Category: core-dev | Proposed by: Mark Henderson (, Joonas Koivunen (Equilibrium Labs)
Rust, the programming language, has enjoyed a recent spike in popularity. This is due both to its inclusive community, and also being a safe systems language with performance comparable to C and C++. An IPFS implementation written in Rust only makes sense.
The IPFS community agrees, and since then has created an astonishing amount of output. David Craven’s “rust-ipfs”, the work of the multiformats team, and of course Parity’s rust-libp2p. Our aim is to build upon this work, forking only when necessary, and carry the torch across the finish line.
If funded, the IPFS implementation detailed in this proposal would be a properly stewarded Rust codebase that could stand alongside its Go and JS siblings, and be used successfully in a variety of contexts: either as a “crate,” a command line interface, or via its familiar HTTP API.
At the very least, we hope that our effort in scoping and planning is useful to any others who might want to continue - and hopefully complete - this work.
We agree to license past and future contributions of this proposal under the dual MIT/Apache-2.0 license, allowing licensees to choose either at their option.
- Project Description
- Project Plan
The following proposal details our project plan for the delivery of Rust IPFS. In deciding which pieces of IPFS functionality to tackle first, we focused on a pair of end use cases:
- Applications that leverage IPLD, such as OrbitDB and other types of event sourcing
- Gateway nodes, which enrich the network by making public content more accessible
In preparation for this, the team researched the existing community contributions and, by way of a diligent gap analysis, have charted out the path to delivery. During execution, the team will use a very simple metric to report progress: the number of HTTP endpoints implemented.
After development is complete, Equilibrium Labs has offered to steward the project, which will provide necessary stability, and survive the previous work of others. This should significantly boost community morale.
The Rust programming language has a dual value in both its feature set and its community.
A viable Rust implementation of IPFS would:
- Bring greater exposure to IPFS within the Rust community
- Publicity opportunities at Rust-themed events such as conferences and meetups
- Exposure to C and other APIs via Foreign Function Interfaces (FFIs)
- Enable additional opportunities in the embedded firmware and resource constrained spaces, which opens the door to things like IoT, automotive, industrial, and wearable devices
- See the Awesome Embedded Rust list for some examples
- Enable additional opportunities in the WebAssembly space
The IPFS and Rust communities together have done an astounding job putting together these projects. By thoroughly leveraging these community efforts we can save some of time and money while fostering community morale and inclusion.
- secio: fast moving, recently
compatible PeerId inlining was merged - protocol selection with yamux or mplex multiplexing
- dht: cannot comment at this time on completeness or interoperability
- floodsub should now be compatible, gossipub was merged in recently
- ongoing work on QUIC support, probably out of scope for now but something to keep an eye on
- swarm management, id, ping and support for building bitswap, as demonstrated by @dvc94ch's work on rust-ipfs
- implementation differences in aes-ctr (pending PR)
Action item: learn more about status of DHT implementation in rust-libp2p.
- rust-ipfs includes Merkledag (dag-pb) and dag-cbor over an unifying
abstraction on top of rust-protobuf and custom version of
crate - rust-ipld includes dag-cbor on top of custom encoder and decoder, even multiblock types in a separate project rust-ipld-collections
- protobuf encoding and decoding are mature and there exists at least three solutions for the project needs with different trade-offs (rust-protobuf, quick-protobuf, prost!)
- cbor encoding and decoding for serde has
existed for a while, but the main crate only recently added support for
tagged values, something which has
been missing a while at least from the larger
community, which the is the core crate for dealing with json alike formats- supporting tags has been discussed for a while but problematic as they appear in formats which are essentially a superset of JSON, like CBOR
- there is ongoing work at vmx/rust-ipld on top of recently enabled serde_cbor tag support
- JSON format support can be considered mature with serde_json
- supporting IPLD dag-json documents will need work
What is definitely missing is support for IPLD selectors on one account of
their spec
is still in draft status. The functionality required by ipfs dag get
has been
at least partially implemented already in rust-ipfs. The existing attempts
are expected to evolve and will be considered to be used and extended, which
ever looks most promising at the start of the project. Our understanding is
that @vmx intends to implement the more advanced features of IPLD in the near
- Multiple existing key-value store solutions randing from wrappers of databases written in different languages to fully rust solutions
- Initial filesystem and rocksdb based stores in rust-ipfs by @dvc94ch
- The only found implementation is in rust-ipfs by, again, @dvc94ch, which has been tested to exchange block with go-ipfs 0.4.22 and an older rust-libp2p
The "async story" of Rust enabling for example high performance web services is still evolving at great speed but there exists some longer running projects enabling the building of HTTP API as is required to enable testing such as warp.
ferriseng/rust-ipfs-api provides HTTP API bindings in Rust.
