Juan Benet
- Lightning Demos - IPFS & p2p - Steven Allen
- Lightning Demos - Private Networks GO and JS-IPFS - Jacob Heun
- Lightning Demos - IPFS-SENC - Juan Benet
- Lightning Demos - Data Security in IPFS - Dr. Ian Preston
- Lightning Demos - Rabin - Juan Benet
- Lightning Demos - Service Worker Gateway - Vasco Santos
- Lightning Demos - QRI - Brendan O' Brien
- Lightning Demos - OpenBazaar - Chris Pacia
- Lightning Demos - Peer Bandwidth Chart - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - MFS Fuse - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - Peer Maps - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - Textile - Andrew Hill
- Lightning Demos - pServer - Wei Yang
- Lightning Demos - window.IPFS - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - IPLD Explorer CLI - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - Files and IPFS Companion - Marcin Rataj
- Lightning Demos - VRQ Recovery - jonnycrunch
- Project Updates, Lightning Talks Q&A - Decentralized Identifiers - jonnycrunch
- Live Keynotes - Peer Discovery Protocols - Juan Benet
- Objective: Allow many projects to disseminate information across the entire set of attendees.
- Activity: In a lecture format, allow a group of people to give pre-prepared 5-minute updates on their projects.
- Outcome: Recordings of all the project updates and shared context for conference attendees to operate from.
Short project updates in rapid succession. No more than 30-45 minutes at a time (6-9 updates). This can/should be done more than once at the meetings to give at least 12-18 projects exposure.
Duration 30-45 minutes Who Should Attend: Everyone Who has to be there in order for it to work: People who want to give a project update.
This is a running list. Suggest more via PRs, or contact @flyingzumwalt to add something
Here's a sketch of updates we could have on Day 1 and Day 2. People might want to do another session of updates during the unconference on Day 3.
Topic/Project | Presenter |
IPFS ecosystem overview | @flyingzumwalt |
js-ipfs | @diasdavid |
go-ipfs | @whyrusleeping |
libp2p | @mgoelzer |
IPLD | @stebalien |
DDC WG | @satazor & gpestana (in lieu @pgte) |
ipfs-cluster | @hsanjuan |
infrastructure | @lgierth or @eefahy |
Topic/Project | Presenter |
textile.io (Adding the world's personal data to IPFS) | @anderewxhill |
orbit-db | @haadcode |
merklebuilds! | @warpfork |
IPID DID Method Spec | @jonnycrunch |
Web Browsers WG | @lidel |
GUI WG | @olizilla |
peer-star | @satazor (in lieu of @pgte) |
Data Stewardship & Data Together | @flyingzumwalt and @meiqimichelle |
pserver (demo) | @waynewyong |
If you want to propose a lightning talk, add it to this list via a Pull Request.
Topic/Project | Presenter |
?? | ?? |