We want to make a codebase that will last into the future. Equilibrium Labs and, along with the support of the community, pledge to continue to maintain the Rust IPFS to best of their ability and within any financial constraints that exist.
Much like we will build upon community efforts, we will also enable and encourage others to build upon our work. This will be a twofold effort that includes both permissive licensing and community outreach: onboarding as many new contributors as possible, mapping the work out into issues of different levels of difficulty, and providing mentorship.
Mark Henderson | Joonas Koivunen | TBD |
Rust Developer, Project Manager | Rust Developer | Rust Developer |
+github +website +resume | +github +linkedin | |
Core contributor, OrbitDB. Implemented an Ambients Protocol parser/compiler in Rust | Current rust-ipfs contributor + Rust-lang tooling contributor + experience with database implementations in Rust | A qualified Rust Developer to be provided by Equilibrium Labs |
We propose a phased approach, with each deliverable building on the last while still itself being comprehensive, usable software that the community can build upon and continue to build. The phases are designed to fit cleanly within quarters of the year, starting partway through Q1 2020.
Phase 1.0:
- Initial Interoperability Report
- HTTP endpoint scaffolding (with 501 not implemented default)
This quick phase sets the baseline for interoperability testing. At this point we expect
that most, if not all, tests will fail with a 501 NOT IMPLEMENTED
error. This will become
the key metric of progress on the project.
Phase 1.1:
- Blockstore implementation
- Node Instantiation and Identity
- HTTP endpoints for /pubsub/, /swarm, /version, /id
From there, we will begin the shortest path to enabling IPLD applications to be written in Rust. Choosing and building (or building upon) a blockstore implementation, followed by enabling several HTTP endpoints.
Phase 1.2:
- Bitswap testing and fixes
- HTTP endpoints for /block, /dag, /refs, /bitswap
Existing community work will be extremely beneficial to this stage, as many HTTP endpoints can likely be enabled by writing simple wrapper code around existing crates.
Phase 2.0:
The goal of Phase 2, at the time of this writing, is IPFS Gateway functionality, allowing for swarming and content sharing. We've marked this phase highly TBD due to a rapidly changing ecosystem.
Minimum IPLD support will be required for existing ipfs dag get
and ipfs dag put
functionality, including but likely not limited to:
- Default: Transcoding from JSON to CBOR
- Both CBOR and JSON: canonicalization (open discussion in ipld/specs#236)
- Support “paths” to navigate the DAG
- CBOR, JSON: Link can be resolved from any value
- CBOR, JSON: Paths can resolve to documents
- Protobuf: Links are named top level values (assumed to be used with UnixFSv1.x only)
- Protobuf: Paths can resolve to documents only
Following the progress of go-graphsync
the IPLD support will need to be extended to
- Parsing IPLD selectors as transferred by Graphsync (CBOR)
- Depth-first walking according to the selector (inter-document and over links), providing support for recording the loaded blocks during walk
ipfs dag resolve
has been proposed to demonstrate and test this functionality
- Traversals in all formats (CBOR, JSON, Protobuf)
This would give a solid foundation to implement Graphsync on top of these services in a later phase.
Many functions that IPFS rely on are wrappers around libp2p functions. These are:
ipfs swarm *
ipfs pubsub *
There are roughly 153 HTTP API endpoints that a typical IPFS implementation exposes. While there are a number of other metrics we could choose to suitably track progress, “How many endpoints have been implemented in Rust so far?” is an easy question to ask.
This proposal covers about 80 commands, with a number being deemed out of scope. See Figure 4 at the end of the document for a breakdown of which commands fall under which project phase, and Out of Scope Commands for a list out of scope commands.
Note: Throughout the proposal, we will refer to commands using either the URL path or the
CLI represntation of the command, and they should be thought of as interchangable. For example
will be referred to as ipfs add
or simply add
Our definition of done aims to be as robust as our KPI is simple. Each command will be considered done when the following requirements are met:
- There is a working Rust implementation of the command’s functionality
- Code is “linted” i.e. code formatting via rustfmt and language idioms via clippy
- There is an HTTP binding for said command exposed via the IPFS daemon
- (Optional) There is a CLI command that utilizes either the Rust APIs or the HTTP APIs
- There are functional and/or unit tests written, and they are passing
- There is suitable documentation. In our case, this means:
- Each command has a usage example and API specification
- Top-level commands with subcommands display usage instructions
- Rustdoc tests are passing on all code-level comments
- Differences between Rust’s implementation and Go or JS are explained
- There are passing conformance tests, approved by Protocol Labs
The commands listed below are deemed out of scope for this proposal, and will not be included as part of the Rust IPFS implementation work done within.
The following commands are simply not required by our use case:
ipfs cid
ipfs diag cmds
ipfs files *
ipfs key { gen, list, rename, rm }
ipfs mount
ipfs p2p
ipfs shutdown
ipfs stats bitswap
ipfs swarm filters
ipfs tar { add, cat }
ipfs bootstrap { add, rm }
ipfs config { profile, replace }
The following commands are experimental:
ipfs filestore { dups, ls, verify }
ipfs urlstore { add }
The following commands are or will be deprecated:
ipfs file { ls }
ipfs object { data, diff, ... }
- ipfs update will likely be handled by cargo install
- Private network support via a swarm key is out of scope.
Phase 1.0 covers project setup, and a baseline conformance test / interoperability report.
- Project Setup
- Git Repository Setup
- Crate + Subcrate Structures
- Conformance testing via js-ipfsd-ctl, interface-js-ipfs-core
- Conformance Report
- Interoperability testing via ipfs/interop
- Interop Report
- Project Milestone Report
Development will take place over an estimated 3-4 weeks of development. The following chart assumes a week 10 start date (Mar 2). We can be flexible in terms of start dates, however starting as soon as possible is preferable due to the above risk assessment.
All figures are estimates.
Number of Hours | Hourly Rate | Total (Euros) | Total (USD) | |
Software Development and Project Management | 164 hours | 120€ | 19,680€ | $21,832.01 |
Phase 1.1 will complete the work started in Phase 1.0, fully enabling IPLD application support via Rust crate functions, the HTTP API, as well as CLI commands.
- Blockstore Implementation
- Definition of Done for:
- Project Milestone Report
- Updated Conformance Tests
- Updated Interop Tests
Development will take place over an estimated 2-3 weeks of development. The following chart assumes a week 11 start date (Mar 9).
All figures are estimates.
Number of Hours | Hourly Rate | Total (Euros) | Total (USD) | |
Software Development and Project Management | 122 hours | 120€ | 14,640€ | $15866.54 |
- Bitswap testing and fixes
- Definition of Done for:
- Project Milestone Report
- Updated Conformance Tests
- Updated Interop Tests
Development will take place over an estimated 2-3 weeks of development. The following chart assumes a week 13 start date (Mar 23).
All figures are estimates.
Number of Hours | Hourly Rate | Total (Euros) | Total (USD) | |
Software Development and Project Management | 112 hours | 120€ | 13,440€ | $14566.00 |
At this point, it's likely that the landscape will have changed such that we can't sufficiently scope or estimate work meaningfully. We'd like to treat Phase 2 and onward as TBD, with the intent of scoping and estimating the following work over time, as we move through Phase 1 and Phase 2.
That being said: This phase would contain the minimum viable feature set within rust-ipfs to allow it to peer and share data with an existing go-ipfs or js-ipfs node, or perhaps even a public gateway.
- Definition of Done for remaining endpoints
- CLI bindings
- Flagship Rust IPFS Public Gateway Production Deployment
- Performance and resource utilization tuning for resource-constrained devices like the Pi Zero
- Benchmarking using existing IPLD projects such as OrbitDB